Example usage — bedtools 2.31.0 documentation (2024)

Below are several examples of basic bedtools usage. Example BED files areprovided in the /data directory of the bedtools distribution.

bedtools intersect

Report the base-pair overlap between sequence alignments and genes.

bedtools intersect -a reads.bed -b genes.bed

Report whether each alignment overlaps one or more genes. If not, the alignment is not reported.

bedtools intersect -a reads.bed -b genes.bed -u

Report those alignments that overlap NO genes. Like “grep -v”

bedtools intersect -a reads.bed -b genes.bed -v

Report the number of genes that each alignment overlaps.

bedtools intersect -a reads.bed -b genes.bed -c

Report the entire, original alignment entry for each overlap with a gene.

bedtools intersect -a reads.bed -b genes.bed -wa

Report the entire, original gene entry for each overlap with a gene.

bedtools intersect -a reads.bed -b genes.bed -wb

Report the entire, original alignment and gene entries for each overlap.

bedtools intersect -a reads.bed -b genes.bed -wa -wb

Only report an overlap with a repeat if it spans at least 50% of the exon.

bedtools intersect -a exons.bed -b repeatMasker.bed -f 0.50

Only report an overlap if comprises 50% of the structural variant and 50% of the segmental duplication. Thus, it is reciprocally at least a 50% overlap.

bedtools intersect -a SV.bed -b segmentalDups.bed -f 0.50 -r

Read BED A from stdin. For example, find genes that overlap LINEs but not SINEs.

bedtools intersect -a genes.bed -b LINES.bed | intersectBed -a stdin -b SINEs.bed -v

Retain only single-end BAM alignments that overlap exons.

bedtools intersect -abam reads.bam -b exons.bed > reads.touchingExons.bam

Retain only single-end BAM alignments that do not overlap simple sequencerepeats.

bedtools intersect -abam reads.bam -b SSRs.bed -v > reads.noSSRs.bam

bedtools bamtobed

Convert BAM alignments to BED format.

bedtools bamtobed -i reads.bam > reads.bed

Convert BAM alignments to BED format using the BAM edit distance (NM) as theBED “score”.

bedtools bamtobed -i reads.bam -ed > reads.bed

Convert BAM alignments to BEDPE format.

bedtools bamtobed -i reads.bam -bedpe > reads.bedpe

bedtools window

Report all genes that are within 10000 bp upstream or downstream of CNVs.

bedtools window -a CNVs.bed -b genes.bed -w 10000

Report all genes that are within 10000 bp upstream or 5000 bp downstream ofCNVs.

bedtools window -a CNVs.bed -b genes.bed -l 10000 -r 5000

Report all SNPs that are within 5000 bp upstream or 1000 bp downstream of genes.Define upstream and downstream based on strand.

bedtools window -a genes.bed -b snps.bed -l 5000 -r 1000 -sw

bedtools closest

Note: By default, if there is a tie for closest, all ties will be reported. closestBed allows overlappingfeatures to be the closest.

Find the closest ALU to each gene.

bedtools closest -a genes.bed -b ALUs.bed

Find the closest ALU to each gene, choosing the first ALU in the file if there is atie.

bedtools closest -a genes.bed -b ALUs.bed -t first

Find the closest ALU to each gene, choosing the last ALU in the file if there is atie.

bedtools closest -a genes.bed -b ALUs.bed -t last

bedtools subtract


If a feature in A is entirely “spanned” by any feature in B, it will not be reported.

Remove introns from gene features. Exons will (should) be reported.

bedtools subtract -a genes.bed -b introns.bed

bedtools merge


merge requires that the input is sorted by chromosome and then by startcoordinate. For example, for BED files, one would first sort the inputas follows: sort -k1,1 -k2,2n input.bed > input.sorted.bed

Merge overlapping repetitive elements into a single entry.

bedtools merge -i repeatMasker.bed

Merge overlapping repetitive elements into a single entry, returning the number ofentries merged.

bedtools merge -i repeatMasker.bed -n

Merge nearby (within 1000 bp) repetitive elements into a single entry.

bedtools merge -i repeatMasker.bed -d 1000

bedtools coverage

Compute the coverage of aligned sequences on 10 kilobase “windows” spanning thegenome.

bedtools coverage -a reads.bed -b windows10kb.bed | headchr1 0 10000 0 10000 0.00chr1 10001 20000 33 10000 0.21chr1 20001 30000 42 10000 0.29chr1 30001 40000 71 10000 0.36

Compute the coverage of aligned sequences on 10 kilobase “windows” spanning thegenome and created a BEDGRAPH of the number of aligned reads in each window fordisplay on the UCSC browser.

bedtools coverage -a reads.bed -b windows10kb.bed | cut -f 1-4 > windows10kb.cov.bedg

Compute the coverage of aligned sequences on 10 kilobase “windows” spanning thegenome and created a BEDGRAPH of the fraction of each window covered by at leastone aligned read for display on the UCSC browser.

bedtools coverage -a reads.bed -b windows10kb.bed | \ awk '{OFS="\t"; print $1,$2,$3,$6}' \ > windows10kb.pctcov.bedg

bedtools complement

Report all intervals in the human genome that are not covered by repetitiveelements.

bedtools complement -i repeatMasker.bed -g hg18.genome

bedtools shuffle

Randomly place all discovered variants in the genome. However, prevent themfrom being placed in know genome gaps.

bedtools shuffle -i variants.bed -g hg18.genome -excl genome_gaps.bed

Randomly place all discovered variants in the genome. However, prevent themfrom being placed in know genome gaps and require that the variants be randomlyplaced on the same chromosome.

bedtools shuffle -i variants.bed -g hg18.genome -excl genome_gaps.bed -chrom
Example usage — bedtools 2.31.0 documentation (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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