3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (2024)

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3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (1)“Breaking News! The August monthly global surface temperature anomaly is in, and it is nearly a tie!

[It’ll be about a week before the final audited results]. “August, 2023: 1.505°C August, 2024: 1.497°C.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (2)“We might not see pre-2023 monthly global average temperatures for a total of >30 months!

“If the rate of warming has increased even more than we think, we might never experience pre-2023 temperatures again.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (3)“Warmest Svalbard summer ever. Three years in a row experts register record high temperatures on the archipelago…

“August 2024 will be the warmest month ever recorded in the Norwegian town of Longyearbyen on Svalbard at 78°N in the Arctic, reaching an average temperature of 11°C (+-0.1°C). “This surpasses even July’s records by a large margin, while July is historically the warmest month,” – Daan van den Broek reported.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (4)“World’s biggest underwater methane hotspot is found off Barents Sea coast.

“In the central parts of the Barents Sea, near the Norwegian-Russian maritime border, researchers find an area with massive methane seepage from the sea floor.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (5)“The record for the warmest summer in Tromsø (69.39 N) in northern Norway with observations since 1921, has nearly stood completely still in 100 years. Record 1922: 12.4C Record 2023: 12.9C.

“This summer: 14.1C (+ 1.2C) – an increase more than twice as much the last 101 years!”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (6)“A new report into the impact climate change will have on the Scottish Highlands has painted a concerning picture with threats to wildlife and fauna.

“Highland Adapts has released it’s economic analysis of the risks and opportunities in the region and believe plans need to be put in place immediately to begin sorting it out…”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (7)“Seabirds: 40% of UK species in trouble – bird flu, climate change and overfishing to blame…

“Five new species have joined the “red List”, which denotes the highest category of conservation concern: Leach’s storm-petrels, common gulls, great black-backed gulls, Arctic terns and great skuas.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (8)“Crops have ergot fungus that caused St Anthony’s Fire mania [UK].

“Farmers have been plagued by months of bad weather, with incessant rains that left fields waterlogged and flooded, reducing plantings and killing off crops. Now there are reports of a toxic fungus called ergot infecting cereals across parts of the UK…”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (9)“Already 4 m of ice loss at Dachstein glacier [Austria] this summer!

“This is the northernmost glacier in the Alps, lying on a beautiful limestone bed. Summer skiing was a thing there not so long ago! Cross-country ski teams used to train here in summer [as recently as 2017]…”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (10)“August 2024 in Austria had a temperature anomaly of +3.2C above normal and was the warmest August on record.

“Summer was the 2nd warmest on record after 2003,but the hottest on the lowlands.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (11)“EUROPEAN HISTORIC HEAT WAVE – Hundreds of records in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Balkans, etc; including hottest autumn nights in Hungary and Croatia.

“MANY more tomorrow with Poland joining the “party”.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (12)“Environment minister, Mircea Fechet, stated that the summer of 2024 was the hottest on record in the history of the National Meteorological Administration, the agency that measures climate phenomena in Romania.

“Fechet mentioned that in addition to temperature records, increasingly intense extreme weather events are being registered.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (13)“Century-old cannonballs explode due to wildfire in Çanakkale [Turkey]…

“The forest fire in the northwestern province of Çanakkale has caused the explosion of cannonballs from the Gallipoli Campaign of World War I, which took place between 1915 and 1916.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (14)“RECORD! New European Record of Highest average temperatures – Lindos, Rhodes Island, Greece had an average summer temperature of 32.0C, by far the highest ever recorded in any station in Europe.

“It beats itself by a full 1C.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (15)“Water pricing debate bubbles up in Portugal amid intensifying droughts…

“…some investors are pushing for an overhaul of the way Alqueva’s finite water supply is allocated: by severing the legal ties between water and land, and allowing buyers to trade water. Supporters say this would direct water to the farms most willing to pay for — and squeeze the most revenue out of — every last drop.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (16)“Fuerteventura [Canary Islands] extends water emergency for another year…

“The Fuerteventura Cabildo have announced a one-year extension of the emergency status for water on the island, originally declared due to ongoing water scarcity issues.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (17)“Drought threatens crucial stopover site for Montagu’s harriers in Morocco.

“The Nature Today report highlights a worrying change in the southern part of the study area. Large sections of steppe had been converted into date palm plantations, covering hundreds of square kilometers. In other areas, years of drought had left visible marks, with large areas completely bare.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (18)“Two children in north-western Nigeria have died after the building they were in collapsed, adding to the dozens who have lost their lives during weeks of severe flooding, the country’s disaster agency said.

“…at least 179 people across Nigeria have died as a result of the floods, while tens of thousands have been forced from their homes.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (19)“Namibia Breweries Limited turns to boreholes to keep beer flowing.

“So far, companies from 14 industries in Windhoek depend on boreholes for their operations, amid the severe drought and water restrictions… The overall water demand in the capital grows at an average rate of 3% annually.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (20)“Historic Drought Cuts Zambia’s Power Supply to Three Hours a Day.

“Zambia’s electricity crisis has intensified, with households now getting not more than three hours of supply daily after the worst drought in decades curbs hydropower generation that accounts for about 85% of output.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (21)“National record of August highest temperature in COMOROS. After the August hottest night in history, hottest day beaten twice with 32.5C [90.5F] on the 26th.

“Every tropical country is smashing record after record, every single day, like never before.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (22)“MIDDLE EAST RECORD HEAT – sea temperature is extremely high in Middle East and as a result, nights have trouble cooling off.

“More records of September hottest nights were broken today: SAUDI ARABIA Tmin 32.8 Yenbo; EGYPT Tmin 31.9 Kosseir.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (23)“Extreme weather drives surge in Pakistan child marriages...

“”These are marriages of survival prompted by the monsoon season and the reason behind marrying off a girl is to reduce the feeding costs at home during the climate calamity,” said Sansar… The floods of recent years have been particularly devastating…”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (24)“Hailstorm Causes Massive Damage to Apple Orchards in South Kashmir…

““These apple orchards are our lifeline. The hailstorm has devastated our entire crop, leaving us in deep distress,” said Ghulam Rasool, a farmer from Rawalpora. He added we urge the authorities to visit our villages…”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (25)“Vijayawada [Andhra Pradesh, India] received 2200% excess rainfall.

“The chief minister visited flood-affected regions in Vijayawada multiple times and supervised distribution of food packets and relief operations… The NTR Vijayawada district received a cumulative rainfall of 329.7 mm [13 inches]… between August 31 and September 2.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (26)“Monsoon floods kill dozens in India, thousands in relief camps…

““Lots of houses have been damaged as well,” Y Nagi Reddy, director general of Telangana’s disaster response and fire service, told AFP news agency on Monday, adding that there had been 400mm (16 inches) of rainfall within the past 24 hours.


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (27)“Climate change brings a new emergency to the Tamil homeland in Sri Lanka.

“Tamil nationalism faces a new challenge as the climate emergency spreads in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province and other Tamil-dominated areas, where the ravages of war and systemic discrimination have left the population especially vulnerable.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (28)“Six people were killed after a rain-triggered flood in Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in northwest China’s Qinghai Province, local authorities said.

“Intense short-term rainfall hit Shinaihai Township in Gonghe County, causing a road culvert in the township to be destroyed by flooding, China’s emergency management department said.”


“Today, 143 stations (accounting for 6% of China’s stations) broke their September temperature record, 3 stations set the annual record, and Hunan tied the highest record in the province.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (29)“Japan swelters through hottest summer while parts of China log warmest August on record.

“Japan has recorded its hottest summer on record after a sweltering three months marked by thousands of instances of “extreme heat”, with meteorologists warning that unseasonably high temperatures will continue through the autumn.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (30)“Japan under flood alert after days of record rainfall even as storm Shanshan weakens.

“Atami city in central Japan’s Shizuoka prefecture experienced record rainfall of over 654mm [25.7 inches] in 72 hours, more than three times the average for the entire month of August. Heavy rainfall led to landslides and swollen rivers, putting many areas at risk.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (31)“August 2024 in South Korea had an average temperature of 27.9C which is +2.8C above normal and was the HOTTEST MONTH ON RECORD.

“Summer 2024 had an anomaly of +1.9C and was the HOTTEST SUMMER ON RECORD. orth Korea anomalies were even higher.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (32)“Kimchi no more? Climate change puts South Korea’s beloved cabbage dish at risk…

“Napa cabbage thrives in cooler climates, and is usually planted in mountainous regions where temperatures during the key growing summer season once rarely rose above 25 Celsius (77 Fahrenheit).”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (33)“40.6°C [105.1F] Sanxia, near Taipei, on Sep. 1. If reliable, this would be a new monthly national record & the first 40°C ever recorded in Taiwan in September.

“39.6°C Bade (Taoyuan City) which would also break the previous national record.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (34)“EAST ASIA ENDLESS RECORD HEAT – Records never ends in the area with again the September hottest night in history:

SINGAPORE AP Tmin 28.2C [82.8F]
INDONESIA tmin 28.0C at Batam”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (35)“Storm Yagi heads for Chinese coast after leaving 14 dead in the Philippines…

“At least 14 people died in the Philippines as Tropical Storm Yagi brought destructive winds, heavy rains, and widespread disruption as it barrelled towards mainland China.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (36)“Australia sweats through hottest August on record with temperatures 3C above average…

“Bureau of Meteorology data showed average temperatures across the nation in August were 3.03C above the long-term average, easily beating the previous 2.56C record set in 2009. The 2024 winter also ranked as the second hottest on record…”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (37)“Tasmania faces record flooding as wild weather in Victoria and NSW causes flight cancellations and power outages…

“A woman was killed by a falling tree on the New South Wales-Victoria border, almost 100 flights were cancelled in Sydney and Tasmania was expected to experience record flooding as several destructive cold fronts moved up the east coast.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (38)“‘It’s time to give up on normal’: what winter’s weird weather means for the warm months ahead [Australia]…

“It’s always been difficult to forecast fire seasons in Australia, due to our natural climate variability. But now we are seeing climate instability layering over itself: background dryness, wet seasons bringing a proliferation of fuels, and above-average temperatures.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (39)“Amazon river levels fall due to lack of rain, hurting navigation…

“In Manaus, the Rio Negro river is 21 meters deep, down from 24 meters at the same time in 2023, which is beginning to worry industries in the Free Trade Zone, where businesses have requested dredging work begin on the river to avoid last year’s disruption of transport.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (40)“Amazon jungle fires spew toxic smoke to Brazil’s largest city…

“Toxic particles smothered the capital Brasilia in recent days and now have spread to Sao Paulo, the country’s financial center and Latin America’s biggest city… This is the second straight year of extreme drought in Brazil…”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (41)“Ecuadorian government allocates funds to fight forest fires…

“In Quilanga, in the southern province of Loja, the emergency has not been fully controlled for more than a week and so far the flames have consumed more than 4,600 hectares, including coffee crops and pastures… Meanwhile, the situation in Sigchos is similar.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (42)“SOUTH AMERICA HEAT WAVE – August ended with a boom and more records broken:

“39.3 Tarapoto PERU record beaten and rebeaten; 35.0 Cayenne AP FRENCH GUIANA… In few days a horrible heat wave will sweep Paraguay, Bolivia and parts of Brazil.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (43)“Hail freezes Álvaro Obregón mayor’s office, leaving cars stranded, streets flooded and covered in white [Mexico]…

“The streets of the Álvaro Obregón municipality were severely affected after a heavy rain with hail . In some areas the roads were flooded and covered in white… It is worth mentioning that Álvaro Obregón and two other municipalities (Cuajimalpa and Magdalena de las Contreras) are on Orange Alert due to persistent rain.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (44)“Phoenix records its hottest summer on record…

We SMASHED the hottest all-time summer record (set JUST last year) by almost TWO degrees F! And we set that record THREE TIMES in the last 4 years… Records from the National Weather Service go back nearly 130 years.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (45)“September debuts with potentially record heat for Southwest, West Coast.

“Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass ordered “augmented cooling centers” to open throughout the city… Temperatures in cities such as Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Phoenix could be 10 to 20 degrees above normal starting Tuesday and peaking Thursday…”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (46)“Extreme heat worsens chronic health conditions in millions of Americans…

“In states such as Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia and South Carolina, the rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease are among the highest in the U.S. Those diseases make it harder for bodies to cool themselves effectively during heat waves.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (47)“Heating of the North Atlantic is extreme.

The summer of 2023 wasn’t some crazy natural anomaly.

“Plotting the temperature anomalies of the past 2047 months shows that the North Atlantic surface is only recently starting to heat up.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (48)“The combined rate and extent of greenhouse gas increase is completely unprecedented in Earth’s history.

“This causes more heat to accumulate faster than ever before.

“We are in uncharted territory.”


3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (49)“Geoengineering is worth the risk — provided we regulate it properly…

“…with risks already high and rising alarmingly, we cannot afford to ignore any existing methods. That includes controversial ones such as geoengineering — specifically, solar radiation modification (SRM), which involves reflecting a small portion of sunlight back into space to cool the planet.”


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You can read the previous “Climate” thread here. I’ll be back tomorrow with an “Economic” thread.

3rd September 2024 Today's Round-Up of Climate News • Climate and Economy (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.