#cameron monaghan | anuschkalova (2024)

A/N: Ah! Part 7 is finally finished! Please let me know what you think! ❤️ Thanks for all the amazing support! I love you all.Summary: Y/N gets in trouble and Jeremiah helps her. But little does she know that he drags her into more trouble, making Y/N a part of his plans. Forcing her to enter the dangerous life of Gotham’s underwolrd. Pairing: Jeremiah Valeska x ReaderWord count: 3,261Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 8🖤Masterlist🖤

GIF by connerluthorkent

Previously:„I blew up a library near Grant Park. I guess that 30 people died in that explosion. 30 people that would be alive if you hadn’t disobeyed me, my dear.“


>>Firefighters are still struggling to dig the survivors out of the ruins of Gotham’s library. The mysterious explosion claimed the lives of 31 innocent citizens so far. The police suspects an attack, but isn’t able to make a statement. Gotham is shocked and alarmed, the horrible incident leaves one question unanswered: Who is responsible for that?<<

The camera swayed away from the newsreader to zoom into the tragedy behind her. The once historical building was now a burnt wreckage and conducted a babel of screams, sirens and sobbing of the many people that had lost their loved ones.

Oswald muted the TV, but kept his eyes on the little screen and scoffed. „Is he serious? Stealing my gun powder and grenades to blow up a library?“ He shook his head in disapproval. „What a waste.“

Then, a loud and painful scream echoed from afar and Oswald rolled his eyes. He snipped his fingers to summon one of his henchmen.

„Tell those idiots that they do it wrong. The tongue needs to be cut off first, then proceed to the limbs. I’m trying to watch the news.“ The bulky man nodded and left the room, passing Victor who just stepped inside.

Oswald turned his head to the hitman and his eyes automatically lightened up at the sight of Victor’s companion.

„Selina!“, he blurted cheerful, pointing to a chair opposite of him. „Please, take a seat. I think we have tons to catch up on.“ But Selina kept standing at her spot by the door, crossing her arms. „Nah. I’m good“, she mumbled and felt Victor stepping closer behind her. „Sit. Down“, he pressed through gritted teeth and she rolled her eyes. „Fine.“

After Selina sat down, Oswald wasted no time and leaned forward, sliding a photo across the wooden table for her to see - the one that captured the money exchange with Y/N.

She frowned.

„I have one simple question: who is this woman?“ Selina averted her eyes from the photo to meet Oswald’s expectantly stare, but she just shrugged dismissively.

That was the final straw and the man slammed his fist on the table, causing the candlestick on it to bob. His patience was gone, the popping veins on his forehead evidence of his composure.

„So?“, Oswald spat and Selina pressed her lips into a thin line.

„She’s a friend of mine and owned me some money.“

„Really?“, he asked and Selina nodded. „That’s so weird, because Victor here did some research…“, Oswald fumbled with the inner pocket of his blazer, „… and as you know,Victor is very thorough with his work and he found this.“

Two more photos slid in front of Selina and this time, her face turned into stone.

„So, I’m going to ask you again: who is this woman and what’s her business with Mr. Valeska?“

Realization started to sink in, but Selina tried her best to maintain her pokerface. „I don’t know.“

Oswald sighed and stood up, limping around the long table over to Selina. He grabbed her chair back and lowered his head so that his next words could take full effect.

„Bring me this woman, but don’t tell her a word about me. I don’t need Mr. Valeska to know and besides, we don’t want to spoil the surprise, do we?“

„And what if I refuse?“, Selina snapped and faced the Penguin who looked up at Victor. The bold man’s eyes sparkled with excitement as a smirk crept on his face.

„In this case, I would be forced to pass the job to Victor and one thing is for sure: he won’t be as tolerant as he’s been with you. My patience is far gone now and I will let Victor cut this woman’s feet off if she resists.“

Selina could see it in his eyes that he wasn’t bluffing. He was dead serious and judging by the mischievous smile of Zsasz, Y/N was in big trouble. Let alone because of her connection to this maniac called Jeremiah. Without saying a word, Selina raised from her seat, glancing one last time at Oswald before she walked out of the room.

„Always a pleasure doing business with you!“, he called out as her loud steps echoed in the long hallway of his underground complex.


You could still hear the fire truck’s sirens in the distance and the sound filled your mind. Still in shock and shaking, you stared down at your lap with your eyes wide. The guilty conscious grew and grew the longer you sat in that car, next to the man who didn’t seem to care at all.

You had underestimated him and now your sister’s life was in potential danger. Next time, he wouldn’t blow up a library but instead your sister’s room. Because as he’d said - it was just a foretaste of what he’s capable of.

The car stopped in front of your apartment and you saw light in the kitchen. Camila must be preparing some diner and you longed for her comforting food and embrace. Just as you opened the car door, Jeremiah decided to break the silence.

„Change into something elegant“, he said and you stopped in your tracks, sinking back on your seat.

„… What?“

„An evening attire. Preferable a co*cktail dress and matching clutch bag.“

Jeremiah noticed your frown and responded to your cluelessness with an amused smirk.

„We are going to spend diner together. It’s a lovely restaurant, Italian cuisine. The pasta is to be dying for.“

This man must be joking you thought. He had the nerve to eat some fancy diner after he’d killed innocent people! You were disgusted, but in no position to decline. Worried, you searched for your sister’s window and found her room to be dark.

„Don’t worry, my dear. Your sister is in the best of health…“, Jeremiah reassured you and leaned closer, his hand pressing on the soft leather cushion between you two and his rigid pupils were dilated. He radiated the energy of a child that was about to entrust its fellow friend a secret, except it wasn’t a secret at all.

„… apart from the fact that she’s in a coma“, Jeremiah whispered and winked at you shamelessly.

You clenched your hands into tight fists, so hard that your knuckles turned white and the bones popped out. Mentally regretting that you didn’t own a gun yet, you exited the vehicle and slammed the door shut.

Jeremiah lowered the car window and raised his chin to meet the cool night air.

„Don’t take too long. We have a reservation for eleven o’ clock.“


The Bamonte’s restaurant was crowded with finely dressed men and women who chitchatted mindlessly with glasses of wine in their hands. Heavy crystal chandeliers decorated the ceiling and the dim light created an intimate atmosphere.

Jeremiah, yourself and two of his henchman followed the waiter who guided your group to one of the round tables.

It was arranged for two people and you raised an eyebrow at the lit candles and rose bouquet. The two bodyguards positions themselves discreetly while Jeremiah pulled out one of the chairs for you.

„Please“, he insisted and you let him play the gentleman. Careful to not step on your long black gown, you took a seat and placed your clutch on your lap. Suddenly, you felt his hand ghosting over your bare shoulder and stiffened.

You waited in stress, but Jeremiah walked over to his seat and studied the menu. The waiter came back with a notepad in his hand.

„May I take your order, sir?“

„A bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, the best you have. As a starter, we’ll take…“

Jeremiah’s voice started to fade out and soon the whole restaurant’s chitchat, along with the background music, did as well, until there was nothing but silence. Your gaze wandered across the room, your thoughts were like pieces of a puzzle that didn’t fit. They won’t make sense, this whole situation made no sense.

The dreadful screams of the lost souls echoed in your mind, haunting you, nibbling on your conscience. Then, the face of your sister flashed before your inner eye and panic started to rise. You needed to protect her at all costs, even if her safety would claim your own life. Even Camila, she deserved a better life, a new beginning. And Selina - she was the only one you could trust at the moment. You hoped that she wouldn’t get dragged into this any further. As soon as she’d bring you the gun, Selina was out.

Her shocked face was present in your mind, it felt so real and then you paused. Selina’s face didn’t vanish, no, quiet the opposite.

You snapped out of your daze as you spotted your friend outside of the restaurant. There, behind the huge window by the entrance, stood Selina and her expression was as alarmed as yours.

Nervously, you bit your lower lip and tasted the chemicals of the lipstick. sh*t, Selina had seen you with Jeremiah. You glimpsed at her again and she raised her hands, silently asking you what the hell were you doing there. You looked around and Jeremiah coughed, catching your attention.

„I strongly discourage you from escaping“, he misinterpreted, shooting you a blaming glance.

„I was looking for the restrooms“, you corrected him and added snappishly: „If that’s allowed.“

He narrowed his eyes slightly, scanning your face and it made you shift on your seat. He must have shrugged it off due to a full bladder, because he motioned one of his men to come.

„Accompany her and make sure she won’t flee through the sewer.“ You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes, but were eventually thankful for the privacy when you entered the ladies restroom. Jeremiah’s henchman had to wait outside and you took a deep breath.

You turned the water tube on, letting the cold water rinse over your wrists. The cool sensation calmed you down and you half-heartedly took notice of the woman that entered the facilities.

She moved next to you and before you knew it, you felt a gun pressed on your side. You flinched and tensed up, watching the woman from the corner of your eyes. A silk scarf covered her head along with big sunglasses that hid most of her face.

„What the hell are you doing with this maniac, huh?“ It was Selina.

You sighed in relief and she lowered the weapon, leaving you some room to lean against the sink. She teared off her disguise, revealing her anger.

„I told you… it’s non of your business, Selina.“

„Well, now it is since Penguin decided to invite me to the party!“, she announced and you placed a finger on your lips, begging her to be quiet. „Penguin?“, you just asked.

„Yes, the Penguin, Oswald, self-proclaimed king of Gotham!“, she hissed. „He wants to meet you and let me tell you: you are in some deep sh*t.“

Oswald. He probably wanted to know where Martin was, the little boy that Jeremiah held hostage. He was the missing piece of the puzzle, the piece that would complete the solution. You had to meet him, it was all or nothing.

„Y/N!“, Selina interrupted your thoughts and you looked at her apologetically. „Y/N, are you listening? You are in trouble!“

„I know, Selina, and I’m sorry for dragging you into this.“ But she snorted.

„You shouldn’t be worried about me. I know how to survive. It’s you who should be concerned about your own safety, because to make things clear: I won’t safe your ass.“

She pushed the gun against your stomach and you took the shiny object. The weight felt weird in your hands, strange and powerful at the same time.

You nodded. „Thank you, Selina.“ She picked up the scarf and sunglasses, leaving the restroom, but she came to a halt at the door.

„By the way“, she said, turning her head to look you straight in the eyes. „You shouldn’t have lied to me.“ And then she left.


A colorful salad awaited you as you returned to the table. Jeremiah was about to take a sip of his red wine, but stopped at the sight of you.

„Perfect timing!“, he beamed and watched you taking your seat. You knitted your eyebrows in confusion. His gaze moved to the glass of wine next to you. Raising your drink, Jeremiah reached across the table to clink the glasses, a cheerful look freshening his pale face.

Just as he guided the glass back to his mouth, you couldn’t wait any longer and asked: „What if Oswald will kidnap me?“

Jeremiah halts for a moment, the glass pressed on his bottom lip as he glances at you. Then, he takes a sip.

„What makes you think that?“

„Well, it’s most likely that he’s got his eyes and ears everywhere. Maybe he saw us together, it’s possible. Then it’s only logical for him to take me in order to get information about Martin’s location“, you explained and drowned your nerves in expensive red wine.

Jeremiah’s left eyebrow twitched and he looked very pleased for a split second.

„Dear Y/N, in this case, I want your pretty lips to be sealed.“

You frowned. „Wait…You want me to tell the GCPD the truth, but not Oswald?“ „Exactly“, he confirmed, picking up a slice of tomato with his fork. You were taken aback by his answer and just stared at your dish. „Eat“, Jeremiah said, but you shook your head.

„I have no appetite.“ Instead, you took another sip of the wine, the alcohol left a burning tingle in your throat and the burden on your shoulders became less crushing.

„You see this man?“, Jeremiah asked and you followed his discreetly pointed finger. Your eyes landed on a middle-aged man who sat a few tables away from yours. His hair was sleek and a mixture of black and grey. You bet that his suit was tailored and judging by the two young women that bewitched him, he was also rich.


„Antonio Ricci. He’s one of Oswald’s precious business-partners, his main supplier to be exact. Guns, ammunition, drugs, human trafficking - this man is an expert in all illegal matters“, Jeremiah informed you while enjoying his salad. You moved your eyes back to the man facing you and titled your head. „And?“ You weren’t sure what Jeremiah’s point was.

„And he likes you“, he stated and dropped his napkin on the table after he cleaned his mouth.

„He regularly visits the Wonderland’s strip club and has his eyes on you.“ Jeremiah bend a little forward and he savored your unsettling expression. „I can’t blame him. The way you move on stage is really… captivating“, he whispered.

Then, in one swift move, Jeremiah stood up and held his hand out for you. „So I’m going to give him what he wants.“ Your heart sunk. What did he say?You instantly jumped from your seat and stretched your neck so your faces were inches apart. „I am not a prostitute.“ Your growl brought back the sparkle in his green dead eyes.

He took hold of your upper arm, squeezing your flesh and you whined.

„Oh no, you certainly are not. You are my property.“ There it was - the dangerous hiss of a snake. One wrong word and he would snap at you. Reaching for your clutch, Jeremiah waited until you’d briefly fixed your hair before he walked you over to Mr. Ricci.

The man was laughing and too engaged in his conversation to notice your presence. One tip on the man’s shoulder would had got his attention, but Jeremiah who stood directly behind Mr. Ricci, gestured to his henchmen to do the job.

Each of them dug their hands in the long blonde hair of the women to pull them up. Their high pitched screams made the head’s of some guests turn, one of them being Antonio Ricci.

„What the… Hey, boy. Are you eager to die?“, he grumbled like a bear and raised his hand, summoning three armored man. But Jeremiah seemed unimpressed by the threat and pushed you forward. Mr. Ricci’s eyes roamed over your body and then he seemed to recognize you.

„No. I’m just eager to do good business with you“, Jeremiah purred mischievously.


The car drive was sickening - not only because of the thick cigar smoke that filled the vehicle, but also due to Antonio Ricci’s hand that was glued on your thigh.

He had pushed your gown aside to place his paw on your soft skin and it was humiliating.

The driver stopped at a hotel and Mr. Ricci guided you inside. His hand was on your back the whole time and you thanked god for the people inside the elevator.

But then, after you two had reached the 34th floor and entered his suit, Mr. Ricci lost any control.

Like a wild animal, he attacked your neck and pushed you towards the king sized bed.

„Stop!“, you yelled and struggled under his firm grip. His deep laugh send shivers down your spin and he pulled down your dress to reveal your bra. He growled at the sight.

„Come on, be a good girl. Mr. Valeska told me that you’re a wild one, but don’t worry…“, he licked your jaw and you tried to push him away. „… I will tame you.“

„Help!“, you screamed, squirming like a fish on dry land, desperate to get away. You spotted your clutch next to your head and reached for it, but Mr. Ricci grabbed your wrist.

„I think I’ve earned a kiss, don’t you think?“, he murmured and leaned down, that’s when you jolted up and bit his nose. It made an ugly sound, a quiet cracking - either from your jaw or his bone, but he eventually let go of you.


You crawled forward and opened your clutch with shaky hands, feeling the cold metal of the gun once inside. Just as you grabbed the weapon, Mr. Ricci threw himself on you. The impact ejected both of you on the ground and you lost the gun.

Unable to move away, he cupped your throat with his big hands and started to squeeze.

A gasp escaped your trembling lips and your eyes were widened in horror. This was it. Tears blurred the sight of the man who chocked you to death. Your body began to jerk, only a little, but then violently.

„I…I…- p-ple…as…e…“, you tried to beg, your voice just a weak breath. White dots danced in front of your eyes and a sharp hiss passed your ear. You noticed a red dot on Mr. Ricci’s forehead and expected more of them joining the white ones. But the dots disappeared - like the hands around your neck.

You took a long deep breath and heard your lungs squeaking. Coughing, you sat up to find Mr. Ricci’s lifeless body in front of you. The red dot still on his forehead - a bullet wound. A fatal one.

„Sorry to interrupt your foreplay“, a voice said and you spun around. Another man stood by the window, his head bold and a gun in his black gloved hand.

„Hi!“ He waved with his gun and wore a devious grin. „I’m Victor Zsasz and I’m here to pick you up. The Penguin wants to talk to you.“

To be continued…

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 8🖤Masterlist🖤

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#cameron monaghan | anuschkalova (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.