The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

i.r l)c Qatl) picayune. BT LUMSUKN. KENDALL CO. r. i iraann, sax wilkims kbmdau a.


sbsnscxlpcloos received far; welve month for tit half yearly and quarterly at the uma nM. All sobecrip tiou la advance. Single copies lg cent Advertisem*nts not exceeding ten tinea, or lew, Pearl, inserted for 81 the first, and eo eenta for every subsequent Insertion. Those of greater length charged Is proportion. werttaenieate Inserted the second page charged new each day.

dvertiaeraents nabMthed V. Intervals, vis weekly ami. tveehly, trl weekly or monthly, axe charged per square tor STry insertion. A hherai discount wffl be made to those who advertta by the yes. Avertlsem*nta net specified eeto time win be published "wu" cturaea accorainry oat no adver tssemew or subscription will be topped until ail ar to reai agvs are paid, at the option of the proprietors, mwnfc andrObltnary Notices ate charged SI per square T3ATUROA WORWIWO, DEC.

IB, 1854. a. Moaefarw eye Fsitlh Paae. Sum. We shall publish the Ptceynne on a doable sheet again to morrow, and It will be foutra a very Interesting paper, containing the latest and most reliable Intelligence received in the chy up to the moment of our going to press and a large amount or entertaining reading mat ter.

i To Asvkbtisbba Aa purpose publishing the Picayune da a double sheet to morrow, we ehaU.feel obliged by our ady tialng friends send tog in their copy as' eej ly as practicable to day, ao as to facilitate bur getting to press in time to night They will readily understand thai this must Iv an Important object, as the Picsj unt has not only the largesf circulation In the city, but the nrgest of all paper published in the South mad we hare therafore a very heavy edition to get out. TkWbvbki.t PiCATOisn Our Weekly edition published this morning, will be found full of Interest and entertainment All the latest intelli ganee that has been reeeired in this city by raai aod tetarrauh, since Saturday, the 9th Inst, wil bo found La it It comprises the President's age at the opening of the present session of Con press. In full, and news from California, Oregon. Utah, 8andwieh Islands, Mexico, Cuba, Texas and Various other parts of the world, brought bj ate smshipe and sailing Teasels from the Isthmus. Bavsrae, Vera Cruz, Galveston, fcc, togethei with full and reliable commercial Intelligence.

Our special correspondence from. Washing too, New York, the Interior of the State, etc our special telegraphic despatches, cotnprUiok lengthy synopsis of the news by the ateamshipe TJatoa and PadSe summary reports of the pro eeedings of Congress, official city reports, tb usual number of leading articles, items sporting notices, reports. die All that appear la our dally edition of this morning Is also included in it. i Copies, done up In strong Wrappers for th cmn be had at the dtice counter, 66 Cam( street; and at J. Moigao's, Exchange Alley swxt to t)M Post Office.

Postage, prepaid, on. tis" The Rer. T. CUpp, the esteemed pastor ol the First Congregational Church, on St Charle. street, will preach there to morrow.

Divine ser Tieo commences at 11 n'rWk In the mora'ug. Among the visiturs at preseut in our city we note the arrival of cS. A. WUIiaroa, Esq Intel the editor of the Utica (N. Herald, who is ma fcni a short Southern tour and journ.

lautiOBATloji The ship Wuliam Nelson ar rived here yesterday with a) passengers, frou Havre. She left that port with 628. but sicxae. bsving Vroken out on board a few days after he depaiture, 60 of them died. The remainder l) tb passengers and craw, since 'the abatement the disease that carried off those, have enjoyeo good health.

The ship Plymouth arrived yesterday, also from Havre, with 343 passengers, all In good health. Rates bt Mobile. Link. Mr. Geddes, 10 Bank Place, the agent of the Mobile 9f ail Line, gives notice In another column, that the rates of passage by the mail boats will, on ana after Monday next, the 18th inst, be raised to $6 for cabin passage and C3 on deck.

Th3 cause ol this increase Is the augmentation of the cost building, repairing, running and supplies. As soou as circ*mstances allow, they will be again reduced. See the advertisem*nt. A Hamssoms Ackmowxxdgmbnt. We point with pleasure to the card of 'Mr.

Radclifle, in I another column, returning his thanks to Mr. Pis cide, at whose theatre he was engaged to act, and to Mr. DeBar, for kindnesses extended to him by both of them since his arrival here. It is alike worthy of. his head and his heart.

Mr. fiadcluTe, who is an excellent comedian, has found an engagement with Mr. Rice, tht manager of the Chicago theatre, and proceeds thither forthwith fulfill it. Jambs Fostka, a. This is the name of a plendid new ship, of 1,400 tons, just launched from the ship yard of Mr.

Webb, of New York, by the proprietors of the Old Black Ball Line of Liverpool packets alalicate tribute to the memory of a gentleman who for years was one of the enterprising rrm which, conducted that line so long and so success fuMy. It will be remembered that Mr. Poster, who was formerly a merchant in this city, recently died, after a very brief illness, at New. York. Miaa Louisa Howabo aad Ms.

Hawar Fab Ui. These talented and versatile young artists leave us to dsy for Mobile, where they have an engagement with Mr. Field. We commend them cordially to the good offices of oir cotemporaries in that city. TBKATaa D'OarxAHS.

To night We are again aev the hello" of MwaiaL M'meCambier wiU br the BL Lerrolx the lag; VL Bordss the Otkitlo, aad Berk en the nbtrntia. As the ann raaceeacnt so stt'Srtlre, and as the nlgbt Is fashion's, ws may look for a crowded aad brillinnt BazaaS. The Female Orphan Asylum, Camp stre being In need of at sdditlnn to its soarrt a. It will be seea from an advertisem*nt in another column. that laaies who ke sn Utcrrtt la Its welfsie bae rr solve! ping a bazaar orits beoeflt on Monday next, and the three following dai a This ia most valuable anrt de erring instttntion, aod with sacb naeaua ose i in its hs f.

as rnaw proposed. It most commend ready and liberal sympathy from our feUow tftiaens. Jaw iLBT Lost. "Attention Is requested te the edvertisenaent nsprctinga quantity of jewelsl oat, wta ch wilt be foaad i another column. The reward is ven and will, we hope, have the fleet of stcariDg bir onx.a widow lady, who can 8ord it, from the less ef ihem, eaahsawawaw COM AMD FtOCBIHO MllXS.e hlcu wlu srlbd the largest (rata.

.1" aoaluy meal and flour ostaf theh ae IZu sactiBce of money oot ra.i "tTT" tn sdvertisem*nt of aaotber colamu Bi. tore, ihef an aether, maouf anyth tllltrl! of as n. w. adverUmsnt In PPad xrcaynne. wiu seen tbet Baalvts ef Kaglaj Ir land ana noating as The fund for the re i relief of ttaiw iaw nt wm.w sis, has Jndlaouay been ctsoged VjpThuraday, the sut in narw aajtrviasAXT.

i ne members of the New England Soei ty of Irfraialana, who tn a4 ointof togetner oa tLerr sua versary, tbessd in will find a per ready or their sabscrlptiaxs at toe nice of their Secretary. Sis. 48 Camp ftreet, where It will i huiaantUthseveaiagef Moodsy next. Ma. Bab bbv Tan 'Aa nsr.

This talented young artist has returned to the city, after spending aom months at the North, where bs ras bee warmly leeeivrd aad entertained by his brethren la art The Sketch nb ar i.fseavd that their rern'Oi Jfncee hare been duly ettrered h.r. and tbeirrrqaeet eompne witbal." atr. a stadia Is, as heretofore, at No. 13 Canal Street Foa GAXrasTOM aao Mataoobsa Bat, The stsemshtp Charles Morgaa, Cspe. James Lawless, Isava as shore at s'Oock, morrow aaorniag.

Agents, BarrUJl Morgan, fee ef eia street HATS. Dervis, Jenkins dc Co 55 Csrondelet atreet, havvjast received a targe sopp sfeleakin Bats, wnlcb th offer for sals ia lots to suit parchsaeie, See adTSItiScnMat The partlcplar of uyera Is called to the large sale of Ssreiga and Aaaancan ry goods this ay Vlaeeac Col, at 10 e'clock, as their STirtisa rooms. No. So Cnstomhooss scrssc, Terms at sale. CP" Chief Justice Watkios, of 9 Sapntne Courtof AtkutfMt hutit' TELEGRAPHIC.

SPEClAtLY PB8FATTHEr TO THE PICAYUNE. tBy tbeMorseouthemUna.l 'H Tr Wasuimotoh, Dm. 13. In the Smatt to iay, Mr. Clayton made his appearance.

Mr. Badger presented a bill to provide additional eompensarion for Judges of the Supreme Court and tor Congressmrm. In the Hoaas, the Indian Appropriation bin was discussed. The blU to provide for the greater safety of lives and property on board of steam vessels was passed. Adjourned.

(jreat Fire in Philadelphia. By the national Line. PHn.ADai.PHiA, Dta. 15 A most destructive fire occurred In this city last nlgbfc It broke out in the tourth story of a building situated near the corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, and destroyed the whole of Edwards block. The partition wall fell on adjoining buildings, spreading the fire to Hunkle's furniture warehouses, from which it extended to the agency for Chickering Pianos, destroying the warerooms Steyman Bros, music store, I.acey Jc.

Phillips's saddlery and harness factory, and the Jefferson Wigwam, all of which, with their contents, were utterly destroyed, as was aio another adjacent extensive factory containing finished goods valued at 65,000, on which there was $30,000 insured. idford's Billiard Saloon aud the Waverloy Rowling Saloon were nearly destroyed, with their contents. The fire raged all night The city buildings and Independence Hall were in great danger, but were saved by the exertions of the firenicu. The loss is estimated at a quarter of a million, on which there was but partll Insurance Another fire broke out in Water street, destroying four hoarding houses frequented by sailors and emigrants. Itlver Intelligence.

LOUISVILLE, Dec 15. The river here is yet at a stand. The weather is arm with prospects ol rain. Nothing of any moment doing in the mar ken. Cincinnati, Dee.

15. The river here is now tationary. Flour is quiet with sales at $7 Got? $7 70 per barrel. Provisions dull. Hogs are selling at 9iW4 25 per 100 pounds.

Pittsbukq, Dec 15. There is no further change in the river at this point. Louisville, Dec 15. The steamers Cumberland Valley and T. C.

Twitchell have left for New Orleans Vicksbubg, Dec. 15. The steamer Magnolia left here at 6 o'clock this evening, bound for New Orleans. New York Market. New Yobk, Dec 15.

The cotton market here is dull, and prices are nominal. Flour ia quiet, with salea of Ohio brands at $3 31V 35 per barrel. Corn is rather lower, tvbite and yellow soiling at 95at6c. per bushel. Lard is flrtn at previous rates.

Turk Is dull, with no change ol' moment in pi ices. Easietn By the Boutotrrn Line Montgomery, Dee. 15 The Eaatern mail due New Orleans on Monday morning, has failed iw jud Augusta, Ga. The Charleston mail, how vor, has come through.

O) a Mas. Colbman Poms Hknkfit. This well ifiovn and exrx ed actrna, finding ereelf witnoten ngagement, iu const quence of the bo ng of the Vane et theatre where ahe warug(M 'rr this eeasou, he akrntbe American tiieatre in fojdn atreet. for this evening, tb. por ose of anaairg a beuttit Hrr eflorta tbia ml bave bven cordially and grn.rnuily met by a reat nuotbrof frieona nod fellow piembera of the rof taion to whicl she bclnnga.

Mr. DeBar baring given P'rminior to his company to pear for Mrs Pope's beotn. Vn aud Mr. Bernard, Mr. Daeia, and Mr.

K. mble will taae porta, and among tbe 'nnteera wc ace he Barton Hila, tbe D.erlngs, George HI i land, Mr. tbe vocal at. and otb actors. A fion am tear will plsy on tbe occasion.

'Ti 8oUnr 'a Danghtrr," "Jfouy Llnd." and Per lecrlnn," make up a very attractive ogramm, studded all ove ss It is with stars St. Ch.eiu.Thaii This evening Mr Pe ter an artjr loug and moat credit ly coooected wt'b tbe American stage, aud tb whose vari.d aud ea cellent performances ao many ef Co: theatre gorrs, for he last fire an twenty ye.ra, have been familiar, makri ba fi'at appearance at this eatab'iahuient in the fine cbsr of Jctie Rural, In Hra1a and Young Hearts," wbich, we find, ia cast to the full atrrngtb of Mr. IeBax'a company. At tbe same time, and in the same piece. Miss Hlrh ings, tbe adopted daughter of Mr.

a yonpc lady with whose musical and dramatic educali the grrstesc paina baee be taken, mill make ber nrat appearance before a Nrw Orleana audience, and Will, of courae, receive a cordial welcome. Mr. Bichlngs a'so appeara in his great part of Wathinp ton, as the Hero of Volley Forge." Gxobge Holland's Benefit. M. Boudnusquie, cbe manager of tbe Tb atre iOileana, having.

in tbe kindest manner giren tbia excelleut actor the u.e of that boure for a benefit, and moreover ofiered the arr. icn ef tbe opera troupe to make it effective, the event will come on nx; Mouday evening, and will dooblk as prove a bril iant aifair. Tbe eneertainmenta will comprise a Frrncb operetta, a musical interlude, an Enjll.h borletta, and a laughable farce. Mrs. Coleman Pope, the Hills, the Deerings, Mrs.

BVjwe and Mr. White have volunteered for the occasion. Mb. Minob's Benefit. The benefit of the musical manager and composer ot the Southern Opera Hjtue, next Xuesilay evening, will be a moat attractive entertainmirnt.

fie bribgs out his burlesque on the Linda," and several outside artists and amateurs have odered their services s'd in making this the great con cert, tar, or tbe wbole season. Van Ambubuh Menaoebiic. This larW and irgani romplete collection of wild animals and birds, infludtng tippoo autta.i, tne accomplished aod highly educated ele pban tbe deep tboogoted and eminently aef pcateaaed rbinoceros, ten or a dozen moat aavagerous lions, Uor eases and whelp, to aay nothing of sbosls ol monkeys and such small deer," leaves its location, this evening, at the foot of Jackson street, wbcre it will be txhib.ted daring tbe dsy, and bereafer will be fixed for several weeks at the foot of Canal street. Thit "floating palace" ia a perfect Noah Ark," and ill be fonnd worthy of a visit from the curious in such matters. 15?" We call the attention of the trade to the iale of 600,000 German Cigars, wbich will take place tbia day, at 10 o'clock, A.

a' store No 47 Magazine atreet, rppoaite Ba iks'a Arcane. This sale is positive and without reserve; tbe cigars new.y Imported and fully goaran tied the credit liberal Messrs. J. L. Carman Co.

w'Jl sell at auction, at 12 o'clock to day, at Banks's Arcede, nineteen quares and lots or portions of ground, situated in tbe paih of Jette son. The New Orleaos, action and Brest Northern Railroad runs through tbe centre of tbe property This sale ii well worthy attention of speculators, si the whole will be sold in block, and reterve, for be beneut or tbe creditors of P. 8eawr.ll and P. Beawell a Co. Chables Heidsick Champa one.

Messrs. Wills ft Bawlii corner Oravier and Tchoupitoulasstrrets, It will fce seen from an advertisem*nt in another column, hsve bten sppointed sole eenta in this ty for tbe sale of bls saperior and favo.ite wine. There la no wine in tbe market more deseiviog of ihe reputation it has gained. and Mes rsYVi Is A Rawlins will dlrpose of it on most favorable rms and at tbe lowest prices. See their ad ertiasment.

TEA MB OA DEPARTURES. For Mobile The Ca tftrnia Cspt frost, on tbe arri val at be Lake of the 4 P.M. Pontchartralncara Agent, ft. Oeddes, 10 Bsnk Place. For Ocean Bprings The Creole, capt.

rost, on ur rival at tbe Lake or the I P. M. fontchortrain cars. Ag Oeddra, 10 Bank Place. ForV cksbnrg The Bontbern Bene, vspi P.

M. Agents Smith rimtster, 18 Cansl street. Tot ttayon Bara Tb Bel.a Donna, CsrO. Slomion, si M. Aaants Holm A Clau 14 New evee.

'orHewCsrtbsge Tbe Lonisa, Cspt Donlevle, St 5 tettta, Carroll. Prltehard Csrondelet"!,T?"T,, Ophelia, Capt 10 A. M. For a. 14 Costomhoa street M.

AenwTlTto ii Capt. Wlneland, at Kennett. O.a a foydras street, and For St. LonU Th. street, iennt for 1.

i Agents. JohiE Hyde aII" The NT 4 ras street. For innctar ati Tha i Area a. bn Hvde a rZ.WT at 4 F. ForCia.iOAttToe Medtator: St.

Agents. John eX Hyde A For Ciucinn.ti Ths Henry Lewis. Caar F. M. Agents.

Job. Hyde A Co 4 PbrAlexandri iTbe Fuit Cap. a. Agents, eastesi A Ftasister, IS Canal street, i. Far Bed River The Clark, Caps.

Lodwtck, ats U. Agent. Smith Finaister.lg Caaa atreat. Pot Taxoo City The Cps. Satherlsad, at a P.M.

gsots. a "UB Fimister, Lanai street. For Metapbla Tha B. E.W. Hill, Capt Me we 11 at P.

M. Agents. ST. A. Violctt Ca, SO New Levee, and Thaa BamUton, Jr.gC troadeiet street.

rsrMemph's Taa Hays. Caps. Bwaeasy, at F.M. Agent, Lewis Saapp S3 New Levee. Far 8 Lmw The Columbus, Capt Faltoavt SF.

at. Agents, W. I haw A Co, S4 Poydraa street, and John Hyde ACo, 4 Poydraa atret. i MARRIAGES, a. OS at Oran Cherch, BortoTi, by the of Boston, lata ef New Orleana, aod Miss HAJLaUJCT waiievait ea anjwewse, tsnsii aBBsa CITY INTELLIGENCE.

AcctbiwT. Yeeteiryroing man rJlLdo7 sEkne Ttell from omnibus in Cbartres himself. He wss sent to the CbSt? BoaTltal by officer Bwsine, of the Second District police. CoMatiTfEb for TRiAL.T Stephen Coons was examined yesterday, on tbe charge of having rohe oa board of tbe scb.oaer North Star, lying la the Mew Kain, on tbe niaht of the 0 nit and aioln a comber af art idea ot wearingappsreL There were three affidavits aealnst Cnns. each charging him with larceny, and be wss committed ial before the First ril.trict Court on each rharge, Bboo security being demanded tor bis appear ance there.

The Jewklrt Kobbert. John Dove, the ornnibos driver, waa arraigned yesterday on tbe charge of having atolen a morocco about S700 worth nf jewelry, wbicb had been left in tbe omtiibuj by Jamee Magre, and hia examination was fixed fori be 7tb rcurirV in the sum of gl00 being demanded. A search wa raot was Issued, snd tbe premises eecupiedby the sc cua d. were dilicentlv searched, but noitrace of the lost jewelry cnald be found. Keleassd.

Jagic Foley, who was arrested on Thursday, at tbe request of his wife who charred bim with bring drunk snd disturning the peace, and alto cb.rged witb drawing a platol on tbe policeman, was brought up yesterday for examination, but aa be waa, or appeared to bt very sick, tbe Recorder released bim. Discharged. Hugh Degraa, rJTestd for attempting to pick tbe pockers of Patrick O'nobnell, ou Thuiady oigLt, waa diacbargeil on paiag jail fees. Sklling Liquor withoot Lice.vse. C.

Cholh, the keeper of a grog shop on the corner of Kov ard and EraM atreeta, John Frtimherti, or fucl'er. wro keep, a aimi'ar establishment ou'be corner of Frytania and lymnia streets, M. M. Butes, or Battt.corner of ft. Thomas snd Orange (tree's, A suite Stredmeyer, corner of Euterpe and Hercules streets, and Jean Bap tiate Keen, comer of Euterpe aud Bechn streets, were all arraigned yjt rdy ou tbe charge of aelllng liquor without liienae.

and ordered to give oon 1a fur their appearance ou tbe 30tb io.t. for examination. Jeremiah Sullivan makes tbe affidavit Injeach ease. Work House. Jane McCabe, found drunk in tb sfeets, aod Bartholomew Way.

arrested aa a v.grant. were yeaterday sent to the Work House for thirty daya, in default of procuring Touchers. Fined. The owner of a vehicle, arretted for boviog violated tbe ordinances, was fined Sio yester. day.

John O'Meara, charged witb stealing wood from the learner Moses Greenwood, aod aasaultiui and stnklug policeuian, waa acquitted of the larceny and find So, or tea days' imprisonment, for tbe sssnulu James Newt4n, for kicking np a row in fie police office, was fined So, or see da imprisonment. False Pretencfs. John M. Lee, whose arrest on a charge of S3K.4U0 i from the CslsI Bauk nudrr false and fraudulent pretences, we bare already mentioned, was brought Defer Recorder Bright yesterday for examination, but, at the request of bo. pirlie.

tbe rsae waa aent fore tbe First Unmet Court at once, without examination, security in the sum ef StO.OOo netog nemitnded for bis appearauce. in default of procuring whicu be waa sent to tile t'ariab Prison. Second District. Assault vith a Whip. Nicholas Lober wsa arrested on Thurs lay, on the eba'g of bavirg assaulted polictmari A.

force, of theSecoud Oistrict, with a whit wirhout just raiae or provocation Lober was beld to booda for hia a. pearance for examination. Assault ry a Cabman. fl. S.

Parker yesterday mad attiiia'it that on Tur day last, at the si earn ship k0diog iu frout of Jackson Square, a friend cf named Jaun H. Steven, waa ao violently eten tbat be baa been eer since cnu*tinea to bi oerl, uan'tle to cme forwar i and innae complaint and from iufurmaton re ce ved, he a.setts tuat he was to bt ateu by the driver of rsb No 200, I whuse ane. he prays. A warrant was arcordiogly issued. No Prosecutor Dermis Morooney, Edmd.

Kreitan, and Thomas O'Neil, three little levee rats, were brougbt up yes'erdiy fr examination on tbe cba'ge ol bavl ga ulen augar from tbe hogaiieeda on levee. No one acpearing to piosecute them, however, tby were dis cbargeJ. Fined. Caroline Haydeo, arretted for be iDg drank, disturbing the (trace, and using obscene lau guge, and who i known to be a regol.r drunkstd, wss examiued sterdav au senttice.1 t'tpay a tin of gi.s, in tlefsuit uf paying wbich she wss sent to pridoojfor thirty da. a A free negro boy, named Albeit Depima.

arrested fur tiring crackt rs in Cnual street, wss hoed So or ten dnys' imp tsonment hiistopuer Daily, for diitorhiogthr peace ani carrying concealed weaous, was fioed or tiUcen days' lm pruoiuirnt. TUB COURTS. First Distriit Court. A caae which bas drawn its slow'b si for several years, waa dar tle idrd in thin rourc As if one of peril lar an general ln'ere we aire a hort his ory ol 'h urns ancea Th' plain in iu tUe case is a li.ero umd uauied Kulalie, and ab auce tnr ber own fitetlom, ibat of oerc an i ktaun cotlitea, in alt BumHc ltig eiah teen eraona. Tie pet tittn aver that alt tbe part lea claiming thfcr ft eoom bai alwaya eeoyed nrdiapured poeMiib of their ilerty for forty Eve yeaia fore the year KIM when hey were fo cibly ta.

en from their piares re.idtLCe and aLrrWatda laced in tbe ptwaea i tu if Itanlei A lous end Zacharie 8. Mab y. wbo claimed llietu a. their alavea io ioat'tuti ig tbe present aoit, tne i. fendn'iu ti ed a 111 of exception nyins tbe rigbt 01 tbe aiutia 10 ane uttili'r tbe cir um'taticea.

The idgt the court at tuet time waa Hon. C. Lnrue and he sustained the except on and it petition was ed. I ke pi int ilia took an appeal from th's rt'cuiuii to the uprcnie tort. when Judge Larue's decjai iu was overruled aod the auit ordered to be tried on the merits of tb ca e.

A cordlfr to the ev denre given it a pesrs that Rn's lie a forme ly tb i property t.l Simon Porche. of the a ub of Poiut upee bout rrty tive years ago, Porr he ai't wed the ai U1 to many a fr.e colored man named Jen oiiv wbo was the na'ural brotoer of Si'in Porche. Tbe woman then left i he plantation other master with bia naeiii and raliled on the farm of her for forty live yeara the woman and her Ceaceudtnta t.ere allowed to live on rbt ir farm, which wa.altnated ou an lalaijd iu Faiae River, near tbe Porctie plmtatioo. enjoyed rturine tbia long period atl tbe rigttta of tree persons, no attempt being made to reduce tneuu to bond age. About thirty vears sgn M'me Porche became the role legatee ot her buauand end continued treit Ealalie and hr children with much ndntai.

makiug frequent at tsmpta to liave triem testily ejrancipited by the Police Jury of the pariau, in order ibat their freedom ahnnld be forever secured tt them. The attorney of M'me Porche. wbo LaJ ftequei consu taiionc with bet on the auoject, pievioua to ber death, tc fits to the latur fa ts So fearful was M'me P. tb trouble mignt hereafter arise a'tcut be negroes. ht ah male a nominal aal of tuem to a relative, on ttecoudit on that heabould eman cipate them.

Tbe latter person did noi.rruuicipate them, Art'ct 3.AI0 of the Civi Code a master tarter a slave to euj. hia liberty for ten years during Ira rrsi deuceln the tareor for twenty jeara, while out of it, he shall lose all rlgnt of action to recover posse sioa of the slave, uuleas ta avc be a runaway or After quoting severs! derisic'us aud referring to many bigb autlioritlea, Judgr Bobertaon decided, "After tbia merry uf tbe preiniaea it epp ara to the court that tLe concluaion la irresirtible tn tnvor of the freedom of.the plaintiffs, it ia. tberriore, adjudged and decreed tiat the prayer of th petitioners be granted. Ihtt they be ret at lioeny. and tint tne defendants be forever enjoined from moleetius them." First District Court.

George W. Dixon, McVtigu and James Dervtne were yesterday tried fir baving ertcrad a suop in tte day tixe, with intent to steal, tnr jury returned a verdict ol not guilty. Grand Jury. The Grand Jury yesterday returned a true bill against Philip Frank Mob.n, Dennis Bacaery and Bam Coyle, i robbing William H'ng of S40. on the slat uf October ia t.

Levi H. alrFarland, acense of robbery, was discharged on tbe recommendation of the jury. Fourth District Court. Judge Reynolds yesterday decided 1 be caae of O. Robleu c.

A. W. L. Palmtr. Tbe plaintiff chatg'd the defendant with retaining in bit handa tbe proce da of drafts amouoting In.Tso 60, wbich bad been iutru ted to him to ae.l i broker.

The follow, Lg is tbe decision 1 am or opinion that the law and evidence sustains plsiutilTs allegations, and ihat defendant csrnot be con ai 'ereti aa bavtug been employed in any other capacity tnan tbat of broker and thn tbe defendant baa been gjilty ot defrauding the plaintiff at alleged. it ia therefore ordered, adju 'ged tnd decreed, that the defended A. W. L. Palmer, ue condemned to two yeara' impriaoment in tue Pariab Prisuii, aod that plaintiff recover jf defendant to, with legal interest ai.d coata.

U. S. District Court. The caae of Mrs. A.

M. Welsh rr. the steamboat H. M. Wrigh wss yrsier day decided ir this court The plant iff claims SiOun tte v.oe of a gold wat a tir of gold soecierles and $11 in mey, which a as stolen from 'be sate room wbich she occupied on the passage from Sew Orleana to Rayon Sara Judge lcCaleb bald that, having decided that the articlea in qu ation properly he embraced ia the word baggage be ihougi tbe boat waa rraponaible, and so gave judgment for tbe amount claimed.


Kelly. I. a a Conner and ion. Martin, Cothn, biilips. Miss; Weigb man.

or McCormitk. Uotialosouvilie: UrT A Harrison. la: Busbnell Fa; Ueegan, aahville; Keith, Mour 61 Blinins, Juge Mclntyre, Wlccutcn eon. La; Wilsxa Cajr. Va, Perama, Ua: Cbas Lanaford.

Va; lT Adama. Ry; RH Soyder. Banoia. Major au Dorn and niece. La; UiM Lacy, Dr June, Texas; Sawer, i Watson, La; Dr RuLCertieldaB Ki miss; Lawes, Ls: lis nrut.

a a airiiants. Yl Pitcher. NO; i isett, A Wbitfjeid, Mi 8 Jones, Miaa; Leagrove, Md; ti Durden, Pierce nnrier, Ijm LCCI3 HOTEL. Gordon. Mobile; Vi North, Rand, Fr ncb, Saol, CO; lr Meng and lady.

Natcbex; Allen. Smith. Pa: Lapire. A Laptce, La. VtKA.MIAH HOTEL Peck.

mimer. Scott, NO; BR berta. Pa; Oen Mitcnell, 8 Hoffman, A Hutf uan, Mis; lvry, Os; Myers, rngb. Ls; Lowe, Ala; Capt Throe and family; Mitchell, A Boy kin, it Bovkin, Lit; ARCAl HOTEL a Smith i A emherie. fjraodon.

La; Wier, SC; Wing, Ky; A Intwis, A ia: A unver. Brima: finDstrr. ranavent. Mies; BWr Snapp, o. DEATHS.

On Friday morning. 1Kb MART AHH BURTIS, consort of Mr. A Orivot. Tbe friends of the family are reepectfolly requested to attend ber funeral This Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further Invitation, from Tbalia street, between Dryades aad Bacchus street, adjoining Fire Engine House If o. SO.

Pittsburg and Cincinnati repers please copy. A CARQ. hee leave tn return my sincere thsnks to Mr. Thomas Placide, late of the Varieties, for his aaboooded kindness to myself aad family, notwithstanding pis own I r.L.mlrv an war immediate arrival in that city and also to Mr. Bea DeBar, for much kindness anor real service.

wani .7 Cspt Williams, of the packet ship Eilxa Mallory. for bis stoat Btodoess aod attention to us, noa tm; a r. hut from be moment that ha heard of oar nisap Pal tinea bia kindness was more tban wooblra. I BwaRa! Nevr Baroka a O. Oil OAN'8, XXCHAKOS plack, THB IARDg oy ira.

Adjolniugthe FoetOSca. THB MOTHEJLB oVxl AJVfcC)EB ayard Taylor. AM I tCaW "fi i Mrs. e. Ashtoa.

ROTHERroRD'B CtLlC.v LOTS AND ID Lgi BaaA TBJt NORTH BUTlSt tut vSi TONES' AH OSsTJvHc. west oir THa, irriau. AM Alt sUa adpstAitW C. M0a WHAT ABE THE, REASONS 1 WHT TOO SBOOLD OCT TOUK i AWir v. ij CrenUesneai'a WwrmUMmm BECADBgl his ahirts are warranted to at yoa well, there being upwards of TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZES, at prices front $1 ss each.

BECAD8E several i Mr rent sixes are not cat all aliks la tba body, bet fit properly there, as well ss ia the neck and wrists. BECA0SS having ths largest stock and great at variety In Hew Orleans, you are surs to bs suited in wbat yt ask far. BECAOSE he does not depend on the ordinary Northern supply, but makes bis ovn Shirts at the MAN FACTORY, No. SS4 BROADWAY, New 1 York. BECAUSE you can have them MADE SPECIALLY TO ORDER for you In a month's time, In any style.

BECAUSE the Bottoas are always resewd after being reeeired and therefore never come off. BECAUSE bis Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods are always fresh and new liylea, being received by very steamer. BECAG8E it ls the ONLY stoie in New Orleans where you ccn have Collars and Under Garments made to order on tbe epot BECAUSK he ta alwaya amongst yon, knows your tastes and crters accordingly. BECAUSE a PRICE cash system is adopted, aod pla'n figures for every one. BECAUSE Tollte attention, no trouble to thow goods, and every thing a Gentleman needs for his toilet will invariably be met with.

BECAOSE any thing sou purchase, if not approved of, will be exchanged, or the Money Refunded. BECAUSE everybody can fell you where to did S. N. MOODY'S, CORNER OF CANAL STREET and d3 SuTnTti8otf XCHAXOE PLACE. A New IMacovery! A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE To Core Bad Spirits, Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heartburn, touc raius, ioa in me bwidku or rmi.

iu iuv Bowela, Headache. Droweinrae, Kidney Coti p'aiuta, Melancholy, Delirium Tremena and Intemperance. WEAK AND SICKLY CONSTITUTIONS ARE BUD 1ENLY RESTORED TO HEALTH AND VIGOR DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. It Stimulates, Exhilarates.

Invigorates, but "will not Intoxicate or stupifv. As a medicine, it is quirk and eft. ctual, curing Uie worst anil mosc aggravaieo cases oi LryspeiMia, niniirj vuiu lainta and all deraogementa of the Stomach and Bowels, Four or Fivi Minutes to Twroty foor Hours. It will instantly revive the most melancholy and drooping spirits, ani restore tbe weak, feeble, nervous and sickly to ae.lrb, strength snd vigor. As a delicious beverage.

It ia refreshing exhilarating and sttmclatng; it wiuweitner intoxicate or siupuy. THE INTEMPEK ATE AND INEBRIATE will find instant relirf from the horrible feelings pro duced by tbe ose of bad lutoxiratii'g liquors. NERVOUSNESS. Persoos who, from the injudicious use of Liquors, have become dejected and tbe nervous system shattered, constitutions broken down and subject to that horrible curse to humenity, THE DELIRIUM TREMENS, will in ten minatrs feel tne happy and keslthy Invigorating efficacy of Dr Ham's Invigorating Spirit. DR.

HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. WHaT IT WILL DOi Dr. HaM.the inventor and discoverer of this Medical Beveraee, a. area tbe Fullc, bax for tbe complaints and ailments it is reromnsended to remove and cure, it will not deceive nor disappoint the patient. It is not recommended as a cur all, hut for tbe rli stressing aiimenti it is recom mended fir, tbe patient will feel it" bsppy ejects immediately.

Dtwe one wine gisss fall as often as necessary. It is good at all rim s. One dose will in ten minnt remove all bsd spirits. Our do will in five minutes core heartburn. Three doses will cure indigestion.

Oue dose will give you a good appetite. One dose wi1' slop tb' distressioi paint nf dyspepsia One dose will cure a violent sick heaaacbe. One buttle cured Dr. Wm. Davidson of Chronic Dya pepsia Mr.

Davidson waa afflicted foraix yeara Le could not al the' moat simple imm1 wi bout grtfat saltering; one bottle cared btm eutirely be eats animal and vegc jMe food with eaae. One bottle cured a gentlemad of Dyapepsis, witb Water Brash actetions; be Irit better after tne nut doe. Mrs. Storms, of New York was so troob'ed with Dvspeesia tbat sne bad not eaten meat for foor years. Kh waaentirclv ur.d bv balf a bottle.

8h. waa much rel eved after taking oue wine glara of the Invignraiing Spirit, tbat ahe rbultf eat a meatditiner without difficulty. Onr dose will remove the disagreeable and distressing eff els of wind ai flatolence, and the moment tbe st mi' cb rrce.ves tne Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load and all p.lnfol will tte removed. One ooae will relieve tbe most diatr easing paina of colic either in be Itumtch or Oowela. A few doaea will remove all obsruer! 'ns In Kldnry, aider urinary organs.

Persons wbo in nously afflicted with any kidney com plajn't are stiutrti speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure oy tne use ot one or rw. nor ties. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who. from di sipating too much over nfgt, and feel the evil etfecla of tbe poiaooooa tiquo a in violent beadachea, aicaueaa at atomac wesknesa.

giddiness. will find one dose will remove, all bsd Ladies of weak and sickly consultations should take the Invigoraticg Sp.rit three t'lnra a day; It will make you string, healthy and happy, remove all instructions snd irregularities trnm the menstrual organs, and testore the bloom of health aud beauty to tbe aickly, abriveled and waa tea care worn lace. PRICE. ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. RADWAY A CO, hoi.

sale Ageula, Ml Fuiton street. sola oy viugis everywnere. JOHN WRIGHT ft 131 Chartres street. di SdpSaat niy Aguts new Orleans. TOYS! TCYS! TOYS Chriatmaa and New Vear Presents! IT liEKGMANX Oj Chartres street, 28 Would announce to their frirnda and tbe public of New Orleans generally, tbat tbey have Just opened one of the largest and most beautiful assortments of GERMAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH TOYS AND FANCY ARTICLES in New Orleans Thrre ts no tiling within tbe catalogue of Children's Plsythlngs thst they not prepared to aupplv in any form and at any rost.

Those wbo are desirous of msking purchsses for the Holidays of any article In their line, are respectfully Invited tb give them a ca 1. gat We also have a tins stork of Parian Marble Stat uectea, Vasea, Fancy China and Bohemian Mantle Orna ments, Ladies' Work Table, Papier Marl nting Desks, Work Boxes, Ac Ac H. BERG MANN A dlo SdplOt sa Chaitres street For Bale! For Sale! Having leased the BELLVILLE IRON WORKS In Algiers, I offer for sale, ou iong credit, a' the Tools Steam Engine, Cupola, Flasks, Ac, In comp etc order, at tbey uow stand in JULIA STREET FOUNDRY. Also, the LEASE of the Fo ndry. Bar" For further information, apply to ras sdptf F.

W. C. COUK. on ths premises. S00.0OO Havana Cigars, Guaranteed of direct and late importation, comprising Imoerialea.

Rec.lia. Media Rea aHa. Millares. Prenaados. Cilindradus, egu ros Panetrlos, Cassdores.

Csballeros Breves, of the moat puted nrands, such as Cabanaa Carnajal, Cgurs, tiarcia, athington, Jttderson, Flor del Paseo, Flor de Morales, Iuclsuidad, Mtnsagero, Jenny Ac. Ac gsjr And r.lso, a line assortment Just received expressly put op for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS, la boxes of and 60 Cigars eacn. For sale by 8 Vei VlbSER ft fdpet IT 74 Marazlne street Inhalation Inhalation! DR. THOMAS H. GREEN HO UGH, baving returned home, respectfully informs bis numerous friends and pstients in New Orleans, and the Uuitea States, tnat be has this winter located bia consulting aud business office for the treatment of all Throat and Lung Disear as abnve at No.

11 Daoplilne ttret, (one door from Caual in the rear of Christ Church,) where1 he may be found from 0 A M. to 5 P. M. daily. Patients tn the country desirous of placing under his care, will please address to Box Post Otfice, and their cases will be attended to punctually.

N. JLajVDr. DAVID PALMER THOMAS, cf Pniladtl pbia, ia how associated with Dr. Grernhougn in tbs prac tice of bia profession. Keatdence, 103 JL.ive street.

gay Dr. Gieenbougb's Inhalers can be aeen at Ltr. Byrne 'a drug store, on the corner of Csrondelet aod Canal streets. 014 napa vttl Five Dollar Talmas of Cloth, well trimmed and lined all through. ONE HUNDRED MORE Just received at SIMPSON'S, dl4 sdpftt lis Canal stiaas.

CHRISTMAS GIFTS! CHRISTMAS GIFTS I flrvrean's Urrnt AnriBsvl Kxblbltlon ofTsri! XDI xtoyai sureei, oomer oi i ooiousa strut! OU EAU rewpectfolly Informs the Ladles and Gentlemen that he is now arranging nis Grand Axuiouion ol T0T8. BOLLS, WORK BOXES, SEVRES CHIftA. BISCUIT GROUPS and STATUETTES, FANCY BRONZE and JEWELRY, SEVRES CLOCKS, PRESENTS FOR LADIK8, CHILDREN'S FURNITURE, sctcst SP The Inflaita variety of his large assortment befog too long to enumerate, ths proprietor of this establish meat invites ths Ladles aad Gentlemen ta coma aad visit it, 414 ada Per etosxsnerKriipIre City! LEIGHTON BARBOT. Southwest corner Canal and St Charles streets. Have lost received a choice lot af Cloth Frock COATS single aavl doable breasted, af Mack, bine, amefla, alive.

brown, BUSINESS COATS of aJl colon, qualities aad sty lea. PANTALOONS ef black and co*kxred Cssrlmsrss VESTS of Mack and rich cesared Velvet ani Plush, single and danbts htlSStlS. VESTS of plain black saut flgared Silk sad Satin, single and Soobia TESTS of colorod Uk and Cashmere, B. aad D. B.

0 VERCOATfef Cloth, Petershsos, Beaver aad Pilot, ah) ef saperior rnaks, aad are offered at extremely low cash prices. dl4 aa IsaUSBTwM 1AJL80X la Maarar xaaktoCs ar tf J' mafsjaajSTa 7f IMPORTANT TO 8TJOA risAJvix.iwJ. THOMPSON'S BAGASSE BUENEK te now ia sue. Msssra. tlon, aioetasa Wile point.

Uf this Paraaca the fnn lCWrrorrtb. rnlUssfUeby burnt without the aid of wood or Mowers, fornishtng ample steam foe rsnnlng the essjine sad ether purt saea Those interested snd of seeing ths Fumsca in operation, can do so bV taking pUasare trip ea the Opelooaaa Railroad cars, lesvug Algiers en Sunday morn tug tn the a o'clock train, and stopping at Johnson's Canal, a short distance from the sngar boana. Aay one desiring farther InformatioB upon the sahjMCt, are referred to usi.ii, wobu at ruinaa, dlB adpSt Ne. 4 Front Levee. IIonae Pnrnlahlns Coadaj SELLING OFF TO CHANGE BUSINESS At 17 Camp street.

The subscribers, having resolved to make a change ia their business, are ashing their stock of Goods at such a great reduction of prices aa to insure sales to all who will take the trooble te call. Tbsif splendid sssortment consists in part of China, Glass snd art hen ware. Iron, Tin andj Wood Ware. Block Tin. Japanned Britannia Plated Ware.

Cooking Stoves. moderator ana Solar Lamps. Hall Lamps Bat Racks. Brooms. Baskets.

Feudera. Andirons, Chandeliers. Knives aod Forka. Shovels and Tonga, ate Comprising ss fine and extensive a stock as can be 'sand in the city 1 bey avoid tbe ose or 1 ne otten aouaea puroee "celling off at cost," but pu.cbsaers may rely on finding Goods so much below market prices as to render It sn object, to examine them, boodi fur the country packed carefully. dm sdptf B.

BBOWER A CO. Ho ithera Billiard Saloon, 105 and 107 Gravier street, between Csrondelet and St, Charles, over Holt's Bouse the largest Billiard 8a 'oon iu the Southwest, containing Fourteen Tables on the same floor. Thanking my fri nds and ths public in general for their liberal patronage, I have the pleasure of informing tbem that I have, in the past month, much enlarged and newly renovated and embellished my Saloons. Tbe brand Saloon, extending from Union to Gravier street, will con tain ten tab'es, and tbe adj lining room foor ail of which are of tbe best manufacture and approved quality, seven of tbem hav ng marble beds; entrances on Union and Gravier streets; both lit up at nit ht Ly lanterns. It will be my endeavor to make the B.

B. Saloon tbe most ele gant, quiet and popular in the city. A contltaance of patronage Is solicited. dl4 sdpiy M. MTI.I.ER.

Deposit Ticket Tin Boxea AT STATIONERS' II ALL, No. 24 Chartres TIN BOXES for holllng Bank Deposit Tickers. Each box is so constructed as to bold two, three, four, five and six different Bans Deposit Tickets, and the needing of ear ticket can be easily read. For sale by D. FELT A STETSON, dl6 Jdp3t Stationers' Ha'l.

No. 84 Chartres street. Levi Brawn's Premium Caold Pens, manufactured with ail their superior qualities, and for sale at NORMAN'S, 14 CAMP STREET. gtsT A new supply, greatly improved. Just received.

Also, a further supply of FIFE'S matchless PENS, at NORMAN'S, dl5 2dp3t 14 Camp street Hill Greater UedncUa DAMAGED SILKS. The balance of tbe atdck of 8potted Silka still on hand AbOUT FIVE HUNDRED DRESS PATTERNS, will be sold, commencing on MONDAY, 'be lltb inst, at about 86 per cent, lower tbsn last week's prices, In order to CL08E THEM OUT THIS WEEK, C.M.SIMPSON. 110 Canal street, dlO Sdptf Touro'a Row. Silverware! Silverware Tbe subscribers are now finishing off st their Mans factory in this city, an unusually large and elegant as ortmcnt of SI VERWARE, OF NEW PATTERNS, for their Winter Trade, and tit) would advise their city friends to give them an early cal to bsve their pick of tbe new designs before tbey are bsll taksn off by the county purchasers In November and December. SsV We are mak'ng WATER and MILK PTTCHRRS.

COFFEE and TEA 8ETS, CDP and OOSLETS, In Tt Wit BUTTER TUBS. SUGAR STANDS, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE BASKETS. SALT CELLARS, NAPKIN RTN88 and a great many of Ornamental Pieces for the Table Besides, a large assortment of SPOONS, LADLE FORKS, Ac of eery pattern. All warranted of sterile quality. For sale by HYDE A GOODRICH, oa Sdptf corner Canal and Royal sere Kill Warebwaee.

DIRECT IMPORTATION. IMMENSE STOCK OP SILKS AND SILK OOODI M. R. HAGGERTY IMPORTERS OF SILKS AND SILK GOODS, 16S Canal and Royal street. IMMENSE STOCK OF SILKS AND SILK GOOD! We most respectfully announce to onr friends sad tb public tbat we have now In store the largest assortment Silks ever Imported Into the city, consisting of Black and colored SIRS, of every description.

Black and colored flounced ROBES. Extra rich plaid GROS DE LYONS, both in black and colors. Plain SILKS, of every shade. SATI Levantines, Satin Tenque, Satin a la Rein A very choice assortment of rich plaid SILKti, neves Qe signs, at T5 cents and SI per yard, Florences, 'eel line, Sinchews. Black and colored SILK.


EMBROLDEBIES, LACES, GLOVES, HOSIERY. PLANTATION GOODK HOUSEKEEPING GOO DA FLANNELS, SHEETINGS. DIAPER, DAMASKS. BSP Having determined to bring onr business to sa aa usually early close this fall, ourchasers will find It to tbel advantage te examine onr stock and prices before nr chasing elsewhere. M.

R. HAGGERTY A no Sdptf 168 Canal and 8 Royal St Revolving Intereat Tahlea for 6 and per ceat STATIONERS' II ALL, Wo. 24 Chartres street. INTEREST TABLE AND INDICATOR for any amount, from cent to a and 8 per from one day to five years. For sale by D.

FELT A STETSON, 14 Sdpat BtaMonerVHalL S4.Chartrea street. NEW SHOW ROOMS. Silks, Embroideries and Mantillas VT. P. 8CANLAN Nos.

12 and 14 Chartres street, Ilave tbe honor of Informing tba Ladies that tbey have added the houae No. 14 to their establishment. In wbicb they have opened rooms for the more convenient display of their large imports' ions of PARIS MILLINE9.Y, SATIN, VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS, TALMAS, aN TILL Ad, and RICH FANCY ARTICLES. They hsve also received per ships Wertemburg, Mai house snd Redwood, from Hsvre, the largest and most complete assortment of RICH DRESS 8ILKS AND 'EMBROIDERIES ever brought to tne city. Also, a complete aasortmt ntof REAL CANION CREPE SHAWLS, Parasols, Seamless Corsets, Rich Fans and Lace Goods oj all kinds.

dlO sdptl Two Pin Balia Oak Veneers, efce. I have jnst turned an assortment of TE a PlN BALLS, and aawed a choice lot of Oak VENEERS. On baud. Walnut, Rosewood, Mahogany and Maoie VENEERS. HENRl T.

SHERMAN, Dealer in all kinds of Fancy Wood and Lumber, Mariposa Mills, 14 and IS St Joseph street, dlO etSdsAUW Near the Levee. Care and Prevented. 11. R. R.

CRAMPS, SPASMS, WRHNCHINO PAINS IN THE STOMACd. AND VOMlTINd INSTANTLY STOPPED. RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF is Nature's antidote for the cure and prevention of cholera ONE TEASPOONFCL of RADWAY'8 BEADY RELIEF, taken on tbe first symptoms of cholera, will Instantly cbeck aad arrest the progress of tbe disease, stop the most violent discharges, and will free the patient from pain lo a few minutes. If Cramps, Spasms. Vomitings and frightful Distortions of tbe Lirobi and Joists take place, bathe the wbole body with R.

R. on hot flannels, aod take tbe Relief internally. This will instantly allay all painful irritations, stop the cramps, settle aad cleanse the stomach, aao neutralise the poisonous malaria of cholera. ii tbe body is cold and lifeless, aod tbe blood ch'Hy and stagnated, a teaspoonful of RAD WAY '8 READY RELIEF will impart HEAT AND LIFE into every organ end secretion ta the system, STEAMBOATS AND HOTELS should be plentifully supplied with the R. R.

far If saaen sne moment camera sympvtras appear, tt will ia a few moments cneck toe rtlnssi aad atop ail pain. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC sheald always carry a bottle of R. R. R. with them.

A few drops, tn a little arandy and water, or la sold water wid keep the stomach clean and free from artd and ail maiarioas poisons. 4 FAMILIES should always keep a bottle of R. R. R. at hand, for it will instantly stop pain and quickly care its cense.

Reee in mind ths for Cholera, Cholera Marbas, Jvsea tery, Diarrhea. Cram pa, Spaama. Chill Fever, Sick Head ee as, Roenmatism aad Neuralgia, R. aV R. is a quick and speeds cere.

RaDWaYS READY RtTLXEr Is sold by Ornggists thraughoat the country, aad la New York by RAD va AY a No. lea FaUon screes, opposite St. Paau'a, aa stabs. Prk a cents. AC cents, aad SI par bottta.

I. B. The dollar bottles contain fivw of the as cent, RAD WAT A He. 19lFaUstrewftt, lie aad retail in New Orleans, bv Far sale, whiiesals i WRIGHT fa CO safes 1,8 54! P. A REILLY.

Dmvmer JUysd aa CataaU atrvjet, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS, Are aaWpreparMtoexalhU their FaJag swiis, ENGLISH. 'J SCOTCH. IRISH and i INDIA DRY GOODS, i comprising one of tbe largest and most varied assortments ever offered ia this city. SILKS, PRESS OOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, RIBBONS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, LIKENS, AC. Ac, will be fonnd in this stock la great varieties.

BW BUYERS FOR CASH CT approved credit will find It to their interest to give it a careful examination before purchasing. nSo SdpSm Create De Bouiy CnampeLane, Jscqneaton A Fils brand, an entirely diUerent art! ic trom the Creme de Booxy of other brands. Now landing, 160 baskets of the above and othe brands In quarts and pints, and will receive in tbe coarse si ew days a still runner supply. This Wine Is decidedly superior to aay other Champa Imnorsed into this market, aa is well all have tried Jaeonesson A Fils brand of eit er em de Ronxv or Fleer de Sillerv. a lan.

on hand, mv usual assortment oft bee Wine. aad Liquors in the muket, which will be so en aonable terms aa any ot ber house In the city. 100 Baskets Creme de Bouxy Champagne, JustH tved vis: SO Quarts and 6o pints, Jacqucsson at Fils ore BE WELL T. TAYLOR, Jais sdntf No. 16 Royal treat.

Gentlemen's Shirts II II UAR'D No. 69 Common Street A large stock of 8H1RTS now on hand, such aa FRENCH LINEN SHIRTS, French straight coffs. FRENCH LINEN BOSOMS, French straight cuffs. LINEN AND LINEN BOSOMS, without collars, witb French and straight cuffs, latest style, AT GREAT BARGAINS. OOTHS' AND BO YS'tSHIKTS ALWAYS ON HAND) hSb sdptf Dr.

Coxe'a Cholera Remedy. Southern Cough Syrup, Dewberry and Blackberry Cordial, and Ex tract of Copaiva, Sareaparilla and Cube ha, are for sate oy Mr. FIN LEY, corner of Camp and Jul a streets, i Mr. RANKIN, corner of Camp snd Poydraa Mr. POPE, corner Jackson street snd Railroad.

dS SdplSt CsU petinsis Carpet ings TODD No. 120 Canal street, Have on hand a large and beautiful assortment of VELVET', TAPE8TRT, and RROSSELS CA RFETTNGS, which they have received on consignment, and have posi tive instructions to close sales at a great redaction in price. THREE PLY, IHQRAIN and DUTCH and a new article of TAPESTRY INGRAIN, much band sooner than Three Fly and cbeaper. FLOOR OIL CLOTH, 3 to S4 feet wide, a large assortment WI5D0W SHADES, DAMASK AND LACE CURTAINS. CORNICES.

RUGS MATS, Ac Ac TODD A. Commission Carpet Ware room, ISO Canal street, near Royal, dio tdpflt Touro Buildings The Grand Saloons ot JACOBS, No. 93 Camp street, Were opened to the public on the 1st inst. Tbey con rain the most va'usble snd extensive COLLECTION OP PICTURES in Oil and Water Colors, Drawings, Print Impressions of the most costly Engravings. Parian Marble and Bronte STAT ETTES, with other choice Works of Art, ever exhibited in the South.

Strangers and citizens, particularly ths ladies, are in vited to examine (free of charge) this unrivaled and unique Southern Gallery of the Fine Arts. THE DAGUERREOTYPE DEPARTMENT, in its various Improvements and appointments, surpasses any Dagaerrean Establishment la Europe, or in this coun tiy" PORTRAITS are executed In the finest style known to tbe art, and by a new philosophical process, arc fully equal to the most beautiful colored Minatorea, displaying the life like ex pression of the features, Ins esd of that spectral appear ance so peculiar to Daguerreotypes taken by the ordinary method. The stock of Medallions, Lockets, Kings and Breastpins of fine gold embraces every variety, and of the newest fashion, furnished at manufacturers' prices. All orders for Daguerreotype Materiala most be accom panted by cash. Tbe Dry Sensitive, prepared by E.

Jacobs for operators, is wsrranted tn maintain Its chemical pro pertiss pure foraix months. Pries, SiO per jar. d3 3dp6m Great Barjraias SALES UNDER COST PRICE. A. STUKZENEGGER ETERNOD, 47 Chartres street, between Bienville snd Customhouse, offer for sale, st extremely low rates, in order to dose consignments RICH FANS, of Pearl and Ivory.

Black and colored VELVET, single snd double width. Black and colored Velvet RIBBONS, In ell Noarall kinds of doth. Fancy and black Woolen SATIN. All kinds of DAMA8K for Cortaina low Pieces GROS DE NAPLES, TAFFETAS, and plain Satin BIBBONS. IsT Conditions liberal nM Sdptf Ilanae Karalshlngt Articles 49 Camp street, SAM'L E.

MOOSE St. Co Hsve now on band an excellent supply of, articles la tnetr line of bnsineas, which will be sold st low prices, 1 the quadty guaranteed tn be of the best. A part of the stock is comprised of White Stone China DINNER and TEA WARE, WhReFreneh China DINNER and TEA SETS, White Stone China CH 4MBER SETS, OUt and Painted Stone TOILET SETS, Silver Plated CASTORS CANDLESTICKS TABLE, TEA and DE8SERT SPOONS and FORKA Best Polished Tin COFFEE and TEAPOTS, URNS. CHAFiNG I'ISHES, TCREEftS, COFFEE JELLY MOULDS. Britannia Mttal COFFEE and TEAPOTS, CASTORS SPOONS, LADLES.

Ac Japanned Walters and Trays, Bronxed and Gilt Sslar Lamps, French Moderator Lamps, Hall Lamps and Chandeliers, Ivory bandied and plain Cutlery, Fire Irons snd Stands, Cot, Moulded, and plain Qlaes Ware, Bronzed, Gilt and Silvered Oirondolea, Table and. Door Mats, Brushes, Napkin Rings, emmoa Tin aad Japanned Ware, with many other artld a' 'of will be delivered at any part of the city' tree charge. alO Sdnt Mew and Fashionable Clot nine! FRANCIS FAB RE Corner of St. Charles aad Common streets. Beg eave to Invite tbe attention of their friends to larg and well selected stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, now receiving from their msnnCsctory in New York, eat bracing every article appertaining to a gentleman' wararooe, ana wnlcn will be ofiered en very modi Bar Additional suppUee win be received throughout tb aaaoa regularly, so aa to keep the sesoitinent always fe ad desirable.

os a S. HOPKINS, Clothing Ittannfaettn er, Has jnst received a very large and well sesuttud sleek ol FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER CLOTH IN which be Is anxious to sell at very tow prices for cash or approved paper. Tbe above stock consists of Costs, Pants, Veals, Overcoats, Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Cravats, Handkercbleftj, Braces, Bocks, Ac el su sjnaniisaj ana utiles. S. HOPKINS; at Magazine street, BT Sdptf corner ef erarlsr.

GenUemen's CIotAlnc. H. HUARO, No. 69 Common Street, Lately reeeived a large Stock of Clothing, AT VERT LOW PRICRS. Assortment complete, such es FROCK COATS, PALETOTS, OVERCOATS.

VESTS, AD the Be Finish. PANTK, CLOARS, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHINO. iiLviaiiiB BlUE TO ORDER, CUT AND MfTia sm near TAILORS JX TOWS. stJS JJmn si VVlutar CUtaJaaT I Invite attentlea te their new aeppllee ef PALI, AND WINTER CLOTH IN SA rtesv seylaw af Frock awd Drese COATS i Cuil res Coatst Paletatsi Tshasa, Ac Fssvey Csavdsaere PAHTf WeAFlgarsd Vslvet aad 8Hk VF.sXS.Ae, A large a er TvmauBV moom. birts, liasa asTtSv' Cftt ii i B.

Sykes seus Rica, at IIS Magsxtaestreet, at Me'eWA. also, urutenes. rTonsioTiS and Liqaora, as sine street, at 10? o'clock, Vincent A Co. sell Dry Ooeds, A at Vclotk.4.. Cnatombouae street, R.

M. Muutgunissy A Co. ti 87 vamp stnts arvsamtenr'TeeHClotklssTae at the same time aad place. IV. Carman A Co sell Horses, Males, Beg.railj at ISli o'clock, at go Magazine street i sssa, jiaewZ Chain.

Compasoes, aa Che Levee, oppaata Paatn First District, Gardner Smith sella Dry Seeds, Oothlag, CsjUsvS a. Ac, ai 10 o'clock, at 130 roydres street. Bertisrd Turpi sells Mess Pork, at 47 Magatlns atiok Morphy A Nevias sell Fmnltare, Buggy, Hsrav At'2' 8r Mary street, at VB e'clocK alas. Groceries. PT ms aun.

ew fMpsa See advertisanweots. i i a aa Diseases ef the Threat aad Lci TREATED AND CUBED BY MEDICAL INH A AT I O5 ZJV CONJUNCTION WITH OTRKU JfPkOfp KXaTMENT. priaclpally of aTamlc chcacut DR. EDWARD JENNER C0XK, baving succeeded in effecting a care ia kisewa peesosvar a Disease of th Langs, by Medical lakslsnse, aftertt. fall are of aU remedies tried by tbe sso eminent Ft clans of Philsdelphia awd Paris, bss sw arsrly years been directing bU attenUon to the local asatLrsWsa or remedies as a bibmb v.

tag OFFICE Na 05 CAMP die adplm adplm Cheaper Than Bverl By reference to the annexed list af prices. kg perceived that i Caangtroetv Is selling hki Goods fait per cent, below eay boase tn the city. s. Ptne French Cloth FROCKK Fine English Cloth FROCKK American Cloth FROCas Black Doeskin Fancy Caaalmere PASTS, Silk and Batta VKeTla. Fancy Casimere Business Pilot Cloth OVERCOATS.

Beaver OVERCOATS. Bearskin TALMAS Fine Cloth TALMAS Linen Bosom SHIRTS, (per Heavy Cotton HALF HOSE (per Jouvia'sKID ULOVEO. Purchasers will do well to pi excise tills ulinllm ment and call and examine tbe Goods Cheap CashCloUring Wsrtbosse, dIS sdpotAltW a SS Casap surct DESAINVIijLB Co.fZXi Ne. ti Chartres street, Ladies are respectfully informed that ws shaS canUos to sell our CHEAP SILKS, AT FIFTY CENTS A YARD, for one week more, After tbat ttsne thy aig be illsjnM I of otherwise. 4 We have on band ft Rich Embroidered White Csshmers Bolts ds Pstl, Velvet Cloaks and Mantillas.

Evening Dresses. Rich Flounce Drasssa. i 'rw PnUd and Figured Silka i Armam Royal aod Mrs Antique, all eoUna. French embroideries snd Lscss. AU descriptions Crape Shawla 4 AI descriptions of Fancy, Staple and Dry ttof'ig Families end Plantations.

5 1 Table Lmen, Ac We speak English, French, Spanish and Oeraias. oiO idp DESAlNVIUJiACO, NILES VV0BX8. The imrprietors of these works, havtafl iMtcassrd si NUee Ca. their eattre abbe st, norfk the Locomotive Shop, are tvury prepares Plant a of Louiaiane, Misstssippt and Takav st Wry low prices with Eaa ines. Sugar Mills, Saw Mills, Draining Marhlf, Bteasa Apperatna, r.

Steam Trains, Vacaam IT striping Engiaea, VscaumPampa, Fllteis, ClsrlStra, Bone Black Burners, and every deecrlptiea ef nnsriruu ta Wvoaura tnsk.f Caae irovav Copper sssg H. A. JONES, lYrvaden. y. W.

SMITH, Secretary andTitaasiat, All orders wlU receive irron, pt Mtentisa by Uresxlif A. J. W. BURBR1DGE A Agenta, f. ssWMcastreaewOriessa Cincinnati, Nov.

10, isrvt. It Is sua Uasfeabtesi" THAT ALFRED MUNROE'A OoJ 34 Magazine street, 5 nave tbe largest and best selected stockv of GilNTLEMEN '8, YOUTHS1, BU1 to be found 1. Sew Orleans. Thh, Hons, buicrl PRICE. Guarantee a fit, ox tbe articles may be rettrr.

Every earment has the price inarketl epos de vial ton is made, gvery saUsfaction will be givea. People are inrlted to ceil troabkt to show gosav Ws hsve Clerks speaking ths French lariguage. Tor a partial list see below i 1 OVERCOATS, of all descriptions. WALKI iO COATS, of all kinds aad colors. BUSINESS COATS, ef eJI kinde and DRESS and FROCK COATS, black sad eeltV CLOTH COATS, of vsrieos quaiitiee.

Tt. TALMA AND WHABAN CLOAJLS. PANTALOONS, af aUkiada, .4 Msgnlfleent Ball VESTS, Embroidered Cloth Vests. 'j. FURNISHCfO OO0DS.


Youths' aad Boys' Frocks, Polkas ndfcckem Youths' Pantaloons and Vests. Youths' Overccssa '1 Children's Cloth Coats. Children's Jackets and Polka Jscketsf Children's Press Jacketsa beautiful avttflA Children's Psataloons. .2 Boys' Shirts, Socks aad Drawera SsT One price for giods Ns devistioo is ever aasdA SaVThis store open every night till 8, aad Ssaareaf Bights tttl o'clock.

ALFRED MONROE 84 Magaslae stree, dlo adpet ewrBeraf Ors istf rflsaumeat te Weeiirmfl aasl MeLeeeU NEW ORLEANS, March. BS, 1 At a meeting of the Joint eosomrttess apsanated ry Mlssisrlppi Fire Company No. and tbe Exsmpt Firs men's Benevolent Asaecistion. held ea the evening ef tsg Slat March, 1864, for the parpoee of raising faadstoereeta monument to the late DANIEL U. WOODRUFF sot WILLIAM McLEOD, who were killed at the are ea morning ef tbe isth tbe foUcrwing lot liaise ar appointed for the purpose above stated 7 His Honor A.

D.Croarman, Mayor. Mr. John D. Blen, 89 Camp street Mr. George Allan, 1TB street.

Mr. Henry Bier, Mayotis efaca. 1 1 N. Bawtborwe, 1ST Canal ssisut. et CoL M.

He Alpin, so Common strews. f. CsL H. L. Goodrich, 4 Comaoen Sires.

Mr. T. Poole, WI Boarboa atreet. V. Capt.

M. a street Mr. W. W. Mathews, corner of rnnimsrclsl Plate aa Camp street.

Mr. T. Adams, corner af Carondsle aad Cessnas streets. i J. H.

WINS FIELD, n)6 Sdpt retary MoaaaiBatal CamaiittCA MERCHANTS 'DRCMASlNa Sehssel Vsoks sixrsi Blastkt BeestB) NORMlAN'8, 1 CAMF ITISlf. the hsTgeet aad meet coasplsta stock sver sxTered la City. tr 'f aT Prices the sagas as ta Kew Task, ead the tsnns ORM AH'S, MEW YORK TKLEflKAPH AOENCY, srvmf 4bvaivvn my ssntssctlsa with Mr. Wixwssl shaU rrrnnsnai tfcs enslnaze ef Teiearaph stepsrttaf aa CorrwjDondenea ea my own swrsonal lespoaaaMlrty. my new posttlea (if sock tt asay bo called) I mtJ" pruiuists, bat leave asy eSoravta the svanaass, so sia vwasw.

to srwak aw the forjrra. All Derrastchas and Lettezs shoald ba sduresssd. SMS Sdptf Tapestry aaasl Brassels CajpettasT AT REDUCED FBICEK la order to reduce owr prsawnt kargs stack yvJ TAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS CARPETS, ww selling tbem st ctrnsideraaie redactisei ef We invite porchssfrs to eaasnlne ths stywa sad ia ly aU new. aad osdered eireet tram lean aaasrezartwrea rabavo es jsa ke a of THREEPLYB, MEDaLLstMf TOORNAY WILTONS and stbsr Cerpsm cocw sw CHINA MATTINOSL Table and Plans Csvea, ss pricea and in great variety. Dragget aad Uaeo Crs Csstba.

WINDOW SHADES, of ail aiaes Btalr Rods, Hasr trlatk Kasa Mass 1 web we eaer ss the lowssS Baarkat pricea A. bAOOBSEAQ CQh doa adnfis 8LAle "mm LVaahle Gwaa fef BsTSt Small and UshtamaAa axaaaaare SSff warranted soond and free frosn naars. 4pin HYPE BOOUJgR GROCERIES, GROCkRI Jd Tbs sw'rnsd to r.oelpa Vfa Large easortaBont of ttreeerias 4 svsry Wines and Brandies i i 5" Green and Ala kTeaSt Backats Brooms aad Tohs 1 WrtOaePaswr, PloyiagCissvlsy Virginia Maaafacra ed and FVmt Car becco, Cigars, Ac. Aasortsd end Paaev Carda I i 4 'v I To which the solicit tbe stt etjoa ww a at 'i 1 "I IS SO) ss ii i a as tt it Msg li as b.iis IS aa i oa.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.