The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)

1 Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, Wednesday, March 12, 1941 Unless You Look Over the Automobile Ads Here Daily You'll Be Missing Amazingly Low Prices Now Offered on Late Models Shipping News Port Movement Arrived Berwindvale (Am. in 6:15 p. m. (Monday) from Boston to Hampton Roads to load coal. Berwin-White Coal Mining Co.

Madison (Am. SS. in 6:40 a. m. (Tuesday) from New York Norfolk to discharge and load cargo.

Eastern Steamship Lines. Middlesox in 7215 m. (Tuesday) from Buckeport to Newport News 10 load coal. C. H.

Sprague Son Co. West Nilus (Am. in 8:40 m. (Tuesday. from Baltimore to- Norfolk to load Pacitic.

Codst Direst Line. Phoenix (Am. in 030 Norfolk a. m. (Tuesday) from Savannah to discharge oll.

Master, agent. Maltran (Am. 10:40 a. m. (Tuesday) from Portland to Hampton Roads to load coal.

Master. agent. Berkshire (Am. in 2:40 p. m.

to (Tuesday) load coal. C. H. Sprague Son Co. from Boston to Newport News Battleboro (tug), in 3:10 p.

m. (Tuesday) towing three barges. Sailed Mormacgull. (Am. SS), out 5:50 p.

m. (Monday) South America with general cargo loaded at Norfolk. Junista (Am. -out- 7.25- m. (Monday) for Boston with general cargo loaded at Norfolk.

(Monday) for Houston in ballast. Gulfstar (Am. out 10:20 p. m. Upshur (Am.

out 5:45 a. m. (Tuesday) for Providence with general cargo loaded at Norfolk. James Elwood Jones (Am. 5:45 a.m.

(Tuesday) for New. York with cargo of coal loaded at Norfolk. Manrice Tracy (Am. out 7 a.m. (Tuesday) for New York with cargo of conl loaded at Newport ews.

Berwindvale -(Am. out 8:10 a. m. (Tuesday) for Boston with cargo of coal loaded at Norfolk. Thomas Tracy (Am.

out 10 a. m. (Tuesday) for New York with Cargo coal loaded at Newport News. Roanoke (Am. out 10:10 a m.

(Tuesday) for Port Arthur in ballast: Newton (Am. out 1:45 p. m. (Tues day) for New Haven with cargo of coal loaded at Norfolk. Menominee (tug).

out 3:40 p. m. (Tuesday) towing two barges. Hydrographic Branch Office U. S.

Customs House The Hydrographic Office under the Navy Department is established to aid mariners, It publishes national charts, books, tables and periodicals. It broadcasts by radio vessels, Its branch offices are prepared to serve mariners in any way and they are invited to call at the office between thre hours of 9 and 4:30 where they will be cordially welcomed. Mariners are requested to forward to the nearest Branch Hydrographic Office all byrographie information. High Water Low Water Sun A.M. P.M.

A.M. P.M. Rises Seta 8:03 8:28 1:56 2:26 6:21 6:09 18 8:51 9:16 2:44 3:10 6:20 6:10 9:40 10:05 3:33 3:54 6:18 6:11 15 .10:29.10:55 4:21 4:40 6:16 6:12 16 .11:18 11:48 5:12 5:27 6:15 6:13 17 12:10 6:05 6:19 6:14 6:14 18. .12:41 1:02 7:03 7:19 6:12 6:15 19 1:38 2:00 8:08 8:24 6:11 6:16 20 2:42 3:06 9:15 9:32 6:09 6:17 Moon's Phases- First quarter, 6th: full moon. 13th; last quarter, 19th: new moon.

27th. To Obtain Times of High or Low Water Norfolk Navy Yard. add 20 minutes. Norfolk Yacht Club. add 15 minutes.

Newport News, add 10 minutes. Craney Island, add 5. minutes. Warwick River, add 55 minutes. Jamestown Island, add 2 hrs.

55 min. Old Point, substract 10 minutes. Cape York Charles Harbor subtract subtract 15 15 minutes. min. Light, Ocean View, subtract 20 minutes.

Lynnhaven Inlet, subtract 40 minutes. Cape Henry, subtract 1 hour, Virginia Beach, subtract 1 br. 5 min. Oregon. Inlet, subtract 1 br.

30 min. Domestic Ports Boston, March (P) -Arrived: Mormacgull. Buenos Aires: Florida Cuba: West Ira, Los Angeles: Fairfax, Miami: Alleghany. Boston; Woonsocket, Norfolk. Sailed: Losmar, Los Angeles: Fairfax.

Jacksonville; Alleghany, Boston: W. W. Bruce, Lake Charles: Pan Georgia. Texas City: Hanley, Los Angeles (10th): destinations not given: Amarylis Papoose, Chirripo Everalda Charleston, S. March 11 rived: Ozark, New York: Panamaian.

Norfolk. Sailed: Ozark, Jacksonville; Panamiaian, Savannah. Jacksonville, March (A) -Arrived: Star Stone. sea: esbjorn, Cuba: Arizona, Gulf. Sailed: San Luis, sea: Arizona, Gulf: Gulfland, Port Arthur: Cuba: Nicholas Cuneo, Cuba: Eebp*rn, sea.

Savannah, March 11, (P)-Arrived: Chatham, Jacksonville: Lexington, Philadelphia: City of Chattanooga, New York. Sailed: Chatham, Baltimore: Ardmore. Galveston, News of Courts Federal District Court Judge Luther B. Way Bankrupteles John Hollander, salesman, 811 Shirley avenue, filed a petition of voluntary bankrupct, listing liabilities at $7.078. assets and no exemptions.

Moses Ehrenworth attorney for petitioner, Henry Carr, grinder, 740B Twenty-fifth street, Newport News, filed a petition volunary bankruptey, listing liabilities $289, assets at $146, and exemptions $100. Frank Pitchford, Newport News, attorney for petitioner. Circuit Court Judge Allan R. Hanckel Salts in Chancery Ethel Inez Crenshaw Crowder va. Hubert H.

Crowder. Samuel Levin attorney for plaintiff. Esther Carter Moorfield vs. Cason Hale Moorefield. R.

R. Pontifex- and R. H. Hopkins attorneys for plaintiff. Aurelia Foreman Phelps vs.

Ceell Phelps. Page, Page Page attorneys for plaintiff. Alethia Burrell Jackson -a. Elvin Jackson. John H.

Fulcher attorney for Cases Dismissed P. M. Eslick ve. Master, Mates and Pilots of America, Loeal No. 9, and B.

T. Hurst, acting as authorized agent and secretary of the association, and B. T. Hurst individually: motion for judgment to collect $10,000, dismissed under two-year rule. Venable, Miller, Pilcher Parsons attorneys for plaintiff.

John W. Oast. Jr. attorney for defendant. W.

Hudnall vs. Masters. Mates and Pilots of America, Local No. 9, and B. T.

Burst, acting 35 authorized agent and secretary for the association, and B. T. Hurst individually; motion for judgment to collect $10,000, dismissed under twoyear rule. Venable. Miller, Pilcher Parsons attorneys for plaintiff.

John W. Oast, attorney for defendant: Divorce Decree Tarver Rosboro McKnight V8. Edna Louise McKnight; decree of divorce from bed and board. Louis B. Fine attorney for plaintiff.

W. Leary Cooper attorney for defendant. Corporation Court No. 1 Richard B. Spindle Case Heard Edward Blair Baker, pleading guilty to the embebblement of $311 from the Norfolk.

Baltimore Carolina Steamship Line. testimony, heard by court and sentence taken under advisem*nt. Corporation Court No. 2 Judge James U. Goode Sentences Otis White, pleading guilty to the theft of truck valued at $500 from Howard Cleaners, sentenced to five years in the penitentiary.

Henry Thomas and Otis White, both pleading guilty to the joint charge of stealing clothes valued at $57 from Compeco Cleaners. each sentenced to five sears in the penitentiary. Fred Stevenson, charged with burglary, found guilty by a jury which fixed his punishment at 12 months in jail and $200 tine, sentence imposed by the court. Court of Law and Chancery Judge 0. L.

Shackleford Judgments William M. Sharp Va. Samuel A. the Gallop, James Riddick and Local of In- AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles For Sale MERCURY 1939 town sedan: radio: brand new white sidewall tires: clean; easy terms: small down payment: privately owned. Dial 41583, 7 to 9:30, evenings.

OLDSMOBILE 1938 four-door sedan: spacious built-in trunk: gleaming, scarred black finish: seat covers; praetically new tires: thoroughly gone-over and motor carefully tuned: the cleanest and nicest car in town, today at our price of only $529: easy terms. Norfolk Motor Dealer. 905 Granby OLDSMOBILE 1939 four sedan with large built-in trunk: tailor made seat covers: push button radio: beater: beautiful gleaming light blue finish: practically new tires: exceptionally clean inside: only $595 for this splendid. reming car: easy terms. Norfolk Motor Co.

Cadillac Oldsmobile Dealer, 905 Granby St. OLDSMOBILE 1939 two-door sedan: beautiful car finished in gleaming black and equipped with heater and radio: broadcloth upholstery same as new: tires show practically no wear: mechanically right; only $529: easy terms. Norfolk Motor Cadillac-Oldsmobile Dealer. 905 Granby St. OLDSMOBILE-1940 custom cruiser four-door sedan: here's car with low mileage and absolutely in new car condition: seat covers and interior Jooks 88 if it hasn't been used: beautifut finish with not a scratch: buy this and save: only $895; easy terms.

Norfolk Motor Cadillac-Oldsmobile Dealer, 905 Granby St. OLDSMOBILE-1939 four-door touring sedan with economical 6-cylinder motor: painted the popular two-tone color combination, maroon and light tan: looks like, a 1940 model: has plaid seat covers and de luxe steering wheel: this 16 another of Perry Buick's guaranteed ExRayed Used Cars. See A. J. Harmon, Perry Buick Granby St.

at 15th. Dial 21675. OLDSMOBILE 1937 four -door sedan: original unscarred green finish: spotless broadcloth upholstery: white sidewall tires: motor thoroughly checked and tuned to give the best of service: only $429; terms to suit. Norfolk Motor Cadillac-Oldsmobile Dealer, 905 Granby St. PACKARD-1939 two sedan: large built-in trunk: every shows the Food care this car has received: practi-12 cally new tires: interior very clean: completely gone-over and motor is like new: don't miss this bargain at $649; easy terms.

Norfolk. Motor Co. Cadillac-Oldsmobile Dealer, 905 Granby street. PACKARD 1940 super "'8" four -door touring sedan: trunk: here's prestige and beauty all in one: this senior model radiates the fine care it has had in the past and not a flaw can be found anywhere inside and out: black finish that glistens like new: 5 General tires that are excellent: loaded with useful accessories, including a built-in radio: you would search a long way to duplicate this exceptionally fine automobile: guaranteed and priced to sell at $1,250, or $400 down, balance 24 months. Packard Norfolk, 1500 Granby St.

PLYMOUTH-1936 de luxe four-door sedan: good paint and rubber: an usually good buy; must sell quick: small down payment: can finance balance. Dial 45676. PLYMOUTH-1940 de luxe two door se. dan: excellent -condition in every way: must sell at once: consider small trade and give easy terms. Dial 30826, Ask for Mr.

Roughton. PLYMOUTH-1940 de luxe touring sedan: original unscarred gray finish: clean inside and out: low mileage and ready to give you many miles of splendid service: real buy at only $595: easy terms. Norfolk Motor Cadillac-Oldsmobile Dealer. 905 Granby St. PLYMOUTH-1939 convertible coupe.

with radio, spotlight and genuine leather upholstery. The sportiest job in town. In exceptionally fine condition in every respect. Liberal trade and terms. Our written guarantee.

"Nick" Wright Motor Inc. Inside the building on "Nick" Wright's corner. 21st St. and Colonial Ave. Dial 22358.

PLYMOUTH-1939 de luxe coupe: origi nal' unscarred black finish: white sidewall tires: extra equipment, including fender guards and Stewart- Warner South Wind spotless interior: motor checked and tuped: a splendid buy at only $495: terms. Norfolk Motor Cadillac Oldsmobile Dealer, 005 Granby. St. PLYMOUTH-1939 two-door touring dan: looks and runs like new: perfect tires: very clean upholstery: will sell at real bargain price and take small car in trade: easy terms on balance. Call Mr.

Daniels, 41261. PLYMOUTH-1937 -door sedan: motor has just been overhauled and 18 perfect: good tires and paint; very clean inside: state tags: priced to sell quick: take trade and give terms to suit. Call Mr. Midgette, 41261- PONTIAC-1936 two door 8-cylinder: good condition: price right. Dial.

39220. STUDEBAKER 1939 Commander four door sedan: large built-in trunk: gleamblack finish: tires show hardly any wear: has had exceptionally good and interior can't be told from new: real buy at $595: easy terms. Norfolk Motor. Dealer, 905 Granby St. Mechanies and others: oldsmobile 1940, serial 70, fordor sedan: used 7 months: in.

damaged condition: as is to highest bid submitted in writing: may be seen at Norfolk Motor Inc. H. E. Simmons, owner. 1227 Rockbridge Ave.

AUTOMOTIVE DISPLAY 4 STAR MODELS GUARANTEED PRICES USED CAR BARGAIN 1937 Ford "85" Tudor with Sedan Readie $299 1940 Ford Tudor Sedan; Same As $489 1939 Plymouth De Luxe $419 1939. Chevrolet Master Only. Coupe: $429 1939 Chevrolet Master Town -Sedan. $449 Many Others at Same Low Prices DON'T FORGET OUR $89 SPECIALS "Where Customers Send Their Friends" KLINE SALES CORP. GRANBY AND 13TH STS.

Dial 21811 Evenings 21815 U.S. Army Orders to Atlanta; Joseph H. Gamet, Glenview, to, Scott Field; Otto Leslie Totman, Fairfield, to duty, Washington; Louis Francis Rubleman, Owosso, to Edgewood Arsenal; Edward August Rein, Ritsville, to duty, Fort Stevens; Vernon Troy Washington, March (P)- Army orders issued; Cols. Herbert O'Leary, Panama Canal to Boston; Charles H. Traeger, Panama Canall to Governors Island; Robert N.

Bodine, Washington, Panama Canal Dept. Lieut. Cols. Milton Heilfron, CAC, Starkville, to Camp Wallace; William L. Corkill, Fort Sill, to Indianapolis; Albert W.

Rosne, Los Angeles, to Panama City; Robert A. Hale, Camp Bowie, to Brownwood, Tex; Sam W. Anderson. Fort Monroe, to Fort Bragg; St. Clair streett, AC.

ian to Wright Field; Stanley G. Backman, Cacp Polk, to Camp Croft; Oscar P. Snyder, West Point, to Atlanta; Edward H. Taliaferro, Hawajian to Fort Winfield Scott; Robert S. Barr, Hawaijan to Fort Devens; Newton H.

Strickland, New Yory, to Canal Charles M. Panama, Fort Barrancas, to Pensacola. Majs. John R. Culleton, Indianapolis, to Fort Bragg; Vern Walbridge, Hawaiian to Fort Rodman; Walter L.

McCormick, Hawaiian to Fort Monroe; F. Meyers, CAC. Hawaiian to Fort Monroe: Malrolm H. Harwell, Panama Canal Fort Bliss; Clarence M. Tomlinson, Fort Francis E.

Warren, to Fort Bening; Elvin H. Burser, Fort Sam Houston, to Camp Polk; James W. Peyton, Charleston, S. to home, retired; James W. Mosteller, Fort Riley, to Fort Custed; Percy Gatling Hamlin, Williamsburg, to duty Washington; Wiley Reed Wright, Seattle, to duty, Washington; Edwin Truman Thorsness, Denver, to duty, Atlanta; WilGerrish Wilson, Shreveport, to duty, Edgewood Ernest Llewellyn Loomis, Attleboro, to duty, Boston; Canal Capts.

Paul to Elias, Fort Rodman; liam F. Spurgin, Panama Canal to Camp Davis; Roger W. Moore, Panama Canal to Camp Davis; John A. Barclay, OD. Panama Canal to Washington; Charles K.

Allen, New York, to Panama Canal Thurman W. Morris, Dover, N. to Puerto Rican Frederic T. Parker, Atlanta, to Fort Barrancas; Bert L. Lindquist, Carlisle Barracks, to Panama Canal Dept.

Herbert B. Nichols, Boston, to Panama Canal Edward A. Terry, Charleston, to Panama Canal Theodore' E. Fischer, Fort Williams, to Fort Dix; James B. Stapleton, McPherson, ternational Longshoremen's verdiet previously rendered for plaintiff to collect $1,500 from all defendants for alleged discriminatory acts and depriration of employment, on motions: for new trial court entered judgment for the defendant association and against Gallop and Riddick for $1,500.

W. Shepherd Drewry and Ernest S. Merrill attorneys for plaintiff. James G. Martin Son and W.

H. Starkey attorneys for the defendants. EWTON FLORIST N. PHONE 26609 131 COLLEGE PLACE CORNER BOUSH DEATHS BOYETTE. FANNIE- At her residence, 3020 Somme avenue.

Tuesday, March 11, 1941. at 1:15 a. m. MRS. FANNIE SEARS BOYETTE, wife of William Jesse Boyette, in the 83d year of her age.

The body will be taken from the Ewell Williamson Funeral Home, Thirty- fifth street at Colonial aventie, to the Mt. Tabor Baptist Church, in Hertford County. N. for funeral services TOMORROW (Thursday) AFTERNOON. March 13, 1941.

at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family invited to attend. Interment will be in the church cemetery. BELANGA. DONNIE -At her residence, London Bridge, Princess Anne County, Monday, March 10.

1941. at 1.05 m. MRS. DONNIE COOPER BELANGA, wife of Joseph Belanga, in 54th year of her -age. Funeral services will be conducted at the Ewell Williamson Funeral Home.

Thirty-fifth street at Colonial avenue, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, March 12. 1941, at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend. Interment, Nimmo Methodist Church Cemetery. 10 BROOKE MARIA SHELBY--At the Brooke, residence of her son, Douglas Shelby No.

1126 Westover avenue, Monday, March 10, 1941, at 7 o'clock a. MARIA SHELBY, widow of Warner Lewis Brooke, and daughter of the late Frank Bernard and Anna Williams man. Funeral services at the above residence. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON at o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend.

Interment, private. Elmwood Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. mh11-2t WRIGHT. MILTON -Suddenly, Monday, November 10, 1941.

about 8:30 o'clock, MILTON F. WRIGHT, beloved husband of Mrs. Georgie Thompson Wright, in the 50th year of his age. Funeral will be conducted THURS. DAY AFTERNOON.

March 13, at o'clock the funeral chapel of James V. 1920 Colley avenue, corner Harrington avenue. Friends of the family invited to attend, Burial, Forest Lawn cemetery. 11 SAWYER, ARTHUR EMMERSON-ARE 78, at his residence. 311 Reeves avenue.

Monday morning, March 10, 1941, at 3:30 o'clock, ARTHUR EMMERSON SAWYER, son of the late Albert and Mary Sawyer, and husband of Mary Shirley Sawyer. The body was removed to the Graham Funeral Home, Jackson and Jefferson streets. South. Norfolk, where serv. ices will be conducted WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON at 3:30 o'clock.

Burial will be in Riverside Memorial mh11-2t MURDEN, MRS. ELIZABETH SUSAN, Tuesday afternoon, March 11, 1941, at 3:25 o'clock at the home of her daugh, ter. Mrs. Eugene G. Bell.

1812 Springfield, avenue, Campostella Heights, MRS, ELIZABETH SUSAN MURDEN, A native of Norfolk County, a. daughter of the late John: Thomas and Cotilda Ansell, widow of Frederick Murden, aged 77-years, The body vas taken to the Graham Funeral e. Jackson aid Jefferson streets, South Norfolk. where funeral services will be conducted THURSDAY AFTERNOON at o'clock. Interment will be in Biverside Memorial Park.

mh12-201 Suddeth; Minneapolis, to duty, Spokane; Milton Eagan Patterson, Seagraves, to duty, Barksdale Field; Robert Parker, Mason, Attleboro, to Boston; Charles Adolphus New, Greenville, S. to duty, Atlanta; Wayne Waldo Conway Sims; Seattle, to duty, Vancouver Barracks; Keith Merle Clisby, Portland, to duty, Vancouver Barracks; Murdoch Kendrick Goodwin, Wynmoor, to duty, Philadelphia; Clyde Columbus Collins, Inman. S. to duty, Fort 1 Benning; Charles Stearns, Martinez, to duty, Sacramento. First Lieuts.

Kenneth G. Wiek, ham, CAC. Hawaiian to Fort Adams; Willard J. Hodges, Hawaiian to Fort Bragg; Albert J. Weinning, Hawaiian Fort Bragg; Howard E.

Michelet, Panama Canal to Fort Bragg; Richard G. Stillwell, C. of Hawaiian to Vancouver Barracks; James H. Beddow, C. of Panama Canal to Fort Belvoir; William Law, FAr, Boston, to PanaCanal Dept; Fred.

A. Chapman, Fort Bragg, to Panama Canal Arthur H. Miller, Fort McPherson, to Atlanta; Richard M. Still, Carlisle Barracks, to Washington; John G. Anderson, C.

Fort Belvoir, to Washington; James K. Levie, S. Fort Monmouth, to Philippine Dept. Second Lieuts. Charles R.

Bates, Fort Hayes, to Panama Canal Harold E. Bluestone, Governors Island, to Panama Canal Benjamin J. Stott, Fort Francis E. Warren, to Kansas City, Mo. The following second lieutenants, Air.

Corps, are relieved from Randolph Field, then assigned to San Angelo: Zane L. Abbott, James K. Brereton, Joe R. Bullock, Carlton H. Clark, Thomas J.

Classen, John c. Egan, Byron W. Foster, Clarence H. Gross, Russell D. Hale, Jack W.

Hayes, James F. Hayes, David L. Henderson, James R. Herzberger, Doyle Hicks, Frederick R. Ireland, Jack D.

Koser, Maurice K. Langberg, Jack M. Little, Nicholas H. Lund, Gustav E. Lundquit, William E.

Luther, Bert W. Marshall, Vincent E. Mason, Francis T. Parker, Ernest E. PelArnold T.

Phillips, Harry D. Ransier, Kent J. Richens, Bedford E. Russell, Martin B. Schofield, Allen W.

Schroeder, John W. Walter Smith, Carroll' D. Stanton, Rabert G. Stephens, Joseph D. Strauss, Luther C.

Terrett, Gus Theodos, David T. Whiddon, Craig Mc C. Yengst, Evan F. Bourne, and Frank G. Weinmann, Jr.

THE LEDGER-DISPATCH And VIRGINIAN-PILOT 150 W. Brambleton Ave. OFFICE HOURS Week Days 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p.

Saturdays 8:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES Rates on all ads outside Norfolk and vicinity, 27 cents per line daily.

19 cents per line Sunday, each insertion net, 3-line minimum. "Situations Wanted" ads 10c per une; Estimate cash in advance. five average words to one tine. All Other Classifications Space Words Day Days Days Days Up to 10 2. 64 1.34 1.54 1.97 2.66 11 to 3 .77 1.66 1.87 2.45 3.24 16 10 20 4 86 2.02 2.30 3.07 4.18 21 to 25 5 .96 2.28 2.64 1 3.48 4.68 26 to 30 6 1.06 2.74 3.17, 4.18 5.62 31 to 35 7 1.23 3.19 3.70 4.87 6.55 36 to 40: 8 1.41 3.65 4.22 5.57 7.49 41 to 45 9 1.58 4.10 4.75 6.26 8.42 46 to 50 10 1.76 4.56 5.28 6.96 9.36 The above costs apply on all ads paid within 7 days from date of last inser tion and represents a saving below the established charge rate to be made if not paid at the end of discount period.

Charged ads will be received by telephone, and If paid at the Ledger Dispatch and Virginian-Pilot office within seven days from the last day of insertion cash rate will be allowed, and cover service in both Ledger-Dis patch and Virginian Pilot, which count as one insertion. All classified Adver tising will start in The Ledger Dis patch and run through the following morning Virginian-Pilot, except Sun day: SUNDAY COUNTS AS ONE FULL INSERTION. Ads ordered for three, four, six or nine days and stopped before expira tion will -be charged only for the num ber of times the ad appeared and ad justment made at the rate earned. No ads accepted after 11 o'clock m. for printing same day, or after D.

m. Saturday for Sunday. It is expressly understood and agreed that notice of typographical errors must be given in time for correction before second insertion. ADJUST MENTS WILL BE MADE ON INITIAL INSERTION ONLY. SHOULD TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR OCCUR, DIAL 24675 or 26501 WITHOUT DELAY.

The Norfolk Newspapers, reserves the right to revise or reject at Its option any advertisem*nt which it deems objectionable either in subject matter, phraseology or set up. Palmis try, clairvoyance, matrimonial, misleading loans or employment ads, medical ads containing the word "CURE" or promotional ads and copy requesting stamps or coln In reply, NOT ACCEPTED. All advertisem*nts are restricted to their proper classification, correct Indexing and to the regular style type It it's more convenient phone your ad to Norfolk 24675 or 26501. Portsmouth Branch 320 King Street, Phone 4440. Berkley Branch-110 E.

Berkley Ave. Phone 88. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5 Societies and Lodges CORINTHIAN LODGE No. 266. A.

F. A. M. A Special Communication of this Lodge will be the Masonic Temple on THIS (Wednesday) EVENING," March 12, 1941, o'clock. Business: Work in the Master Degree.

All Master Masons are cordially in vited. erder -of the Worshipful Master, C. C. ATKINSON, Sec y. NORFOLK UNITED ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER 1 Norfolk, March 12, 1941, A Special.

Convocation of this Chapter will be held in its Tabernacle at the Masonic Temple On' the above date at 7:30 P. M. Business: Mark and Past Masters Degrees All Royal Arch Masons in good standing are fratemally invited to be present. By order of the Excellent High Priest. G.


(Wednes- F. day) EVENING, March 12. 1041, at 7:30 o'clock in Berkley Masonic. Temple. Work in tHe apprentice degree.

Master Masons are most cordially. invited to attend. By order of the Worshipful Mar ur, HOWARD PRIVOTT, See's. Crossword Puzzle (Released by The Bell Ine.) 50 51 9. To be mistaken 10-Also 11-Poisonous snake 17- Therefore 19- Concerning 22-Help 24-Toward 25 To give off 26- Tableland 27-Mongolian desert 28-Old -To triumph 30-Acquired 32-Game of skill 33-Lettuce genus 36-Earth goddess 37-To trick 38- To struggle 40- To change 41-Butterfly 43-Land measure 44-To care for 45-Stomach of an animal 46- -To abominate 47-Eggs 48-Skordsman's stake 49-To tap 50-By birth Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle: DAB ANNOA UsE AVERS PEN DERIVE PLEAD PARE RU TREAD ALE PARD TREE 10 FALLACY SI LOSE LOGE BOT I ADORN PERSIA PADDER ARE LIVER ORE RID SLEEP MEN AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles For Sale BUICK-1937 sedan: privately owned: mechanically perfect: sacrifice; radio, heater.

Dial 32927. BUICK-1937 Roadmaster series sedan: radio: heater: trunks: large roomy interior: will sell at attractive price be-cause it needs a little paint work. See B. 0. Oliver, Perry Buick Corp.

Granby St. at 15th. Dial 21675. BUICK-1939 91-series Limited 7-passenger sedan: will sell at reasonable price. Dial 43774.

1938 four-door sedan: special series with hand shift: must sell for private owner: small trade and terms acceptable. Call- R. Whitehill, 21675. BUICK-1939 special -door sedan: black finish and white side wall tires combined make this one of the best looking cars on the road: here's a chance to purchase fine car performance at a price less than a new cheap car: take trade and zive terms. See Troy V.

Jenkins, Perry Buick Granby St. -at: 15th. Dial 21675. CHEVROLET-1936 sedan: must sell: $45 cash and assume payments of $17.40 per month. Dial 80707.

CHEVROLET-1940 four-door sedan: perfect condition throughout: low mileage. and tires show no wear: clean inside and out: will sell right and give terms. Dial 43438. CHEVROLET-1936: good condition inside and out: reasonable price. See owner.

422 W. 34th Apt. 2. CHEVROLET-1941 de luxe town sedan; driven 4,800 miles: $685: $195 down, 731 Granby Dial 37347. CHEVROLET-1939 master de luxe fourdoor sedan: trunk: maroon duco finish: tailor made seat covers bound in red leather: built-in push button radio and hot water heater: has just been traded on a large series new Buick so we can make you a good deal.

See Fred Tubbs. Perry Buick Corp. Granby St. at 15th Dial 21675. CHEVROLET-1941 four-door special de luxe sport sedan: driven only 600 miles: radio, heater, clock: will take' off reasonable amount: consider light car in trade and finance terms.

Call S. Oliver. 27394, or Berkley 477-R. CHEVROLET-1940 special de luxe $645: $125 down. balance 2 years 705 Granby St.

Dial 41845. CHRYSLER 1940 "Windsor" four sedan with overdrive, radio and heater: perfect in every detail: present car will probably make the down payment and we will arrange terms on the balance. "Nick" Wright Motor Inc. Inside the building on "Nick" Wright's corner, 21st St. and Colonial Ave.

Dial 22358. FORD 1940 tudor: black finish like new: has been driven 2,500 actual miles; arrange terms. Dial 27011. FORD 1940 de luxe tudor: low mileage; excellent condition: must sell to satisfy mortgage. Call Mr.

Broughton, 44490. FORD- 1940 coupe with auxiliary seats; radio: clean upholstery; very low mileage: must sell at once and will give good terms to responsible party. Dial 80522. FORD -Model A Victoria: has been well cared for: clean mohair upholstery: bargain for only $65: terms, BruceFlournoy Used. Car Lot.

711 W. 21st St. FORD-1937 60" fordor sedan: reposseased: will sell for only $110 cash Bruce-Flournoy Used Car Lot, 711 21st St. tudor touring sedan: radio: seat covers: white sidewall fires: $45 cash. balance $25.87 month.

Dial 47120. four -door de luxe trunk 80 dan: good condition: no reasonable cash offer refused. Phone Berkley 550. FORD credit on 1941 Ford: will sell for $175. Parking Lot, 118 York street.

FORD 1932: good running condition: cheap. Apply 809 Reservoir Ave. FORD-1931 Model bargain, $49: terma, one-halt cash, balance 30 days. Bruce Flournoy, 711 W. 21st St.

FORD-1939 de luxe convertible coupe: maroon finish: new black top trimmed in red: this is an attractive car at reasonable price. See Forest Safford, Perry Buick Granby St. at 15tb or Dial 21675. FORD-1940 "60" tudor sedan: 8,000 miles: in good condition: $550. Phone Berkley 408.

FORD -1940 tudor sedan in excellent condition throughout; take small car in trade and make terms to suit. Call Mr. Harrison, Berkley 130 Norfolk 41261. HUDSON-1940 coupe: black finish: tires show no wear: spotless interior: fame as new. C.

E. Wright Olney Rd. and Granby St. Dial 25378. LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1039 fordor sedan with radio and heater.

This car is in splendid condition from bumper to bumper and is an outstanding value at our price. Liberal terms. Written guarantee. "Nick Wright. Motor Ine.

the building on Wright's corner, 218t St. and Colonial Ave. Dial 22358. AUTOMOTIVE 11 Automobiles For Sale 11 ALL PRICES REDUCED FOR QUICK CLEAN-OUT COMPARE THESE 1932 sedan, only, 25 1938 Plymouth de luxe four-door sedan $275 1936 Studebalter President four -door sedan $345 1939 Studebaker President four-door sedan $625 Terms to Suit Your Convenience MOTOR CORP, Studebaker Distributors Granby St. at 11th Dial 27067 SEE THESE AND SAVE PLENTY 1940 Buick super four-door sedan; radio heater: practically new.

1939 Ford convertible coupe with radio and heater: spotless. 1940 Pontine sedan with radio and heater: just like new. 1941 Studebaker Champion sedan: very Jow mileage and same as new. MORGAN MOTOR CO. "Look for the Awning Front" 13th.

and Granby Sta. Dial 45787 Buy With Confidence WAS NOW 1934 Ford Sedan $165 $145 1937 Dodge Sedan $295 1937 Ford Tudor Sedan. $295 $245 1935 Chevrolet De Luxe Sedan $245 $225 1932 Buick Sedan 99 1936 Buick "61" Sedan $365 $325 1937 Chrysler "6" Two Door Sedan $445 $375 Our Ex-Rayed Used Cars Make Good or We Do Perry Buick Corp Granby St. at 15th Dial 21675 Trucks For Sale FORD-1939 two-speed axle, 8.25 dual tires, 20-foot van trailer: tion: consider trade. Dial good 42242.

condi- 300 Water St. 8 to 4 week days, FORD-1941 pickup. driven only 3,000 and same as new: have no need miles for this and will sell at very attractive price and rive easy terms. Dial 37314, FORD-1037 panel: motor just over hauled: will paint any color desired: only $195: terms, Bruce-Flournoy New Used Car Lot, 711 W. 21st St.

12A Auto Trailers- Coaches 12A HOUSE TRAILERS All leading makes: low down payments: pay like rent. Ruse Trailers. "Largest Distributors in the East." 300 W. 21st St. HOUSE TRAILERS- -Popular makes: large stock: new, used: buy, sell, trade, rent: easy terms.

Edgerton Trailer 1400 Monticello Ave Dial 22076 ON DISPLAY Several Schult and Plymouth new models just arrived: also some excellent buys in used trailers. Stop by and inspect them at your earliest convenience, Terms to suit. TRAILER INC. 9901 Granby St. Phone Norfolk 81369 13 Auto Tires- -Supplies 13 GUARANTEED REBUILT TIRES 5.50x17.

$3.50 6.00x20 $7.00 6.00x16. $3.75 32x6 $8.00 COLONIAL OIL RETREAD PLANT 159 W. Olney near Boush St. 15 Motorcycles 15 HARLEY-DAVIDSON-1939 model, in perfect condition: extra special at. NORFOLK MOTORCYCLE CO.

719 Granby St. Dial 22022 BUSINESS SERVICE 20 Cleaning, Renovating SPECIAL CASH AND CARRY Plain dresses, suits and overcoats cleaned and pressed. 39c HOWARD'S ODORLESS CLEANERS HATS CLEANED KANDEL'9 409 GRANBY STREET 26 Painting and Decorating 26 PAINTING- To save, Dial 38176. Free estimates. PAINTING Paperhanging; general repair work.

Free estimates. For first -class work, Dial 41-866. J. T. Proctor, 815 Norchester Chesterfield Heights.

29 Repairing and Refinishing 29 FURNITURE- -Home or office, also radio cabinets renewed: prices reasonable. Dial 21509. Carnegie, 125 W. Main St. UPHOLSTERING Furniture rebuilding: 12 months to pay.


ROETHKE, INC. "Over 31 Years Under The Same Nrime" Monticello at 11th Dial 23311 1938 Plymouth Two-Door Sedan in ex cellent mechanical condition; good tires and paint; priced to sell. Trade- Terms Meekins Motor Inc. Monticello Ave. at 15th St.

BuyersAlways pick their dealer before they pick their used car. We have been selling SATISFIED OWNERS since 1924. $37 Chrysler Sedan. $397 '38 Studebaker Sedan $427 '37 La Salle Sedan $467 '38 Chrysler Coach. $497 '38 Chrysler Sedan $527 70 Others to Choose From Terms; Trades; Open Evenings "Nick" Wright MOTOR CO.

Used Cars 740 Granby St. BUSINESS SERVICE 29 Repairing and Refinishing 29 UPHOLSTERING AND REFINISHING Estimates free. Antiques E. C. Rhodes, 501 Botetourt St.

Dial. 1.46717 UPHOLSTERING Furniture built to your desire. Rebuilding, refinishing, free estimate. Easy terms. Kennedy 2402 Colley Ave.

Dial 22203. 27 39 47 52 53 Horizontal 1-To leap 4 Short for. "Elizabeth" 8- Greek letter 12-Wing 13-Aloud 14- God of love 15 -Nothing 16 -To listen secretly 18 -Poetic: grief 20-Footless animal 21-Whether 22-Insect 23-Entry 27-To wander 29 -Humorist 30-Underground creature 31-King of Bashan 32-Acted 33- -Gear tooth 34-Exists 35-To commence 37-Speck 38-Music: as written 39-Mental image 40-Roman bronze 41-Pronoun 42-Formal dance 44-Pine-knot lamp 47-Favorable 51-Man's name 52-Meat from a calf 53-Biblical garden 54 Large container 55-Singing voice 56- -Tall grass 57-Female sheep Vertical 1-Style of penmanship 2-Medley 3-Pale 4-Dutch colonist in S. Africa 5-Period of time 6-Learned man 7-Slumbered 8 -Foundation ANNOUNCEMENTS 8-A Special Notices 8-A CHARLESTON GARDENS -Two would like transportation to Charleston: share expense: can drive: weekend starting March 27. Dial 37804.

CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT Caterpillar cranes, draglines. shovels, hoisting engines, power pumps, air compressors, concrete mixers. bulldozers, for rent, sale or on contract. Georgi T. McLean Inc.

Phone Portsmouth 1678. DRESSMAKING -Exclusive tailored suite frocks: remodeling and fur work. 502 Washington Park. Dial 28061 FREE We will clean one of your rugs and one piece of furniture free with the Hoover Color Cleaning System. Dial 41718 for appointment.

FREE Finger waves, permanent, $1.50 and $9 complete. Southern' Beauty School, Wainwright -Bide. Dial 26575 MARCH SPECIALS $5 Duart Nupad. $3.50: Oilette, $2.50. Virginia, 207 Portlock Bldg, Dial 25511.

MOLES, WARTS- And superfluous hair permanently removed. Mrs. Grace L. Everett, 103 Merrimac Apts. Dial 41510, GIL VITA KURL- $3.50: 2 for $5.

Evening appointments. Roxye Beauty 333 Boush St Dial 27601 SCRAP LUMBER And shelving given away for hauling. Apply 259 Granby street. SPENCER CORSETS- Surgical garments Mrs Aspinwall corsetierre, Dial 31252. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR- -Removed forever by Multiple Electrolysis.

Dial 27294. Ida S. Saunders, 542 New Monroe Bldg. TERMITES EXTERMINATED 5-YEAR GUARANTEED J. B.

ROSE PHONE BERKLEY 771-R Travel Want responsible party to deliver almost new car to Oregon or Washing. ton: also passengers to share expense Write Box 946, care Norfolk Newspapers. Audition recordings made. Also send record of yourself to mother. Reasonable.

Dial 28065. Save a month's payment on your next automobile by arranging your own financing. Ask Riley Simmons, 102 York St. Dial 26131. CURLY TOP BEAUTY SHOP $3 Oil Croquignole, $5 Duart, $3.

501 Monroe Bldg. Dial 33865 WALLFLOWERS -Corn Flowers; plant now for early spring bloom; large potted plants, 50c dozen. Calendulas, $1 dozen. Cold weather will not hurt them. Watch this space for.

our specials. Newton Conservatories, Florists Colonial Ave. at 24th Dial 21656 9 Personals Men. women Want vim? Stimulants in Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking vitamin B1, iron, calcium, phospho. rus.

Special introductory 35e size today only, 29c. Call, write Burrow-Martin Drug and all other good drug stores. 10 Lost, Pound, Strayed 10 DOG Medium brown male: short hair and tail; some white on head: cense No. 213312: last seen Blair High School Friday. Dial 37374.

Reward. DIAMOND RING- Lost in Lerner Shop Rest Room Monday. Finder please Dial 44293. Reward. GLASSES Lost.

light tortoise shell rimmed. in or near Colley Theater Sunday. Dial 81441, Reward. KEY CASE -Brown leather zipper with National Guard emblem. containing about 14 keys, lost Sunday, vicinity Colonial Ave.

Methodist church; reward. Dial 27537. RING- -Lost, yellow garnet stone, 1921 V. P. I.

class ring. Name Sherman Seelinger engraved inside, Reward. Dial 38000 RING- Man's gold signet, lost in Colonial Theatre. Reward. Phone Berkley 581-M.

TERRIER Lost, Lafayette Residence Park, small brindle: license on light brown collar: child's pet: reward. Dial 37749. AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles For Sale AUBURN- Sedan: perfect condition: extra equipment: new tires: city and state ticenses: privately owned: cash or terms, Dial 41234 or 31341.5 BUICK-1938 four-door sedan with trunk: special series model which was the most popular in 1038: has two wheels set in fenders: black finish: built-inradio and 107 h. p. valve-in-head motor guaranteed by Perry Buick Corp.

For details 800 W. B. Stewart, Perry Buick Granby St. af 15th or Dial 21675. 32 33 30 44 23 29A Roofing 29A ROOFING SIDING ROOF REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES FHA TERMS CARTER ROOFING -DIAL 44407.

Roofing Siding Flintkote Roofing and Asbestos Siding Applied Free Estimates F. H. A. Terms Dalton Taylor, Inc. 1028 W.

27th St. Dial 25014 38 57 EMPLOYMENT 55 32 Help Wanted- Female 32 BEAUTY OPERATOR- Experienced In all branches of beauty work, Call during week: Portsmouth 918, Pompadour Beauty Shop. Sundays call Portsmouth 9712. COOK- Experienced, health card. General housework.

Dial 21581, 525 Graydon park. Apt. 2. GIRLS Wanted, over 21. Fairmount Grill.

121 W. Charlotte St. GIRL -Wanted with- knowledge of sewing. 407 Dickson Bide. GIRLS 3, possessing references and high school education, good social connections.

to work on army posts and U. S. naval stations. See Miss Dyson, Monticello Hotel. Don't phone, please.

HOUSEKEEPER- Settled business man needs housekeeper: no objection children. Write 55, care Norfolk Newspapers. MANICURIST- -Wanted for barber shop. Hall Ave. Apply Tidewater.

Barber Shop, 281 City MOTHER'S HELPER Wanted. young white girl to live in. Dial 30757 be. tween 5 and 8 p. m.

MOTHER'S HELPER White, Room, board. and salary. Address Box Virginian-Pilot. Portsmouth. NURSE- For infant: experienced: must have references, health card.

Live in. Dial 26440. NURSE White, experienced with chitdren: very special care of 3-year-old on strict diet: must have excellent Norfolk references as child's nurse: must be in good health, kind and capable: sleep in. North Shore Point. Dial 82398.

OFFICE WORKER- -And cashier: thorough general office experience essential; age 25 to 35. Permanent position in promiwomen's apparel store. Give complete details in first fetter, Write Box 21. care Norfolk Newspapers. PRESSER- wanted Pexperienced Ail presser.

Apply Dry aning Mr. Gray. White Way Laundry, 21st and Colley Ave. SALESLADIES-If you are earning doss than $30 per week. get in touch with me, We have a new article that really sells.

No competition. For Interview call Miss Mace. Gilbert Hotel. SALESLADY- Experienced: dresses and coats. Apply giving particulars and phone to Box 50.

care Norfolk Newspapers, STENOGRAPHERS Junior and senior: salaries commensurate with ability. Goodwyn Employment Service. STENOGRAPHER and typist: must have some knowledge of bookkeeping. Write Box 48. care of Norfolk Newspapers, stating full qualifications.

STENOGRAPHER assistant. Knowledge of bookkeeping helpful but not necessary. Must have pleasant personality and good memory. Permanent. Anawer own handwriting, stating salary and references, Write Box 53, care Norfolk Newspapers, WAITRESS Wanted: 21 or over.

Nick's Place, 8700 Hampton Blvd. WAITRESS Wanted: experienced. Apply Colonial Delicatessen, 520 Colonial Ave, WAITRESSES Wanted: experienced. white. Apply Lew's Grill, 891 W.

Ocean View Ave. WAITRESSES Wanted: experienced only. Apply Normandie Restaurant. 2507 Hampton Blvd. AUTOMOTIVE DISPLAY SAVE TO Re-Conditioned "GOOD.

WILL" CAR from MEEKINS MOTOR Inc. Display Lot Monticello at 15th YOU BEAT CAN'T THESE BAM All of our USED DO CARS FOR SLASHED FAST IN MARCH PRICE HAVE CLEARANCE BEEN 20 1932 PONTIAC Coach; splenfor only did transportation $49 1931 PLYMOUTH De Luxe and tires Coupe: good motor $59 1933 CHEVROLET Coupe; a real buy af only $69 1932 FORD De Luxe Coupe; new paint; practically new only tires; good motor; $89 1935 FORD De Luxe Tudor ning condition Sedan in' good 1936 CHEVROLET Town Sedan; built-in in trunk; new paint; motor. runs good; a splendid buy at $219 1937 CHEVROLET De Luxe Town Sedan; with built-in radio; good motor; see this at only $249 Easiest of Terms! COLONIAL CHEVROLET CORP. BOUSH ST. and OLNEY RD.

Dial 27071 Open Evenings.

The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.