301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (2024)

Table of Contents
Achillea Desert Eve Deep Rose African Daisy African Lily African Marigold African Violet Alpenrose Amaryllis American Lotus American Wisteria Angels Fishing Rod Anise Hyssop Aztec Lily Bachelors Button Balloon Flower Basket of Gold Bear Grass Bearded Irises Bee Balm Flower Beeblossom Begonia Belladonna Lily Bigleaf Lantana Baby’s Breath Bearberry Beauty Bush Bird of Paradise Black-Eyed Susan Black-Eyed Susan Vine Bleeding Heart Blue-Eyed Grass Blue Lechenaultia Blue Passion Flower Bluestar Bluet Brazilian Plume Busy Lizzie Butterfly Bush California Poppy Calla Lily Camellia Canada Violet Candy Cane Sorrel Candytuft Canna Lily Cape Leadwort Cardinal Climber Cardinal Flower Carnation Catmint Checkered Lily Chinese Pink Chrysanthemum Clematis Cliffbush Climbing Rose co*ckscomb Common Evening Primrose Common Gorse Common Lilac Common Mallow Common Spotted Orchid Common Vervain Common Zinnia Conebush Coneflower Coral Bells Cranesbill Creeping Mahonia Creeping Mazus Creeping Phlox Crown Imperial Crown of Thorns CupcakesWhite Cyclamen Daffodil Dahlias Daylily Dutch Hyacinth Dutchmans Breeches Egyptian Blue Water Lily English Lavender English Rose Everlasting Flower Fairy Duster Fairy Iris False Bucks Beard False Rue Anemone Fan Flower Feverfew Fiddleneck Fire Pink Firecracker Bush Firecracker Flower Fivespot Flame Nasturtium Flaming Katy Flamingo Flower Flannel Flower Floss Flower Flower Cornlily Flowering Quince Flowering Tobacco Forget-Me-Not Four o’Clock Flower Foxglove Fragrant Rondeletia Frangipani Freesias Fuchsias Garden Balsam Garden Peony Garland Flower Gayfeather Gerbera Daisy Gillyflower Gladioli Globe Amaranth Globe Flower Globe Thistle Gloxinia Golden Bell Golden Marguerite Gooseneck Loosestrife Grape Hyacinth Great Blanket Flower Great Bougainvillea Groundcover Roses Guernsey Lily Hanging Lobster Claw Harlequin Flower Heartleaf Bergenia Hibiscus Himalayan Blue Poppy Hollyhock Honesty Honeycup Hot Water Plant Hydrangea Ice Plant Iceland Poppy Indian Blanket Indian Pink Italian Asters Jacobs Ladder Japanese Anemone Japanese Iris Japanese Toad Lily Kaffir Lily Kangaroo Paw King Protea Kings Mantle Lacespine Pincushion Cactus Ladys Mantle Ladys Slipper Orchid Lance-Leaf Tickseed Larkspur Lenten Roses Licorice Root Lilac Tasselflower Lily of the Valley Lily Tree Lisianthus Liverleaf Love in a Mist Love Lies Bleeding Macedonian Scabious Madeiran Squill Madonna Lily Majorwort Maltese Cross Maximilian Sunflower Meadow Bistort Meadow Rue Meadowsweet Mexican Aster Mexican Bush Sage Mexican Sunflower Million Bells Mini Lobata Miss Willmotts Ghost Mock Orange Morning Glory Mountain Witch Alder Moonflower Night-Scented Stock Nodding Wakerobin Obedient Plant Ohio Spiderwort Old Lady Cactus Oleander Oriental Lily Oriental Poppy Ornamental Onion Ox-Eye Daisy Oyster Plant Ozark Sundrops Paperbush Paraguay Nightshade Parrots Beak Pasque Flower Peace Lily Pearly Everlasting Perennial Flax Perennial Sweet Pea Persian Buttercup Peruvian Lily Petunia Pig Laurel Pincushion Flower Pineapple Lily Pink Flowering Almond Plantain Lily Poppy Anemone Pot Marigold Purple Mountain Saxifrage Queen Annes Lace Queen of the Night Quesnelia Rain Lily Red Campion Red Hot Poker Red Spider Lily Red Torch Cactus Red Valerian Rock Purslane Rock Rose Rock Soapwort Rocky Mountain Columbine Rosinweed Rosy Garlic Round-Headed Rampion Roundleaf Liverleaf Saffron Crocus Satin Flower Sea Thrift Seaside Daisy Serbian Bellflower Shooting Star Showy Beardtongue Showy Milkweed Showy Speedwell Siberian Bugloss Silver Lupine Siskiyou Lewisia Slender Deutzia Snapdragon Sneezeweed Snowdrop Snow in Summer Snowdrop Windflower Snowy Angels Trumpet Solomons Seal Southern Blue Flag Spanish Bluebell Speedwell Spider Flower Spider Flower Spotted Zygopetalum Spring Beauty Spring Blossom Spring Starflower Star Jasmine Star of Bethlehem Starry Eyes St. Johns Wort Stonecrop Sugarbowl Clematis Sunshine Mimosa Sweet Pea Sweetest Honeysuckle Table Mountain Watsonia Tall Verbena Tender Geraniums Texas Mountain Laurel Tiger Flower Tiger Lily Toothed Aloha Treasure Flower Tree Mallow Trumpet Vine Tulip Urn Plant Virginia Sweetspire Violet Slipper Flower Vipers Bugloss Wallflower Water Lily Wavyleaf Sea Lavender Wax Plant West Indian Jasmine WhiteDipladenia WhiteEgret Orchid WhiteTurtlehead White-Topped Pitcher Plant Wild Pansy Winky Double Red-White Wishbone Flower Wolfs Bane Yellow Jewelweed Yellow Loosestrife Yellow Toadflax Final Thoughts References


Picking the best flowers for your outdoor space can be tricky, but not anymore! In this guide, you’ll learn about 301 different types of flowers, all with names and pictures, to help you choose the best blooms for your gardens.

Whether you’re looking for pretty perennials, awesome annuals, or stunning shrubs, we have got something for every gardener and garden.Many of these flowers are quite unique when it comes to both their color and the environments that they will thrive in.

We made the decision to focus here mostly on specific flower species. But for those larger groups, we have described the genus complete with some excellent examples for you to choose from. So, let’s take a look at our list of favorite flowers for your garden, in alphabetical order.

Achillea Desert Eve Deep Rose

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Scientific Name: Yarrow

Part of the Desert Eve Series, this is one of the earliest blooming Yarrows. It is a wonderfully bright herbaceous perennial that produces large clusters of bright pink flowers. It blooms profusely in late spring for several weeks, and each flower has a fluffy yellow center. This flower is aromatic, semi-evergreen, and compliments most other blooms in any setting. Butterflies adore all Yarrows, so this is a must for any wild or cottage garden.

African Daisy

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Scientific Name: Osteospermum

This is an excellent choice for anyone looking for bright, beautiful blooms all through summer into fall. There are around 70 species of Osteospermum and an increasing number of cultivars, and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) lists about 900 varieties. One stem carries a single flower, comprising a central disc surrounded by bright petals. The petals of some species are variegated in color, offering the most stunning bloom. Most petals are flat, but some produce spoon-shaped petals, such as theOsteospermumSunny Philip. Depending on what zone you live in, different species can be annuals or perennials.

African Lily

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Scientific Name: Agapanthus africanus

Other names include the Star of Bethlehem or the Lily of the Nile, despite only being native to the South of Africa. These evergreen perennials reach heights of up to one meter and produce erect stems carrying a globe-shaped display of blue, lilac, orwhiteblooms. Each globe has showy trumpet-shaped flowers that do well in salty sea winds, making them ideal for a coastal garden.

African Marigold

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Scientific Name: Tagetes erecta

Sometimes known as the Big Marigold, this bushy annual is prized for its large double flowers. Each blossom measures two to four inches across and comes in orange, yellow, andwhiteshades. They are long-blooming from early summer until the first frost, and they need minor assistance to thrive. They are ideal for beds, borders, and patio pots.

African Violet

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Scientific Name: Streptocarpus Saintpaulia

African Violets are one of the most popular plants for indoor gardens. Most species naturally live in the mountains, usually under the cover of other plants. Because of this, they require moderate temperatures and light, which can easily be found and controlled inside of homes. However, some indoor gardeners shy away from growing them because their care can be intimidating. These plants come in almost every color and have a frilly or fringed texture to the petals. They will bloom nearly every day if in bright and dependable lighting. The foliage is typically green or variegated, with a slight fuzz in texture.


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Scientific Name: Rhododendron ferrugineum

This upright evergreen shrub produces glossy, dark-green leaves and clusters of tubular rose pink to crimson flowers. It blooms in the early summer and grows in a compact and upright habit. The Alpenrose can grow up to five feet high, looking great in the rear of borders and at the side of water gardens. It prefers full sun to partial shade and is hardy in zones four to nine.


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Scientific Name: Hippeastrum

This is a popular bulb given as a gift around the Christmas holidays, thanks to their large, brightly colored blooms supported by large stems. There are five types of Amaryllis; large flowering, double flowering, small flowering, cybister, and trumpet. The most popular is the large flowering, single flower Amaryllis, which grows up to 10 inches tall. The bigger the bulb, the more stems and flowers they produce. They may be planted outdoors (deep south only) and are easy to bring into bloom. Amaryllis Clown is an award-winning old favorite that is reminiscent of candy canes.

American Lotus

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Scientific Name: Nelumbo lutea

This might not be as popular as the Sacred Lotus that is more often seen in cultivation. But these flowers provide a blanket of elegance thanks to their purewhitepetals and a yellow center. They grow up to 12 inches across and are a sight to behold. It is a marginal aquatic perennial that also produces large umbrella-like leaves. They are native to eastern North America.

American Wisteria

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Scientific Name: Wisteria frutescens

American Wisteria is a vigorous climber with twining stems, blooming from late spring through to summer. It forms drooping six-inch-long clusters of pea-like lilac-colored flowers, which give off a delightful aroma. American Wisteria is less damaging to structures than Chinese or Japanese species. It grows up to 30 feet tall and requires a solid structure to support itself once it matures because it can become quite heavy.

Angels Fishing Rod

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Scientific Name: Dierama pulcherrimum

Sometimes known as Fairy Wand, this pretty evergreen perennial looks great anywhere in the garden. Particularly where you can appreciate its arching stems, such as along edges, walls, or over ponds. The grass-like stems produce bell-shapedwhite, pale pink, or magenta flowers that bloom for several weeks at the start of summer. They need full sun, rich soil, and are relatively easy to maintain.

Anise Hyssop

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Scientific Name: Agastache foeniculum

Sometimes known as Hummingbirds Mint, it adds perfect vertical lines to any landscape. The leaves emit an anise scent when bruised, and they are sometimes used in herbal teas and jellies. It is a clump-forming perennial that produces vertical spikes that hold onto tubes of lavender flowers. It is long-blooming from summer to fall, hardy, easy to care for, and attracts pollinators.

Aztec Lily

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Scientific Name: Sprekelia formosissima

This is a tender perennial bulbous flower treasured for its vivid blooms. They are vibrant red, measuring six inches wide, consisting of three upper arching petals and three drooping petals. Aztec Lilies bloom in late spring and sometimes rebloom in fall. They can be left outdoors in mild climates, where they are also evergreen. They like full sun and grow up to 12 inches tall.

Bachelors Button

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Scientific Name: Centaurea cyanus

Also known as Cornflower, this pretty little bloom looks like a daisy, except in bright blue, pink, lavender, and maroon hues. They are annual plants that bloom from late spring to late summer. They are carried by long stems and usually with double heads. These flowers are a magnet for butterflies, hardy in zones 2 to 11, and like full sun to partial shade. Ideal for bedding, borders, containers, and cutting.

Balloon Flower

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Scientific Name: Platycodon grandiflorus

This is a herbaceous perennial flower that produces plentiful bell-shaped deep blue or light pink flowers. Balloon Flowers bloom from balloon-like buds. Just be sure to resist popping them. Their stems emerge in late spring, be careful not to disturb them. They look ideal in cottage gardens, containers, and beds, and should be planted in groups for best effect.

Basket of Gold

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Scientific Name: Aurinia saxatilis

This is a low-growing plant that has been awarded the RHS award of garden merit. It is an evergreen perennial that will fill your garden with a golden carpet of flowers for up to six weeks. When not in bloom, the gray-green foliage is also attractive. Appreciates full sun, but afternoon shade in hot climates is needed. It provides nectar for pollinators, and it is low maintenance.

Bear Grass

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Scientific Name: Xerophyllum tenax

This flowering perennial plant is native to North America. It produces tall stalks that shoot from the base, reaching up to four feet. They carry slightly fragrantwhiteflowers that form in an upright club. Unfortunately, deers eat the flowers, and bears eat the evergreen foliage. But they provide unusual shapes and texture to all gardens and look great when planted in larger groups.

Bearded Irises

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Scientific Name: Iris germanica

There are thousands of varieties and cultivars in this genus, and they are thought of as the showiest members. All blooms produce three upright petals and three dropping petals with a beard in the center to guide the pollinators and frilled edges. Most Bearded Irises bloom from spring, and some rebloom in the summer and fall. They prefer full sun and hardy in zones 3 to 10.

Bee Balm Flower

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Scientific Name: Monarda didyma

This plant is a member of the mint family, producing a delightful scent – many compare it to bergamot orange. There are many species of Monarda, 16 of which are native to North America. They are one of the showiest summer perennials, making them a huge hit with gardeners. Scarlet-red flowers are collared by red-tinged bracts. They bloom for up to six weeks, and their tall stems and seed heads provide winter interest.


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Scientific Name: Gaura lindheimeri

This perennial plant is native to Texas and Louisiana. It produces thin grass-like stems that carry pretty flowers. Flowers arewhite, sometimes with pink tinges, and look a lot like butterflies from a distance. It blooms from early summer to fall, and not all at once, meaning you can enjoy beautiful displays for weeks on end. This is a low-care plant that looks great when planted in mass.


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Scientific Name: Begonias tuberhybrida

Tuberous Begonias are one of the most popular long-blooming bulbs. With so many qualities and options, there is an option for every garden. They come in a variety of colors, shapes, petals, and habits. Begonias thrive in shady areas where other flowers find it challenging to grow, and they require minimal effort. They make a fab addition to beds, borders, containers, and hanging baskets.

Belladonna Lily

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Scientific Name: Amaryllis belladonna

Sometimes known as the Jersey Lily or Naked Ladies, this award-winning Amaryllis is a bulbous perennial. It produces large clusters of trumpet-shaped baby pink flowers with awhiteand yellow throat. With curved anthers and a sweet aroma, it is strikingly beautiful for both humans and pollinators. It opens in the late summer and fall, providing a stunning display for the fall. It grows up to three feet tall and is easy to care for.

Bigleaf Lantana

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Scientific Name: Lantana camara

This bushy evergreen shrub produces clusters of tightly-packed brightly colored blooms. Color options include red, purple, orange, yellow, andwhite, often mixed in the same group. Providing color to seemingly dull patches. After frost, the flowers give way to purple berries that birds and small mammals feast on. Dwarf and trailing cultivars are also available.

Baby’s Breath

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Scientific Name: Gypsophila paniculata

Although this option is mainly known as a favorite in the world of cut flowers and bouquets, it deserves a spot in the garden too. This perennial flower produces clouds of pink orwhitetiny flowers, looking attractive in itself or adding contrast to most other flowers. It grows up to three feet tall in decorative mounds, and the flowers are long-lasting until fall.


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Scientific Name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

This is a slow-growing evergreen shrub that is extremely winter hardy. The red stems produce glossy green leaves that turn red to purple in the winter. In mid to late spring, it forms graceful clusters of white to pink flowers. After several weeks the blooms give way to bright red berries that provide an essential source of winter nutrients for birds and mammals, including bears.

Beauty Bush

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Scientific Name: Kolkwitzia amabilis

This is an upright deciduous shrub with a vase-shaped habit. It grows up to 10 feet tall, making it perfect for hedges or the background. From mid to late spring, it blooms small light-pink flowers profusely that last for several weeks. Blooms are followed by capsule-like fruits that birds love. After that, the bark peels, adding extra seasonal interest.

Bird of Paradise

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Scientific Name: Strelitzia

Strelitzia is a genus of five species of perennial flowering plants. It is commonly known as the Bird of Paradise flower. It is sometimes called the Crane Flower in its native land of South Africa. They produce a fan of petals in different but always vibrant and contrasting colors. They are pollinated by birds and need bright sun and well-drained soil to thrive outdoors.

Black-Eyed Susan

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Scientific Name: Rudbeckia fulgida

There are many species of this flower. They are super floriferous, producing up to 80 flowers of golden-yellow, starburst-shaped blooms per plant. They measure up to 2 ½ inches wide with a dark central cone. Black-Eyed Susans, or Rudbeckia, bloom midsummer through to early fall and add a splash of summer sun to any garden. They are easy to grow, like full sun to partial shade, and attract many pollinators.

Black-Eyed Susan Vine

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Scientific Name: Thunbergia alata

This is a twining evergreen vine that has lush heart-shaped, sometimes variegated leaves. Skimming the top of the foliage are beautiful orange-yellow flowers with large dark-purple throats. Although many different colored cultivars are available. They bloom from the start of summer until the fall, and it is renowned for growing quickly, reaching heights of eight feet. Ideal for a trellis, unforgiving wall, or trailing in hanging baskets.

Bleeding Heart

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Scientific Name: Dicentra spectabilis

This is an elegant old-time favorite that is a herbaceous, delicate perennial. The stems are arched, studded with lockets of pink flowers, with protrudingwhitepetals. Hence the name, bleeding heart. They only bloom for four to six weeks in late spring, tending to disappearin the mid-summer. They are ideal for shaded borders, woodland gardens, and underplanting roses and shrubs.

Blue-Eyed Grass

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Scientific Name: Sisyrinchium angustifolium

This semi-evergreen perennial is prized for its dense, narrow grass-like foliage adorned with delicate violet star-shaped flowers. The centers of the petals are black in color with bright yellow stamens. This flower looks excellent along walkways, rockeries, or naturalizing plants. It will self-seed in optimal conditions and prefers full to partial sun.

Blue Lechenaultia

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Scientific Name: Lechenaultia biloba

This plant is native to Western Australia, and it was discovered in 1839. It grows as a spreading shrub that reaches heights of one meter. It flowers from July to December, adding a last punch of color to your garden. Flowers are blue to dark blue in color, sometimes cream, and have six beautiful spreading petals. This rare flower needs well-drained soil to stay healthy.

Blue Passion Flower

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Scientific Name: Passiflora caerulea

Also known as the Common Passion Flower, this is an RHS award-winning bloom considered one of the most attractive climbers. It is a vigorous and semi-evergreen climber that has twining tendrils. The three-inch exotic-looking flowers appear sporadically from summer to fall, followed by egg-shaped orange fruits. It is easy to grow and does best when allowed to grow or droop freely rather than be kept neat.


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Scientific Name: Amsonia tabernaemontana

Also known as Blue Dogbane, this flowering perennial produces early bloom, attractive summer foliage that changes to golden hues in fall. The flowers are star-shaped and arranged in clusters on top of sturdy stems. Bluestar is low maintenance, pest and disease resistant, and native to the US, making it a top choice for all American gardens. It needs moist and loamy soils to thrive.


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Scientific Name: Houstonia caerulea

Also known as Quaker Ladies, this is a flowering perennial plant that boasts delicate and compact blooms. The flowers consist of four petals tipped with pale blue, gradually changing towhitewith a yellow center. This wildflower grows in small clumps, usually amongst mosses around the base of large trees. It needs sandy soil and looks great in a rock garden.

Brazilian Plume

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Scientific Name: Justica carnea

Also known as the Flamingo Flower, this is an evergreen shrub that produces showy plumes of pink to crimson-colored flowers. They attract hummingbirds and butterflies and bloom from early summer through to fall. This plant can grow up to six feet tall, and it prefers part to full shade. They look great in containers, and they can also be a houseplant.

Busy Lizzie

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Scientific Name: Impatiens walleriana

Impatiens are a herbaceous perennial in frost-free regions, but elsewhere it is considered a half-hardy annual. It is one of the most well-known Impatiens species. The blooms have five petals and come in a wide variety of colors. They typically bloom from early summer through to late fall and are easy to care for. Busy Lizzies require shade to thrive and are ideal picks for hanging baskets.

Butterfly Bush

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Scientific Name: Buddleja davidii

Buddleja might be listed in the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States. Still, it is undeniably beautiful, which is why many gardeners choose it for their beds and borders. It is a compact deciduous shrub that produces arched branches adorned with tapered tubes of small, bright flowers. They bloom from mid-summer through to the first frost. As you might expect, butterflies love this flower.

California Poppy

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Scientific Name: Eschscholzia californica

Also known as the Golden Poppy, this flower will provide an instant punch of summer vibrancy into your garden. However, they aren’t always gold. California Poppies can also bewhite, red, pink, cream, and orange. They grow loosely, carrying a single or double silky flower, and look great spread in a border. They are quick to grow, easy to care for, and bloom from spring to fall or through winter.

Calla Lily

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Scientific Name: Zantedeschia aethiopica

Sometimes referred to as the Arum Lily, it is a flowering plant native to South Africa. They need full sun and constantly moist soil and are perennials in subtropical and tropical climates. There are two types of Zantedeschia; either hardy or tender. Hardy Zantedeschias tend to be purewhite, and they can survive the winter and emerge in the spring. Tender Zantedeschias feature almost every color of the rainbow, and there’s even a black Calla Lily. They have chalice-shaped flowers (spathe) that surround a finger-like stalk (spadix.) Wherever you place them in your garden, they’ll take center stage for sure.


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Scientific Name: Camellia sasanqua

There are around 250 species of Camellia, and Camellia sasanqua is a gorgeous fall flower. As the rest of your garden begins to fade, the Camellia opens and extends the colorful joy of your garden. Depending on where you live, they can continue blooming well into winter. They grow to around three inches wide, and each flower only lasts a few days. The shrub itself can grow up to 12 feet tall. Colors range fromwhite, light pink, rose to cherry red and are delicately scented.

Canada Violet

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Scientific Name: Viola canadensis

More commonly known as the Canadianwhiteviolet, it is a clump-forming perennial. It is clear to see that it is part of the Viola genus, thanks to the five delicate petals featuring yellow at the base and purple veins on select petals. The leaves are heart-shaped and dark green in color. Canadian Violets look great in wildflower or woodland gardens, and they require partial shade andaggressivelyself-seeds.

Candy Cane Sorrel

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Scientific Name: Oxalis versicolor

There are many Sorrel options available for your garden. Still, this one offers a spectacular show of contrasting color in midsummer through to fall. The blooms are red andwhite, swirled together to earn the name Candy Cane Sorrel. It is an RHS award-winning bulbous perennial with clover-like foliage. It is native to South Africa, likes full sun to part shade, and is easy to grow.


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Scientific Name: Iberis sempervirens

This is one of the purestwhiteflowers you can find in any garden, making it an elegant option. It is a woody-based, low-reaching perennial that graces edges and borders for weeks in spring and early summer. Large clusters ofwhiteflowers adorned with yellow dots contrast against the dark green foliage. It grows in bushy mounds and is evergreen in warm winter climates.

Canna Lily

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Scientific Name: Canna

The Canna genus consists of around 10 species, and there are many cultivars available. They are not true Lilies but are just as beautiful. Canna Lilies are large tropical and subtropical herbaceous perennials. They have large flat leaves that gradually unfurl, revealing their green and sometimes variegated colors. The flowers sprout from the top and are usually red, orange, and yellow. They attract hummingbirds, bees, and bats and add an exotic touch to any garden.

Cape Leadwort

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Scientific Name: Plumbago auriculata

This densely packed evergreen vine is native to South Africa, and it is an RHS Garden Merit winner. It produces five-petalled sky-blue trumpet-shaped flowers on short racemes. It blooms from spring through to summer, and it can grow up to 10 feet tall and wide. Cape Leadworts can also be used as a groundcover and looks great in beds, wall-side borders, and Mediterranean-themed gardens.

Cardinal Climber

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Scientific Name: Ipomoea quamocl*t

Sometimes known as the Cypress Vine or Hummingbird Vine, this tender vine is fast-growing and vigorous. It can grow up to 15 feet tall in one season, making it ideal for covering up an unforgiving wall. It produces bright green, fern-like foliage. Cardinal Climbers bloom from summer to fall, forming tubular star-shaped flowers that measure one inch wide. Their bright scarlet color and rich nectar attract butterflies and hummingbirds far and wide. It needs full sun and something to hold onto.

Cardinal Flower

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Scientific Name: Lobelia cardinalis

This flower is an excellent addition to late summer landscapes. It is a perennial that produces flower spikes full of cardinal red, two-lipped blossoms. They grow up to four feet tall, and they add architectural interest to all gardens. Although they are short-lived, they are worth the wait thanks to their dramatic and bright appearance. They like wet soils, hence why they are also called Bog Sage.


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Scientific Name: Dianthus caryophyllus

Also known as the Clove Pink, it is believed to have originated from the Mediterranean region, mentioned in Greek literature over 2,000 years ago. It is a herbaceous perennial that produces slender stalks carrying lightly scented blooms. The natural color is bright purple to pink, but other colors and various patterns are available. They require full sun and well-drained soil. They make great cutting flowers, often used in ceremonies such as weddings and funerals.


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Scientific Name: Nepeta nervosa

This Catmint is not that well known, but its noteworthy blooms are worthy of any landscape and much more profuse than other Catmints. This flowering plant bears dense spikes of blue to purple flowers from midsummer to fall. It is excellent at the front of sunny borders, in containers, or as cut flowers. Pollinators love it, as do cats.

Checkered Lily

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Scientific Name: Fritillaria meleagris

If you’re looking for a uniquely patterned flower, this could be a sure bet for your garden. The bell-shaped lily-like blooms are reddish-brown, purple, or deep crimson in color withwhitespeckles, providing a checkered pattern. They sit on top of tall, slender stems that grow up to 16 inches tall. Blooming throughout spring, they look great when planted with shorted spring blooms. Hardy in zones four to eight, it will bloom year after year in the best conditions.

Chinese Pink

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Scientific Name: Dianthus chinensis

This is a stunningly showy flower that is a biennial or short-lived perennial. It is prized for its impactfulwhiteand pink contrasting flat petals. They are heavily fringed with a dark central eye, adding a delicate prettiness to any garden. The flowers sit on slender stems and narrow leaves. They are ideal for beds, edging, and containers.


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Scientific Name:Chrysanthemum indicum

This flower is one of the most popular flowers worldwide, used as a staple in bouquets. Also known as the garden mom, it is a showy flower that comes in various shapes and sizes. Dark foliage gives way to multi-branched stems carrying profuse flowers. Two RHS award-winning examples include “Ruby Mound” and “Grandchild.” It is a herbaceous perennial plant that requires full sun, and they are of most interest in the fall.Mums are easy to grow, and a favorite amongst gardeners of all skill levels.


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Scientific Name: Clematis

Clematis are members of the Ranunculaceae family. They are divided into12 main groupsand include more than 300 species and hundreds of hybrids. With so many to choose from, you are truly spoilt for choice. Their commonality is that they are climbers and long-flowering. They come in different shapes, shades and have various blooming periods throughout the year. Examples of RHS winners include “Nelly Moser,” “Niobe,” and “The President.”


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Scientific Name: Jamesia Americana

From the Hydrangea family, this is a bushy deciduous shrub that grows to two meters tall. The foliage is coarsely toothed and hairy beneath. It produces fragrantwhiteor pink waxy flowers on panicles in late spring. They need well-drained soil and make a great addition to cottage gardens.

Climbing Rose

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Scientific Name: Rosa

Nothing looks as elegant as a Climbing Rose in full effect. Whether it trails over a trellis, fence, or porch, they are pretty flowers that come in a wide range of colors and shapes. Most varieties reach up to 12 feet high and produce a delightfully fresh aroma. Most rebloom throughout the summer and the fall. Excellent varieties include “A Shropshire Lad,” “Buff Beauty,” “Cecile Brunner,” and “New Dawn.”


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Scientific Name: Celosia cristata

This unique-looking flower is similar to the co*ckscomb on a rooster’s head, hence the name. It traditionally grows in the red variety but also blooms in yellow, pink, orange, andwhite. co*ckscomb has irregular growth habits, with some plants growing only a few inches tall and others reaching a few feet. Leading to wonderful garden surprises! It is an annual but self-seeds enough to provide flowers for the following year.

Common Evening Primrose

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Scientific Name: Oenothera biennis

This is a showy, bowl-shaped, yellow flower that sits atop a purple-tinged flower stem. They bloom profusely from early summer to early fall. They are called Evening Primroses because the bloom opens in the evening and remains open until the following morning. The whole plant is edible, lemon-scented, and attracts night-flying moths at night and bees in the morning.

Common Gorse

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Scientific Name: Ulex Europaeus

This is an evergreen shrub that produces an abundance of small yellow flowers. They are coconut scented and bloom throughout the year, peaking during spring. Although this plant has its appeal, it is invasive in some areas and considered a fire-climax plant. Meaning it readily catches fire in hot regions. But it also survives frozen temperatures, making it a hardy option for many gardeners.

Common Lilac

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Scientific Name: Syringa vulgaris

This is a deciduous shrub that is described as one of the most effective flowering shrubs. It produces plentiful blooms in late spring for four weeks or so, making Common Lilac the longest-lasting bloomer. Flowers create a fresh fragrance and come in a variety of pastel colors. They can grow up to 15 feet tall and are commonly used as screens or hedges.

Common Mallow

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (60)

Scientific Name: Malva sylvestris

This erect biennial or perennial produces upright stems smothered in bright pastel purple flowers, with each petal adorned in darker veins. They bloom from summer to fall and are much loved by bees for their pollen. It is native to the British Isles, and it is ideal for cottage gardens. It is easy to grow and does best in full sun or part shade.

Common Spotted Orchid

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Scientific Name: Dactylorhiza fuchsii

This is a tuberous and terrestrial orchid variety that produces spikes of 20 to 70white, pink, or purple flowers. Each petal is adorned with dark spots or other patterns. It blooms in late spring to early summer, and it is tolerant of many conditions. The common spotted orchid grows up to 24 inches tall and does well in part shade. It is an ideal addition to beds, borders, rock, or cottage gardens.

Common Vervain

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Scientific Name: Verbena officinalis

Also known as the Holy Herb, this inconspicuous wildflower is not just a pretty plant. For millennia, it has been used in ceremonies against disease, black magic, and even vampires! The long branching spike produces tiny tubular lilac flowers, reaching heights of 20 inches. It is excellent for shady woodland gardens or on the edges of borders to protect your garden from evil spirits.

Common Zinnia

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Scientific Name: Zinnia Elegans

These brightly-colored blooms are a sight to behold in any garden. Zinnias bloom from early summer through to the first frost with a wide range of colors, shapes, and heights to choose from. They typically grow up to three feet tall, with rows of petals exposing the center of the flower. They are easy to grow but need air circulation, so don’t be tempted to crowd them. Outstanding cultivars include “Macarenia,” “Pop ArtWhiteand Red,” and “Queeny Lime Orange.”


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (64)

Scientific Name: Leucadendron salignum

This evergreen shrub is prized for its wonderfully bright bracts. Although this technically is not a flower, it looks like a flower thanks to the bright red and cream bracts. Against the color-changing foliage throughout the seasons, it is excellent for adding seasonal interest and fiery color. It needs full sun and can be cut for special bouquets.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (65)

Scientific Name: Echinacea

Coneflowers are another staple in most gardens. They are prized for their striking cones surrounded by a range of colorful, primarily drop-down petals. They are part of the Asteraceae family, like daisies and asters, and are a truly American plant. There are many varieties of Echinacea, and the blooms of all are carried by long, erect stems. They are low maintenance, thriving on neglect.

Coral Bells

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Scientific Name: Huechera

Commonly known as Alumroot, Coral Bells is native to North America, and they thrive in light shade. Heuchera is a genus of semi-evergreen perennials that produce delicate stems of tiny bell-shaped flowers. There are many species and colored Heuchera to choose from. The foliage is purple-bronze in color, leaving a winter interest long after the blooms disappear. These flowers are great for shade gardens, and they make an excellent ground cover.


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Scientific Name:Geranium wlassovianum

Although there are many Hardy Geranium varieties, this is one of the first to flower and last to disappear. The flowers are saucer-shaped and deep purple in color, withwhitecenters, darker veins, and pretty stamen. The leaves are also prized for their changing color, from purple to green to golden. Add them to the front of beds to appreciate their blooms and foliage.

Creeping Mahonia

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Scientific Name: Mahonia repens

Also known as the Oregon Grape, this is an award-winning evergreen shrub. In the spring, the shrub produces racemes of bright yellow fragrant flowers. In the late summer, they give way to blue to purple berries that resemble small grapes. The foliage remains green until the winter when it transforms into a rusty hue. Making it a fantastic option for multi-seasonal interest.

Creeping Mazus

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Scientific Name: Mazus reptans

This plant is a semi-evergreen perennial producing blue to purple, rocket-shaped blooms from late spring to early summer. The flowers form in clusters withwhiteand yellow markings around the center. It looks excellent when used as groundcover, in rock gardens, or underplanting shrubs. It is native to the Himalayas, and it needs full to part shade.

Creeping Phlox

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Scientific Name: Phlox subulata

This is a popular evergreen perennial that acts as a bright ground cover. With profuse star-shaped flowers in various pink, purple, orwhiteshades, it forms a colorful carpet for around four weeks in spring to summer. It is native to eastern and central America and occurs naturally in dry, rocky places. Phlox requires little maintenance, it is hardy in zones 3 to 9, and pollinators love it.

Crown Imperial

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Scientific Name:Fritillaria imperialis

This showy bulbous herbaceous perennial produces a display of orange pendant, bell-shaped flowers. They are topped by a crown of tiny leaves that look a little like the top of a pineapple. They grow up to 44 inches tall, and they bloom in mid to late spring for three to four weeks. These flowers are ideal for back borders, and they emanate a musk-like odor to which pollinators are drawn to.

Crown of Thorns

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Scientific Name: Euphorbia milii

This is a sprawling evergreen shrub adorned with small yellow flowers held in red bracts that resemble petals. The succulent branches are covered in long, sharp, black thorns and bright green leaves. According to legend, the crown of thorns worn by Jesus Christ was made from the stems of this plant. Making it a talking point for any garden. It is very showy, and it flowers continuously through the year.


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Scientific Name: Cosmos bipinnatus

This is a semi-hardy annual cosmos flower that is noted for its unique shape. It boasts extra large, single, purewhite-colored flowers up to five inches across. It looks like a cupcake because the petals are fused together, forming a bowl around the yellow center. The foliage is light and feathery, adding an extra layer of delicate design. It needs full sun and grows up to four feet tall.


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Scientific Name: Cyclamen persicum

There are around 20 species of Cyclamen. This plant is named the Florists Cyclamen because it is widely available in florists and stores. Especially during the holiday season. It is a tender tuberous perennial that produces fragrant flowers from fall to late spring. Meaning they are great additions for any garden looking for winter color. They feature butterfly-winged reflexed petals that rise from heart-shaped patterned leaves.


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Scientific Name: Narcissi

The Daffodil is another staple in most gardeners’ landscapes. They are flowering bulbs noted for their mostly yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers. Narcissus is the Daffodil genus comprising many different species, which arecategorized into 12 types. They are all easy to plant and will return year after year. They signify the start of spring and reward our gardens with bright, cheerful blossoms.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (76)

Scientific Name: Dahlia

There are 42 species and thousands of Dahlia varieties, meaning there is a Dahlia for everyone’s garden needs and tastes. There are eight groups of Dahlias, based on the size and shape of the flower. Blooms range from 2 to 14 inches in diameter and come in any color you can imagine, some with stripes or tips. They are the national flower of Mexico, they thrive in full sun, and are hardy in zones 8 to 11. They are herbaceous perennials and bloom summer through to fall.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (77)

Scientific Name: Hemerocallis

Daylilies are often called the “perfect perennial.” This is because they are easy to establish, low maintenance, are showy, high tolerance for drought and pests, and come in a wide array of colors. There are more than 60,000 registered cultivars, meaning you are spoilt for choice. Depending on which one you select and your climate, bloom time ranges from one to five weeks. Daylilies are named because their blooms only last for one day, although some species are reblooming.

Dutch Hyacinth

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (78)

Scientific Name: Hyacinthus orientalis

Also known as Common Hyacinth, this is a popular plant for gardens and bouquets worldwide. They are spring-blooming bulbs that come in a multitude of colors, even black flowers. They produce a rich fresh fragrance, so be sure to plant them where you can enjoy their scent. Their bright green leaves provide extra impact, and they prefer full to partial sun.

Dutchmans Breeches

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (79)

Scientific Name: Dicentra cucullaria

This is a unique-looking bushy perennial that forms bushes of feathery blue-green leaves. In the second half of spring, it will produce pantaloon-shaped flowers that arewhitein color studded with yellow tips. The arching stems add an air of grace, but sadly they die soon after flowering. They thrive in part shade and make a great addition to woodland or cottage gardens.

Egyptian Blue Water Lily

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (80)

Scientific Name: Nymphaea caerulea

This aquatic perennial is one for the water-loving gardeners out there. The lily pads grow up to 16 inches and float on the water’s surface. The blossom has blue upright petals that surround thick yellow stamens. It blooms all summer and requires full sun and tranquil water. Unfortunately, this plant is endangered and rare, but nonetheless a stunning addition.

English Lavender

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Scientific Name: Lavandula angustifolia

This is a bushy shrub that consists of aromatic, gray-green leaves. It produces long stems that support short, dense spikes of fragrant, pale to deep purple blooms in summer. It requires well-drained soil and looks spectacular in hedges or as an edging to pathways. Plant this somewhere that you can appreciate the summery perfume. French or Spanish Lavender is sometimes better suited to warmer regions.

English Rose

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (82)

Scientific Name: Rosa

The genus Rosa contains between140 and 180 species, so you have lots of choices when picking a rose to grow. Although some roses are difficult to care for, the English Roseflowers allseason long and produce lots of lush, scented flowers on hardy bushes. They need regular watering and well-drained soil to perform well. They are ornamental woody perennials that come in a wide range of colors and are popular cutting flowers.

Everlasting Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (83)

Scientific Name: Helichrysum bracteatum

This is a truly joyous summer flower that will look the part in any garden. It is a short-lived tender perennial or annual, producing daisy-like blooms. The petals feel like stiff paper, and the central yellow disc is surrounded by yellow, orange, pink, red, orwhitehues. They bloom in summer through to fall and retain their shape and color when dried, hence their name.

Fairy Duster

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (84)

Scientific Name: Calliandra californica

This is an evergreen woody shrub that produces stunningly explosive flowers that look like fireworks or feather dusters. They also bloom all year round, with a peak display in spring through to fall, which is another reason why gardeners love them. The foliage is fern-like and forms an upright habit. It is virtually pest and disease-free and grows up to six feet tall.

Fairy Iris

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (85)

Scientific Name: Dietes grandiflora

Also known as Wild Iris, this is a rhizomatous evergreen perennial producing large Iris-like flowers. The flowers consist of sixwhitepetals, three of which are adorned with brown dots and the others with a yellow stripe. From the center, three lilac arms stretch out, creating a beautiful display. Their season of interest is in summer, and flowers quickly rebloom.

False Bucks Beard

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (86)

Scientific Name: Astilbe japonica

This species of plant is native to Japan and recently introduced to the state of New York. Its beauty has led to many cultivars, such as “Rheinland” and “Montgomery.” Many of whom have won the RHS award of garden merit. There are 18 species in the Astilbe genus, and they are hardy herbaceous perennials that produce bright feathery plumes of flowers. This flower is excellent for pond-side planting.

False Rue Anemone

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (87)

Scientific Name: Enemion biternatum

This woodland perennial is noted for its charmingly delicatewhiteflowers, with petals that cluster around the bright yellow stamen. They form in thick colonies providing excellent ground cover. Although they are dormant in summer, new leaves appear in fall. They are found in woodlands and along streams, tolerating heavy rain, making them ideal for wet climates.

Fan Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (88)

Scientific Name: Scaevola aemula

This is a relative newcomer to American gardens, coming from Australia. They bloom from spring into fall and flower tirelessly. They hold five petals spread in a fan-like shape and are sometimes known as the Half Flower. Colors include blue, pink, purple, andwhitewith bright yellow andwhitecenters. They are drought-tolerant, and salty coastal air does not bother them.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (89)

Scientific Name: Tanacetum parthenium

These are short-lived perennials that profusely bloom small,whiteflowers in the summer. Depending on the variety, bloom shapes can range from open daisy-like blooms to rounded balls. They last several weeks and make great options for cut flowers and perfect edging flowers. The evergreen lacy foliage is fragrant too.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (90)

Scientific Name: Phacelia tanacetifolia

Sometimes known as the Scorpion Weed, it is native to the southwestern US and northwestern Mexico. It is one of the best plants for bees, and it looks great in gardens too. It produces clusters of blue to lavender bell-shaped flowers with long stamens, giving it an explosive appearance. They bloom from late spring for up to five months in ideal conditions. It is a hardy annual that is low maintenance and mainly disease and pest-free.

Fire Pink

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (91)

Scientific Name: Silene virginica

This is a showy perennial that produces clusters of scarlet red flowers, with thick petals cut in at the tip. They glow like embers in the sun against their green, slim stalks. They are wildflowers found in woodlands and are rich in sugary nectar. Their primary pollinator is the hummingbird, and they require complete to partial sun. It is short-lived but produces unmissable pops of color.

Firecracker Bush

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (92)

Scientific Name: Bouvardia ternifolia

It’s easy to see why this flower is also called the Trumpet Flower. It is a small upright bush that produces trumpet-shaped red flowers in clusters. They grow so many flowers that they hide the shrub for months. This plant attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators as they are packed with rich nectar. They need complete to partial sun and bloom from late spring through to fall.

Firecracker Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (93)

Scientific Name: Justicia rizzinii

Also known as the Brazilian Fuchsia, it is a bushy evergreen shrub with rich green leaves. Among the leaves, you’ll find clusters of long tubular, red through to yellow flowers that resemble firecrackers. They are showy and should be placed where they can be seen up close, such as containers or in entryways. Awarded the RHS garden merit, it needs partial shade and moist soil.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (94)

Scientific Name: Nemophila maculata

This is a small trailing annual that carries bowl-shapedwhiteflowers. There are five petals, each marked with a purple spot, hence its name. This annual blooms profusely from mid-spring through to mid-summer, and pollinators cannot resist them. Fivespot grows easily in cooler climates but cannot tolerate hot or humid weather. This versatile flower is ideal for hanging baskets and is hardy in zones 3 to 10.

Flame Nasturtium

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (95)

Scientific Name: Tropaeolum speciosum

The Tropaeolum genus contains around 80 species of annual and perennial herbaceous flowering plants. This variety is native to Chile, and it is a hardy herbaceous perennial. It will climb over or through other plants to reach sunlight. The blooms are scarlet, funnel-shaped with clawed petals, creating a showy display.

Flaming Katy

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (96)

Scientific Name: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

This bushy, evergreen succulent produces lovely clusters of flowers that sit above the thick, shiny leaves. The leaves are scalloped and look beautiful all year round. It typically blooms twice a year, and the flowers last up to six weeks. Colors include red, orange, yellow, and pink. Flaming Katy is a houseplant that can be grown outdoors when protected from the frost.

Flamingo Flower

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Scientific Name: Anthurium andraeanum

This evergreen perennial exotic flower is sometimes called the Tail Flower. It has been awarded the RHS Garden Merit Award. It can bloom all year long in the right conditions, with one plant producing four to six flowers throughout the year. Flowers are six inches long, usually red in color, waxy in appearance, and have a tail-shaped spadic. It needs high humidity, constant moisture, and hummus-rich soils.

Flannel Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (98)

Scientific Name: Actinotus helianthi

This is native to the bushland surrounding Sydney, Australia. Gardeners are surprised to learn that it is not a part of the daisy family but a species of the Apiaceae family, the same as the carrot. It is an herbaceous shrub covered in fine, downy hair that is flannel-like in texture (except for the petals). The petals arewhiteand thin and flower in spring.

Floss Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (99)

Scientific Name: Ageratum houstonianum

Ageratum means long-lived in Greek, and that’s because they bloom from mid-summer through to the fall. This is one of the only annuals that can tolerate partial shade, making it hardy in zones 2 to 12. Colors include blue, lavender, purple, pink, red, bi-color, andwhite. Floss flowers make a top choice for beds, borders, mass planting, and mixed containers. They’re easy to grow – just don’t let them dry out.

Flower Cornlily

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (100)

Scientific Name: Ixia polystachya

There are many species of Ixia, but this one is found in Cape, Africa. It produceswhiteand yellow star-shaped flowers with a pistachio-colored center. They are cormous perennials, and up to 20 blooms are carried on wiry stems. Flower cornlilies are rare but offer a unique splash of color compared to usual yellows, reds, and pinks. They are top choices for borders and containers.

Flowering Quince

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (101)

Scientific Name: Chaenomeles speciosa

This multi-stemmed deciduous shrub produces beautiful flowers ranging from red, orange, pink, orwhitein color. They bloom up to 14 days in the late winter to early spring and are then followed by yellow-green fruits used in jellies and preserves. It is a messy-looking shrub with a thorny habit growing up to 10 feet tall. Making it an ideal choice as a barrier plant.

Flowering Tobacco

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Scientific Name: Nicotiana alata

This is one of the most widely grown commercial non-food plants in the world. But it also makes an excellent ornamental flowering plant thanks to its delicate flowers and variety of colors. It makes an ideal addition to flower beds, and the blooms are four inches in width. It is one of the most fragrant Nicotiana varieties, so be sure to plant it where you can smell it.


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Scientific Name: Myosotis sylvatica

This is a well-known, short-lived perennial that features bright blue, sometimes pink orwhite, tiny flowers withwhiteor yellow eyes. They bloom profusely spring through to summers, and their nectar and pollen are loved by all. The foliage form low mounds of semi-evergreen, fuzzy leaves. It looks great under other flowers such as Tulips or Roses.

Four o’Clock Flower

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Scientific Name: Mirabilis jalapa

This bushy, flowering perennial produces trumpet-shaped flowers with five brightly colored petals, often in shades of red or pink. They are named after how they bloom. These flowers typically open in the late afternoon and remain open until the morning. They are fragrant, so be sure to plant them where you can see and smell them. Note they are toxic to people and pets.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (105)

Scientific Name: Digitalis purpurea

Known as the Common Foxglove, this flower adds a vertical dimension to flower beds. It is a biennial or short-lived perennial producing tubular rosy-purple flowers withwhitespeckled throats. It blooms early to midsummer, attracts hummingbirds, and birds in the fall who are seeking the seedheads. They can be fatally poisonous if consumed.

Fragrant Rondeletia

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (106)

Scientific Name: Rondeletia odorata

Also known as the Panama Rose, ironically, this plant is not scented, and it doesn’t look much like a rose. Instead, it produces round clusters made up of lots of blooms. Each tiny flower consists of five orange petals and a deep yellow throat. It is a vibrant candy-colored addition to any garden that blooms for most of the year, attracting butterflies.


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Scientific Name: Plumeria rubra

This exotic flower is highly fragrant and is spiral-shaped, white, red, or pink in color, with yellow centers reaching up to four inches across. In tropical areas, they bloom all year round and are tolerant of extreme heat. Blooms sit on a deciduous shrub with leathery foliage. These are loved by adults and children alike, often being picked for leis or worn in the hair.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (108)

Scientific Name: Fresia

Freesia is a genus in the Iridaceae family, and it is a herbaceous perennial flower. Thin, arching stems produce 5 to 10 trumpet-shaped flowers that come in red, pink, blue, yellow, andwhitecoloring. They are prized for their fresh fragrance and are typically grown for cut flowers, but they have a place in all perennial borders thanks to their bright colors. They need full sun and well-drained soil.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (109)

Scientific Name: Fuchsia

Fuchsia is a genus of beautiful flowering shrubs or small trees. There are around 110 species to choose from, with thousands of cultivars. They are among some of the most stunning summer flowers, making them a favorite in most gardens. The blooms dangle in clusters and come in beautiful pinks, purples, peach hues, andwhite, often two-toned. They grow in various habits and are ideal for hanging baskets or simple flowering hedges.

Garden Balsam

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Scientific Name: Impatiens balsamina

This is an annual plant that is native to India. The flowers are pink, mauve, lilac, red, orwhite, and they grow around one inch in diameter. The leaves are spirally-arranged with toothed edges. Nectar-feeding birds and other pollinators love them. It is used as an ornamental plant and looks fab in containers. It requires sun to partial shade to thrive.

Garden Peony

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Scientific Name: Paeonia officinalis

Also known as the Common Peony, it is native to Southern Europe and was later introduced to North America. It was used for medicinal purposes at first, then grown for its ornamental values. It is an herbaceous perennial that produces deep red to pink blooms in late spring. In addition to the Garden Peony, there are many other cultivars available. They are low maintenance and long-lived.

Garland Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (112)

Scientific Name: Daphne cneorum

The Garland Flower is a trailing evergreen shrub noted for its dense clusters of bright pink highly fragrant flowers. They bloom in spring but sporadically bloom in summer when conditions are optimal. The flowers are so lush that they cover the entire evergreen bush, meaning lots of ground color. It prefers full sun to partial shade and is a top choice for beds, borders, or rock gardens.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (113)

Scientific Name: Liatris spicata

Sometimes known as Button Snakeroot, it is prized for its vertical fluffy flower spikes and grass-like foliage. The blooms range from purple, rosy red, andwhitein color. They bloom from top to bottom over four weeks and provide continued seasonal interest and bird nourishment long after. They are easy to grow, reach four feet tall, and are hardy in zones three to nine.

Gerbera Daisy

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (114)

Scientific Name: Gerbera jamesonii

Also known as the Transvaal Daisy, this is a popular flower across the world noted for its brightly colored petals. It is an upright, evergreen perennial that blooms throughout the year but peaking in early summer to late fall. It is one of the most prized ornamental flowers globally, great for cut flowers and focal containers. Gerbera Daisies in the garden will turn heads for sure.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (115)

Scientific Name: Matthiola incana

Also known as vintage stock, this is a member of the Brassicaceae family, the same as cabbages. However, these short-lived perennials are much prettier and form upright clusters of highly fragrant showy blossoms. They come in various shades, and they are a favorite of florists due to the strong aroma and vertical drama. They look fabulous in borders and containers, too. Plant them close enough so you can enjoy their sweet scent.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (116)

Scientific Name: Gladiolus

Also known as Sword Lilies, the flowers grow from round, symmetrical corms. The stems produce funnel-shaped flowers from the middle to the tips and come in a wide range of colors. There are many groups of Gladioli to choose from. Still, they all add vertical drama to any bed, border, container, or bouquet arrangement. They are hardy in zones 5 to 11, depending on which type you choose.

Globe Amaranth

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (117)

Scientific Name:Gomphrenaglobose

Native to Central America, Globe Amaranth is an annual tropical plant that requires full sun. It blooms continuously throughout the summer into fall. The long-lasting flowers are pom-pom-shaped and come in a variety of vibrant colors. They are prized for their everlasting dried arrangements, which attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and swallowtails.

Globe Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (118)

Scientific Name: Trollius europaeus

This graceful flower is an upright perennial that produces large, bowl-shaped yellow flowers that look a lot like Buttercups. They provide a luminous carpet of golden color from late spring onwards. They prefer damp environments and look great when planted in large groups. It grows up to three feet tall and is low maintenance and very adaptable.

Globe Thistle

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (119)

Scientific Name: Echinops bannaticus

Globe Thistle, or Echinops, belongs to the Sunflower family. It is a clump-forming perennial that produces globe-shaped blue to gray heads. They grow in mid to late summer and self-seed easily. They are elegant-looking flowers and are great for all types of gardens, including low-maintenance ones. Making them ideal for gardening beginners.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (120)

Scientific Name: Sinningia speciosa

Gloxinia plants are similar in appearance to African Violets. They come in white, purple, pink, red, or blue, and often have a white edge to the fringed petals. These tropical perennials prefer to live in areas with partial shade. They only bloom once in a life cycle, so you will have to replant once the bright display dies out. However, most Gloxinias available today are hybrids of the plant that rebloom for a few years.

Golden Bell

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Scientific Name: Forsythia suspensa

Also known as Weeping Forsythia, it is a large, deciduous shrub that grows up to 10 feet tall and wide. It produces abundant bright-yellow flowers that bloom in early to mid-spring. Bringing much-welcomed color to any garden after winter. It is ideal for adding architectural height and as a screen too. It is noted for its profuse blooms, low maintenance needs, and overall hardiness.

Golden Marguerite

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Scientific Name: Anthemis tinctoria

Sometimes known as Dyers Chamomile, this is a fragrant flower that is reminiscent of chamomile. It is a striking flower that will brighten up your garden throughout the summer and sometimes longer. The flowers are daisy-like, except for the protruding dome-shaped center. It is a vigorous perennial that is very easy to grow. They like full sun, and butterflies love them.

Gooseneck Loosestrife

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (123)

Scientific Name: Lysimachia clethroides

This is a clump-forming perennial plant that is native to China and Japan. It produces elegantly arched flower spikes full of tiny star-shaped flowers. It is shaped much like a gooses neck, hence its name. The leaves turn reddy-orange in the fall, and it is an RHS award-winner for its elegance and color. Full to part shade is required, and be sure to control its easy spread.

Grape Hyacinth

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Scientific Name: Muscari armeniacum

This multi-award-winning Grape Hyacinth species, known for its winter hardiness, easy-to-grow attributes, and multiple uses. It produces clusters of tiny, grape-shaped cobalt-blue flowers sitting on top of thin green stems. They bloom in mid to late spring and reach eight inches tall. They look fantastic when planted in large groups or sprinkled among contrasting-colored flowers.

Great Blanket Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (125)

Scientific Name:Gaillardiaaristata

This is a long-lived perennial wildflower that produces daisy-like blooms. The red centers are surrounded by thin petals, changing from red to yellow. They bloom from late spring to fall, and the seeded centers are prized by birds in the fall through to winter. These stylish flowers look great in rock gardens, wildlife gardens, or containers. They are relatively simple to care for.

Great Bougainvillea

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (126)

Scientific Name: Bougainvillea spectabilis

This is a thorny ornamental shrub that is native to South America. It grows up to 40 feet tall and is evergreen in moist regions. The flower itself is tiny, but the surrounding waxy bracts give it its wonderful color. They come in vibrant colors, including yellow, orange, red, magenta, pink, purple, orwhite. It has a high salt tolerance making it an ideal choice for coastal gardens. It is hardy in zones 9 to 10 but can be planted in hanging baskets in cooler regions.

Groundcover Roses

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (127)

Scientific Name: Rosa

This is a trailing and spreading shrub rose with shiny leaves and prickly stems. They carry profuse, dense clusters of single or double blooms that are fragrant and come in a wide variety of delicate colors. Groundcover Roses usually rebloom and are ideal for covering slopes and banks that need an injection of year-long color. They are one of the easiest types of rose to care for and are disease resistant. Excellent cultivar examples are “Flower Carpet Appleblossom,” “Sweet Drift,” and “Popcorn Drift.”

Guernsey Lily

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (128)

Scientific Name: Nerine sarniensis

Sometimes known as the Spider Lily, it is a bulbous perennial that produces large umbels of trumpet-shaped blooms. The flowers are bright scarlet, pink, or white with wavy petals and yellow stamens. They have an iridescent sheen that makes them shimmer in the sun. They only flower for a few weeks in the late summer, but they add a touch of tropical fire to all landscapes.

Hanging Lobster Claw

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (129)

Scientific Name: Heliconia rostrata

Sometimes known as the False Bird of Paradise, this is a large evergreen perennial that produces very showy and ornamental blooms. The clusters hang from the tall banana leaf stems throughout spring and summer, made up of bright red bracts with yellow-green tips. They are followed up by dark blue fruits. The flowers and fruits attract birds for their nutrients and nectar. It grows up to six feet tall and is hardy in zones 10 to 11.

Harlequin Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (130)

Scientific Name: Sparaxis tricolor

These brightly colored and patterned showy blooms add lovely splashes of color to all gardens. They are cormous perennials that form wiry stalks, carrying up to five star-shaped open flowers. Harlequins feature red, yellow, orange, lavender, orwhiteshades, with a yellow center ringed in black, hence its common name. They perform well in full sun and require little maintenance.

Heartleaf Bergenia

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (131)

Scientific Name: Bergenia cordifolia

All the way from Siberia, this evergreen perennial is prized for its hardiness and beautiful deep-pink flowers. They are clump-forming and sit above leathery, heart-shaped leaves that are used in floral arrangements. The leaves turn purplish-bronze in the winter, adding winter interest. They are low maintenance, and they look great on banks, beds, and rock gardens. And are easily grown in most conditions.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (132)

Scientific Name: Hibiscus

The Hibiscus genera contain several hundred species that are all native to subtropical and tropical regions globally. The large, exotic flowers come in a wide range of colors and have prominent stamens. Sometimes known as Rose Mallow, this genus features annual and perennial plants, woody shrubs, and small trees. Some Hibiscus change color throughout their lifetime.

Himalayan Blue Poppy

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Scientific Name: Meconopsis baileyi

This is not a true Poppy and requires different care from flowers found in the Poppy family. It is prized for its blue flowers, and despite being a short-lived perennial, it truly deserves space in your garden. The blooms are large, cup-shaped, with contrasting orange stamens. It grows up to four feet tall and prefers partial shade and cooler, damp summers than hotter climates.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (134)

Scientific Name: Alcea rosea

Known as the Common Hollyhock, it is an ornamental plant that looks great at the rear of any garden, thanks to its height. It is a robust biennial or short-lived perennial. It grows up to two meters with an abundance of large, funnel-shaped flowers. Flower colors include red, pink, purple,white, black, and bi-colors. These are great for pollinators.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (135)

Scientific Name: Lunaria annua

This spectacular erect biennial produces soft and small lilac blooms that sit above the lush green foliage. These bloom only for a few weeks from mid-spring. They are replaced by round but flat seed heads that are silver in color, so this plant is sometimes referred to as Silver Dollar. It has won the RHS Garden Merit Award and looks excellent wherever you plant it.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (136)

Scientific Name: Zenobia pulverulenta

This is a semi-evergreen shrub that grows upright with a spreading habit. The red stems arch elegantly, carrying waxy green to gray leaves that turn reddish-yellow in the fall. In spring, it forms clusters of anise-scented bell-shapedwhiteflowers. It is often confused for Lily of the Valley, and it is a slow grower that likes moist soils and does well next to streams.

Hot Water Plant

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Scientific Name: Achimenes longiflora

This flowering plant is related to the African Violet and is also known as Mothers Tears or Magic Flower. It is a long-blooming perennial that produces flowers from summer to fall. The flowers are funnel-shaped and come in a wide variety of colors. Petals are usually adorned with darker stripes with a yellow throat, and they are ideal for hanging baskets and containers.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (138)

Scientific Name: Hydrangea arborescens

This variety of Hydrangea is native to the Eastern United States, and it blooms profusely from early summer to fall. The large flowered-domes holding hundreds of tiny flowers open lime-green in color, gradually changing to creamy-white. The deciduous shrub is wide, and the green leaves gradually change to a buttery yellow in the fall. Adding plenty of color to your garden throughout the year.

Ice Plant

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (139)

Scientific Name: Delosperma nubigenum

This flower is native to the mountainous areas of South Africa, and it is an evergreen succulent that produces bright yellow, daisy-like flowers. They are prized for the continuous reblooming from spring to fall. The foliage transforms into a bronze carpet in the winter, providing prolonged interest. It’s ideal as a rock garden or ground cover option. It needs full sun and dry to medium soil.

Iceland Poppy

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (140)

Scientific Name: Papaver nudicaule

Iceland Poppies are hardy but short-lived perennials that produce large bowl-shaped flowers. They sit on top of fuzzy, tall stems among feathery foliage that is blue-green in color. They are lightly fragranced, and they typically come in red, orange, pink, and yellow blooms. Iceland Poppies are not native to Iceland but are hardy in zones 3 to 10.

Indian Blanket

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (141)

Scientific Name: Gaillardia pulchella

Also known as the Firewheel, this flower adds a touch of spice to any landscape. They are native to the US and are showy wildflowers that produce daisy-like blooms. Indian Blankets bloom from late spring to fall, rich in nectar, attracting important pollinators and birds who enjoy the seed heads. They are easy to grow and resilient, needing little attention.

Indian Pink

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Scientific Name: Spigelia marilandica

This is a striking woodland plant that displays clusters of scarlet trumpet-shaped flowers that are yellow inside. The edge of the bloom splays outwards, creating a yellow star, and they point stiffly toward the sky. The blooms are skinny but two inches in length. These flowers thrive in full to partial shade and are ideal for front of shaded borders.

Italian Asters

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (143)

Scientific Name: Aster amellus

This Aster is renowned for being one of the first to flower and inject splashes of color late in the blooming season. Flowers are lavender to blue with bright yellow centers. They are low-growing compact perennials that look great in borders and rock gardens. Bees and butterflies are attracted to these blooms, and they are drought tolerant.

Jacobs Ladder

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Scientific Name: Polemonium caeruleum

This is an upright spring perennial noted for its sprays of cup-shaped flowers sitting on top of lush green foliage. They grow up to 24 inches tall, and the leaves bear leaflets, which is why this flower is also known as the Ladder to Heaven. The flowers are deep-blue in color with long yellow stamen. They look great in containers, beds, and borders.

Japanese Anemone

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (145)

Scientific Name: Anemone hupehensis

This is an RHS award-winning flower that finds itself in the Buttercup family. It blooms in late summer through to fall, helping with the transition between seasons. It produces masses of double-deep pink or white cup-shaped flowers. A ring of gold stamens surrounds the center, and it is one of the longest-blooming perennials. It is a whole or part sun lover, and it can grow up to three feet tall.

Japanese Iris

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Scientific Name: Iris ensata

These are regarded as some of the most beautiful Irises as they are ruffled and may be single, double, or peony flowered. They are beardless and look a lot like Orchid blooms. The Japanese Iris comes in blue, lavender, pink, violet-red, andwhite, with a yellow dot at the center. They grow up to four feet high, making them the tallest, and bloom in summer.

Japanese Toad Lily

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (147)

Scientific Name: Tricyrtis hirta

This is an exotic choice that produces Orchid-like flowers surrounded by hairy leaves. It grows around stream banks and shaded rocky cliffs and is a shade-loving perennial. They make showywhiteto pale purple flowers, sprinkled with hundreds of purple freckles and a yellow throat. This flower is best grown in moist woodland gardens.

Kaffir Lily

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (148)

Scientific Name: Clivia miniata

Also known as the Natal Lily, it is an evergreen perennial that produces large clusters of RHS award-winning flowers. They are orange to red in color with a yellow throat and are funnel-shaped. Each cluster has 15 to 20 blooms, creating a long-lasting fiery display. This plant produces the most flowers when pot-bound, so it’s a great option for containers as a focal point.

Kangaroo Paw

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (149)

Scientific Name: Anigozanthos flavidus

Unsurprisingly this flowering perennial is native to Australia. It is evergreen and produces uniquely-shaped blooms that can be yellow, orange, red, pink, or green in color. The flowers are clustered at the ends of the stems, with pointed lobes curving at the tips, earning their common name. This plant is hardy except for frosts and blooms over a long period. It looks great as a backdrop plant.

King Protea

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (150)

Scientific Name: Protea cynaroides

This is the national flower of South Africa, also known as the Cape Artichoke Flower. It is a unique-looking flower, with some gardeners calling it out-of-this-world unique. It is an evergreen shrub that is prized for its giant flower heads. Each head consists of a central bouquet of small inner flowers surrounded by colorful bracts. Most plants will produce 6 to 10 flower heads. It requires full sun.

Kings Mantle

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (151)

Scientific Name: Thunbergia erecta

If you’re looking to add a touch of royalty to your garden, look no further than the Kings Mantle. It is an upright climbing plant, reaching two-meter height, producing large violet flowers adorned with a yellow center. They bloom in summer through to fall, and it is attractive to butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. It is sometimes known as the Bush Clock Vine.

Lacespine Pincushion Cactus

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (152)

Scientific Name: Mammillaria lasiacantha

Also known as the Golf Ball Cactus, it is covered inwhiteto pale pink spines that create the lace look. It produceswhiteand pink flowers with a darker line through the middle, surrounding dark yellow stamens. Despite the spikey cactus look, the lace effect and delicate blooms make an ideal addition to any garden. It is one of the earliest cacti to flower, starting in February.

Ladys Mantle

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Scientific Name: Alchemilla mollis

This RHS award-winning perennial forms dense, leafy mounds with foliage that is toothed and hairy. From late spring to early summer, it blooms star-shaped, green to yellow flowers. The bright but subtle green color finishes off the border or edges neatly. Alternatively, it blends in with other more vibrant colored flowers well. Just be warned as they can become invasive, so remove spent flowers promptly.

Ladys Slipper Orchid

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (154)

Scientific Name: Cypripedium macranthos

This is a hardy terrestrial orchid that produces bright mauve-pink flowers in the late spring. The bottom petal forms a slipper shape that inspired the common name, Lady Slipper. The blooms are highly veined, with awhiteto yellow center. The leaves are bright green, typically veined, and form a neat upright shape. They look great in containers or under shrubs.

Lance-Leaf Tickseed

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (155)

Scientific Name: Coreopsis lanceolata

This is a herbaceous perennial that produces large bright yellow daisy-like flowers. The yellow center is surrounded by darker stamen, adding a touch of red to the bloom. The petals are toothed and sit above tender stems and fuzzy foliage. Pollinators love them, and they are tolerant of drought, humidity, and heat. Making them an easy option to care for.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (156)

Scientific Name: Delphinium

Delphinium is a genus that consists of more than 300 species. Commonly known as Larkspur, they are perennial flowers noted for their showy spikes of flowers. Blooms come in shades of purple, blue, pink, andwhite. They are popular in cottage gardens or those looking for architectural height as some of them reach up to six feet tall. They are a favorite for many gardeners, but they can be a challenge for those in hot, dry climates.

Lenten Roses

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (157)

Scientific Name: Helleborus orientalis

This flower is native to the dry climates of Turkey and Greece, and it is called the Lenten Rose because it blooms during the Christian season of lent. Making it an early bloomer for gardens needing a quick injection of color after the winter. This evergreen perennial looks excellent at the front of a border where you can admire its delicate saucer-shaped flowers. Each plant can hold up to 50 flowers lasting two months.

Licorice Root

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (158)

Scientific Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra

This flowering herbaceous perennial is from the Fabaceae family. It is typically grown for its sweet and aromatic roots, which is where licorice flavor comes from. However, it also produces beautiful blooms that look like cones standing upright. They are lilac to purple in color and add texture to any garden.

Lilac Tasselflower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (159)

Scientific Name: Emilia sonchifolia

Sometimes known as Cupids Shaving Brush, this is a tropical annual herb native to Asia. It grows up to 16 inches tall, and one plant will produce several pink or lilac flower heads. They are urn-shaped with 30 to 60 florets per head. This pretty flower looks excellent planted in beds and borders. Just be sure not to plant it near kitchen gardens as it can negatively affect crop yields.

Lily of the Valley

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (160)

Scientific Name: Convallaria majalis

Lily of the Valley is a lover of shade. Making it an ideal addition to shady areas where other flowers would not perform or under shrubs. It is a low-growing perennial that produces bright green lush foliage. The arching stems have up to 15 bell-shaped flowers that are sweetly scented. This makes an excellent cut flower for high-end bouquets.

Lily Tree

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (161)

Scientific Name: Magnolia denudata

This is an RHS award-winning Magnolia considered by many gardeners to be the most beautiful. It is a deciduous shrub that produces exceptionally pretty flowers. The cup-shaped blooms open upright and are creamy to ivory in color. It blooms late winter to early spring, making it a focal point for the winter garden. This tree can grow to 40 feet tall, so be sure to plant it somewhere suitable.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (162)

Scientific Name: Eustoma russellianum

This flower is native to warmer climates like the southern US, Mexico, Caribbean, and northern South America. They are herbaceous annuals producing showy funnel-shaped flowers on long, straight stems. They come in all shades of pink, purple,white, and blue. It is a small genus and is usually found in grasslands. They can be tricky to grow, which is why they are high-end cut flowers.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (163)

Scientific Name: Hepatica nobilis

This is a small evergreen plant that grows in woodlands. They produce delicate blue blooms, although they can also bewhiteand lavender. These daisy-like blooms have a yellow center andwhitestamen for a beautiful contrast. These look great in containers or at the front of any edging or border.

Love in a Mist

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (164)

Scientific Name: Nigella damascena

This is a popular bushy annual plant that produces lush, spidery foliage creating a green mist around the blooms. The blooms themselves are full of alternate purple flowers with a green stamen that blooms from early to late summer. The flowers are replaced by balloon-shaped seed capsules that look great in the garden or cut flowers.

Love Lies Bleeding

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (165)

Scientific Name: Amaranthus caudatus

This striking flower is renowned for its unusual long tassel-like racemes of small corally-crimson flowers that stand out against the large green leaves. Also known as cattails, the tubes of flowers grow just as long. The plant grows up to 8 feet tall, adding height for a back border or as an architectural feature. It is hardy in zones 2 to 11, likes full sun, and moist but well-drained soil.

Macedonian Scabious

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (166)

Scientific Name: Knautia macedonica

This is a herbaceous perennial that produces masses of pincushion flowers. They are deep crimson in color and bloom from early summer through to fall. This plant attracts all kinds of pollinators and perform best in climates with cool summer nights. They are simple to grow and look great in all types of gardens and fresh or dried bouquets.

Madeiran Squill

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (167)

Scientific Name: Scilla madeirensis

This is a rare bulbous perennial that is native to the island of Madeira. In late fall to early winter, when most other perennials are finishing up for the year, this Squill blooms a cone full of amethyst blooms. Packed with tiny flowers topped with yellow dots, it is about the size of an Amaryllis. The foliage is lush and fleshy. This stunning plant can be picky when it comes to growing conditions.

Madonna Lily

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (168)

Scientific Name: Lilium candidum

This flower has a great symbolic history and dates back 3,000 years. It forms bulbs at ground level, and stems grow to around three feet tall. Blooms come out in summer, and they produce a sweet aroma. They are purewhiteand have yellow printed on their throats. This elegant lily is a centerpiece for any landscape, and be sure to plant them where you can enjoy their scent.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (169)

Scientific Name: Astrantia major

This perennial flower forms dramatically colored clusters of tiny flowers crowded together like pins on a cushion. It has a neat habit, and the blooms sit on nearly black stems surrounded by lush leaves. It blooms late spring to early summer and sporadically throughout the rest of the season when in ideal conditions. Ideal climates are sunny but cool, with consistently moist soil. It’s easy to grow and looks great in borders.

Maltese Cross

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (170)

Scientific Name: Lychnis chalcedonica

This herbaceous perennial provides long seasonal interest, is easy to establish, simple to maintain, and pretty. Making it a top pick of gardeners. It grows upright stems sitting atop bright green foliage. On top of the branches form clusters of bright scarlet-colored flowers. Plant in sunny, moist spots where you need a pop of color.

Maximilian Sunflower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (171)

Scientific Name: Helianthus maximiliani

This Sunflower is a North American species, and it was named for the Prince of Wied-Neuwied on his travels. It grows up to 10 feet tall, and it is a bold and bright statement for any landscape. This perennial produces long, hairy, and stiff stems that carry lots of yellow flowers. They bloom from late summer into the fall, and it attracts a multitude of pollinators. Plant at the back of borders and give them space to spread.

Meadow Bistort

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (172)

Scientific Name: Bistorta officinalis

This flowering plant is native to Europe and parts of Asia. It is a herbaceous perennial that grows up to 31 inches tall. It blooms from late spring into late fall. Meadow Bistorts produce erect stems that carry racemes of pink to lilac flowers, each with protruding stamens creating a fluffy appearance. It requires moist soils, and without adequate watering, it will become dormant.

Meadow Rue

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Scientific Name: Thalictrum aquilegifolium

This clump-forming perennial usually grows to about three feet in height. It is prized for its lacy, blue-green foliage combined with the dense panicles of fluffy flowers. Flowers present themselves in delicate pink, purple, orwhitein color. They bloom in late spring, lasting for several weeks, and are easily grown.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (174)

Scientific Name: Filipendula ulmaria

Also known as Queen of the Meadow, this is a herbaceous perennial plant commonly found in damp meadows. This plant produces elegant creamy-whiteflowers that sit in tight clusters. They are highly fragrant and bloom from summer to fall, and attract various insects, including bees. It does well in damp gardens or alongside streams or water gardens.

Mexican Aster

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (175)

Scientific Name: Cosmos bipinnatus

Also known as the Garden Cosmos, this Aster is a medium-sized half-hardy annual. However, they self-seed and reappear for several years. The flowers are broad and brightly colored, sometimes with colored tips and patterns. They attract butterflies and birds and look great in any garden for a pop of color. The stems break easily in the wind, so plant them in sheltered areas.

Mexican Bush Sage

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (176)

Scientific Name: Salvia leucantha

This is an evergreen shrubby perennial that is considered by many to be one of the prettiest Salvias. It produces velvety ornamental flowers, consisting of purple sepals surrounding a fluffywhiteflower. They sit on tall spikes that bloom from late summer to the first frost. It can grow up to six feet tall and is excellent for borders or containers. Hummingbirds and butterflies are top fans.

Mexican Sunflower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (177)

Scientific Name: Tithonia rotundifolia

Also known as the Goldflower of the Incas, this flower is a warm-favoring annual that produces showy daisy-like blooms. Bright orange and yellow in color, they appear from midsummer through to fall with fuzzy centers. It grows up to six feet tall and grows to be relatively bushy. Despite its furry, heart-shaped foliage, deer ignore it. This flower looks great in borders and in vases as a cutting flower.

Million Bells

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (178)

Scientific Name: Calibrachoa

Calibrachoa, also known as Million Bells, is a trendy plant for the garden. The one-inch wide flowers come in various colors, sometimes two-toned, patterned, striped, or double blossomed. They are often compared to Petunias and make wonderful trailing plants suited for containers and hanging baskets. It is mainly grown as an annual.

Mini Lobata

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (179)

Scientific Name: Ipomoea lobata

Sometimes called the Spanish Flag, the bright colors on the funnel-shaped flowers cascade from red to yellow. They gradually fade to cream by the end of summer. It is usually grown as an annual. It is a climber that reaches up to 16 feet tall, making it ideal for trellises and covering unsightly fences. The leaves are usually three-lobed and bright green in color.

Miss Willmotts Ghost

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (180)

Scientific Name: Eryngium giganteum

This is an unusual-looking flowering plant that looks fantastic standing against other brightly colored flowers. The egg-shaped flower head is densely packed with tiny flowers that begin as pale green, gradually changing to steel-blue. The head is surrounded by spikey silver towhitebracts, adding a ghosty feel to any landscape. It is an RHS winner, and it is drought tolerant.

Mock Orange

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (181)

Scientific Name: Philadelphus coronarius

This is a deciduous shrub that produces straight, stiff branches. From late spring blooms appear in dense clusters of cup-shaped flowers. The flowers are brilliantlywhite, with yellow stamens, and are highly scented. It grows up to 12 feet tall, and once matured, it will produce hundreds of flowers at any one time. Making it an outstanding addition to any landscape.

Morning Glory

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (182)

Scientific Name: Ipomoea purpurea

This exotic climbing annual is prized for its pretty purple to blue colored trumpet-shaped blooms. The flowers open in the morning to expose theirwhitethroats and close in the evening. This plant climbs quickly, making it ideal for covering up unsightly fences or trellises. It can grow up to 10 feet tall in one season! It attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. There are several varieties of Morning Glory flowers, each with its own color.

Mountain Witch Alder

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (183)

Scientific Name: Fothergilla major

This is a slow-growing deciduous shrub that is native to southeastern America. It has won RHS awards for its beautiful bottle-brushwhiteflowers. The leaves change from green to orange, red, and purple-red in the fall. It spreads in an upright habit, and it is virtually disease-free. It needs full sun to part shade to keep it looking its best.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (184)

Scientific Name: Ipomoea alba

This wonderfully peculiar flower earns its name from how it blooms. The flowers open within minutes at dusk and close at the sight of the morning sun. The flowers are purewhiteand reveal a pale green star and light scent at night. They are also prized for their sizable heart-shaped foliage and fast climbing habits, making them a top choice for hiding fences or filling trellises.

Night-Scented Stock

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (185)

Scientific Name: Matthiola longipetala

This is a sprawling annual that is named after its nighttime blooming habit. Flowers open in the evening and release a super-strong sweet aroma. The flowers are small and delicate,whiteto pale lilac in color. It blooms from spring to fall, and they are easy to grow. Be sure to plant them where you can enjoy their scent – on the edge of beds and in containers is ideal.

Nodding Wakerobin

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (186)

Scientific Name: Trillium flexipes

Common in the midwestern US, it is a clump-forming perennial that produces attractive large, heart-shaped green leaves. It comes into its own in mid to late spring when it blooms. The flowers have three largewhitepetals, three slender green sepals, and a black center. It prefers part to full shade and is ideal for woodland and wildflower gardens.

Obedient Plant

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (187)

Scientific Name: Physostegia virginiana

This herbaceous perennial grows in an upright habit that is prized for its full spikes of lilac to pink tubular flowers. The spikes can be bent in any direction and stay in position, hence its common name, the Obedient Plant. It blooms from summer through to fall and is adored by hummingbirds and bees. It is hardy in zones three to nine and performs well in full to partial sun.

Ohio Spiderwort

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (188)

Scientific Name: Tradescantia ohiensis

As a vigorous herbaceous perennial, the Ohio Spiderwort is favored for its clusters of three-petaled, mostly blue (sometimes rose) colored blooms with bright yellow stamens. Each flower only lasts around one day, but it blooms profusely for six weeks and is never out ofblooms. This flower is relatively adaptable and looks terrific in beds, borders, or cottage gardens.

Old Lady Cactus

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (189)

Scientific Name: Mammillaria hahniana

The Mammillaria family has around 200 cacti species, most of which are native to Mexico. So, it goes without saying that you need to live in a warm climate to grow this cactus outdoors. In the summer, they form a crown of purple to red flowers, adding a tropical touch to your borders and containers. They are covered inwhitespikes andwhitedown, hence its name. It needs sandy and porous soil to thrive.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (190)

Scientific Name: Nerium oleander

This is a flowering shrub or small tree that yields ornamental blooms year-round, peaking in the summer. It produceswhite, red, or pink five-petaled flowers that grow in clusters at the end of each branch. They usually make a sweet scent, but not always. As it grows up to 20 feet tall, it is an ideal option for the back of gardens. Oleander was a favorite of Van Gogh, who often featured them in his artwork.

Oriental Lily

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (191)

Scientific Name: Lilium orientalis

Oriental lilies are best known for their highly fragrant flowers that bloom mid to late summer, adding one last injection of vibrant color. Colors range fromwhite, pink, red, yellow, some with patterns, spots, and bi-colors. Oriental lilies are easy to grow, and quite popular across many hardiness zones.

Most gardeners adore the aroma, but the FDA reports that thisplant is toxic to cats. They are easy to grow and do their best in full sunlight. Their popularity means that there are many species and cultivars to choose from.

Oriental Poppy

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (192)

Scientific Name: Papaver orientale

Oriental Poppies are incredibly showy flowers that deserve a spot in all gardens. They produce large, silky-satin flowers that come in orange, red, pink, orwhiteshades with a darker center. Some have frilled petals, and some have large seed pods. They grow up to three feet tall and look great in borders and in groups. They are hardy in zones three to eight but do better in cooler summers.

Ornamental Onion

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Scientific Name: Allium giganteum

This is one of the tallest of Alliums, with each stem topped by a ball-shaped cluster of tiny star-shaped purple flowers. They bloom in late spring to early summer, and blooms are long-lasting and ornamental. They look great in large sweeping drifts when planted in groups of 10 or more or amongst more delicate textured plants. It attracts butterflies too.

Ox-Eye Daisy

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Scientific Name: Leucanthemum vulgare

This is a hardy and profusely blooming perennial prized for its incredible floral display. If you are searching for a typical-looking daisy withwhitepetals and a sunny-yellow center, look no further. They bloom for up to six weeks and grow up to two feet tall. They thrive in full sun and appreciate shade in hot summer regions.

Oyster Plant

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Scientific Name: Mertensia maritima

This is a spreading perennial that forms rosettes of oval-shaped blue to green leaves. The leaves apparently taste like oysters, hence their common name. In late spring, it produces clusters of bell-shaped flowers. Oyster plants bud in pink and open in bright blue hues and sit on branches. They are ideal for cottage, rock, or coastal gardens. They grow up to six inches tall and prefer sandy soil and partial sun.

Ozark Sundrops

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Scientific Name: Oenothera macrocarpa

Sometimes known as the Missouri Evening Primrose, it produces large, fragrant bright yellow blooms on top of narrow shiny leaves. It is a low-growing perennial, ideal for a rock garden, banks, groundcover, or containers. The flowers only open for one day, but it blooms profusely from late spring to early fall.


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Scientific Name: Edgeworthia chrysantha

This is a bushy, deciduous shrub that reaches heights of six feet. It is prized for its fragrance and winter interest. The naked stems produce clusters of gradualwhiteand yellow-toned tiny flowers, blooming for up to six weeks from late winter to spring. In Japan, it is used to make high-quality paper, hence its name. It looks great when planted with shade-tolerant evergreens.

Paraguay Nightshade

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (198)

Scientific Name: Lycianthes rantonnetii

Also known as the Blue Potato Bush, it is a fast-growing shrub that produces slim arching stems adorned with bright-purple, yellow-centered flowers. It is related to Deadly Nightshade, so be careful not to ingest any part of this plant. This plant blooms from summer to fall and compliments mixed borders. It needs full sun and moist, well-drained soils to thrive.

Parrots Beak

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (199)

Scientific Name: Lotus berthelotii

This is a trailing evergreen perennial that is native to the Canary Islands. The trailing silver needle-like leaves hang, holding onto bright crimson flowers. The blooms are shaped like parrot beaks, hence the common name, and are an exotic addition to containers and hanging baskets. It flowers in the colder weather of spring and dislikes hot temperatures.

Pasque Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (200)

Scientific Name: Pulsatilla vulgaris

Pasque flowers are early-blooming perennials that produce large and showy flowers that are two to three inches wide. One plant can produce up to 30 bell-shaped blossoms. Colors range from purple to blue and hold a bright yellow center full of fluffy stamens. The foliage is silky and fern-like, and they make ideal choices for the front of borders and rock gardens.

Peace Lily

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Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum

Although this flowering plant is more commonly known as an indoor plant, Peace Lilies are also suitable for the garden in shady places in zones 10 to 11. It does not like direct sun, not even in short bursts, so it needs to be planted in full shade. This makes it an excellent option for shaded areas where most other plants would not survive. It produces spoon-shaped spathes and has lush green tall foliage.

Pearly Everlasting

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Scientific Name: Anaphalis margaritacea

This is a bushy perennial that is topped with clusters of button-like flowers. The disc centers are small and yellow, surrounded bywhite-papery bracts that look like petals. It has been awarded the RHS Garden Merit, and it makes an ideal companion for colorful plants on any border. Plus, it is excellent as a cut flower for dried bouquets. It blooms in mid-summer to fall.

Perennial Flax

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Scientific Name: Linum perenne

The Linum Perenne is an exquisitely delicate bloom that produces tufts of narrow leaves and bright blue saucer-shaped flowers with a yellow throat andwhitestamen. They measure one inch across and bloom in late spring for up to 12 weeks. The blooms only last for one day, but it flowers profusely. These flowers look fab when planted on mass. It is simple to grow and ideal for hot and dry areas of your garden.

Perennial Sweet Pea

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Scientific Name: Lathyrus latifolius

An award-winning climbing perennial, also known as the Everlasting Pea. It is a strong climber that forms racemes of up to 11whiteto rose pea-like blooms. They will grow along the ground, searching for nearby vegetation or support structures to climb. They bloom all summer and grow up to nine feet tall.

Persian Buttercup

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Scientific Name: Ranunculus asiaticus

This wonderfully elegant flower is a favorite of florists and gardeners. The annual or perennial plant produces a wide range of colored blooms, includingwhite, orange, pink, yellow, and red. The petals are crepe-paper thin, consisting of many layers. They sit on top of sturdy stalks and lush foliage. They bloom for around six weeks in early summer, and they prefer cooler seasons.

Peruvian Lily

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Scientific Name: Alstroemeria aurea

There are many species in the Alstroemeria family, but this is one of the hardiest. It is a tuberous perennial that produces clusters of small orchid-like flowers. Sporting orange, yellow, and red hues, petals are striped and spotted. They bloom in early to mid-summer, bringing splashes of gold to your garden. They grow up to 3 feet tall and work well as an accent plant.


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Scientific Name: Petunia

Petunia is a genus of around 20 species, and it is an annual flowering plant of South American origin. It is one of the most popular garden plants. Meaning that there are hundreds of cultivars to choose from, all in different colors and patterns. All produce tubular flowers that can tolerate different climates, except for frost. They look great in beds and hanging baskets.

Pig Laurel

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Scientific Name: Kalmia angustifolia

Awarded the RHS garden merit, it is a bushy evergreen shrub that produces lots of deep-pink saucer-shaped flowers in summer. The throats are green and adorned withwhitestamens. The blue-green foliage is glossy and changes to red hues in the fall for added seasonal interest. They like part shade and moist soils. Deadhead the blooms to promote better flowers next year.

Pincushion Flower

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Scientific Name: Scabiosa atropurpurea

This is an annual or short-lived bushy perennial thatproducesintensely colored pincushion-like blooms. The flowers are burgundy in color, with feathery petals on the outside, deepening in color nearer the center. They measure two inches across and bloom from spring to fall. They do well in full sun and are hardy in zones 4 to 11.

Pineapple Lily

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Scientific Name: Eucomis pallidiflora

Also known as the Giant Pineapple Lily, this is a bulbous perennial with an unusual appearance. It is native to South Africa and resembles a pineapple, hence its common name. It produceswhiteto green flowers arranged on a raceme, appearing in summer. Pineapple Lilies are topped by a head of up to 30 bracts, giving it its pineapple resemblance.

Pink Flowering Almond

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Scientific Name: Prunus triloba

This shrub sometimes becomes a small tree adorned withwhiteto pale pink flowers with long delicate stamens. It is a sight to behold in full bloom, adding waves of soft color to any landscape. It is native to China but popular around the world. The stones produced in fall are often used in China to make beaded bracelets, which could be an option for curious crafters.

Plantain Lily

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Scientific Name: Hosta sieboldiana

Sure, these shade-loving plants are prized for their foliage, but they also produce pretty blooms. The trumpet-shaped flowers placed on tall shooting stems are usually mauve orwhite. The foliage is large and blue-green in color, and they are great for underplanting shrubs or adding focal interest. They are notoriously loved by slugs, so be sure to protect them.

Poppy Anemone

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Scientific Name: Anemone coronaria

These poppy-like blooms come in a wide range of red, pink, purple, blue,white, or bi-colored colors. They have dark centers adorned with fluffy stamen and can be single or double-flowered. Poppy Anemones bloom in mid to late spring and make lovely cut flowers. They are easy to establish and will come back year after year.

Pot Marigold

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Scientific Name: Calendula officinalis

This is a popular annual plant that provides weeks of color, typically from late spring through to late frost. It is a popular plant native to Southern Europe and hardy in zones 2 to 11. Pot Marigolds are quick to grow, easy to maintain, and self-seeds easily without being invasive. It produces daisy-like blooms that range fromwhite, yellow, orange, sometimes with contrasting petal tips.

Purple Mountain Saxifrage

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Scientific Name: Saxifraga oppositifolia

This is a popular mat-forming evergreen perennial in rock gardens and containers. It creates a thick carpet of tiny dark green leaves, making way for bright purple or magenta flowers in the springtime. Adorned with orange anthers and a dark throat, these blooms add contrasting colors to any garden. It is native to high mountainous areas, likes part shade in rich soil, and is hardy in zones two to seven.

Queen Annes Lace

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Scientific Name: Daucus carota

This is awhite, flowering, sometimes a biennial plant that grows up to three feet tall. The stalks are stiff and carry dense umbels full of tinywhiteflowers. They sometimes have a small red center. The root is edible when young, although it becomes too tough to consume. However, it bears a close resemblance to deadlyPoison Hemlock, so it’s imperative not to confuse it.

Queen of the Night

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Scientific Name: Epiphyllum oxypetalum

Sometimes called the Orchid Cactus, this exotic flower produces a spectacular display at night time. Thewhiteblooms are highly fragrant and grow up to 12 inches wide, with spikey bracts in the background. They usually open for one night only, providing a show for you and your visitors. In zones 10 to 11, it can be grown outdoors, and it grows up trellises and walls well. It is not fussy about conditions just as long as it is fertilized sufficiently.


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Scientific Name: Quesnelia arvensis

This is a bromeliad from the genus Quesnelia native to Brazil. It grows up to two feet tall and produces dark green shooting leaves marked with conspicuous spines. The Quesnelia forms awhitestalk in the center adorned with a red bloom and blue petals. It grows along the coast and in swampy forest areas. It is an ideal addition to shady, humid, and wet areas.

Rain Lily

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Scientific Name: Zephyranthes grandiflora

This is a bulbous perennial plant that boasts large, bright pink flowers that face upright. Rain Lilies have awhitethroat with floppy yellow anthers, looking a little like Water Lilies. They bloom from mid to late summer for several weeks and are one of the most favored Rain Lily species. They look great in rock gardens, in containers, or along pathways where you can enjoy them from above.

Red Campion

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Scientific Name: Silene dioica

Also known as Adders Flower, it is a semi-evergreen perennial wildflower found in moist meadows. It produces clumps of downy leaves and profuse delicate pink flowers with awhitethroat. They are pretty and also low maintenance, making them a favorite of gardeners. They like full sun to partial shade and look great in beds and borders.

Red Hot Poker

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Scientific Name: Kniphofia rooperi

There are around 70 species in the Kniphofia genus, and this is one of the most stunning. It has large, egg-shaped flowers that are red at the top of the spike, gradually changing to yellow. At up to four feet tall, the stems are tall, thick, and imposing, ideal for adding vertical drama to your garden. This perennial blooms in late summer, and they are hardy in zones six to nine.

Red Spider Lily

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Scientific Name: Lycoris radiata

This is a bulbous perennial that produces umbels or four to six coral-red flowers. The petals are curled, and the stamens are exceptionally long, giving them an elegant eyelash effect. They bloom in late summer to early fall, giving you one last burst of summer color. It grows up to 24 inches tall. They look great as an ornamental plant in groups of three to five or on mass for a sheen of coral carpet.

Red Torch Cactus

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Scientific Name: Echinopsis huascha

This is a columnar cactus that grows up to three feet in clumps. From spring to early summer, the stems produce large funnel-shaped flowers that are typically red, orange, and yellow in color. The blooms grow up to four inches tall and three inches wide. It is hardy in zones 9 to 11 and prefers full sun and dry spells between watering to look its best.

Red Valerian

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Scientific Name: Centranthus ruber

This popular perennial is easy to grow, pest and disease resistant, attracts pollinators, and produces long-blooming showy flowers. Making it a firm favorite of gardeners. It blooms from early summer to fall, producing dense clusters of crimson star-shaped flowers and blue-green foliage. It grows up to three feet tall and looks great as a border plant or in rock gardens.

Rock Purslane

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Scientific Name: Calandrinia grandiflora

This is a succulent plant that grows in mounds of narrow evergreen blue-green leaves. From spring to fall, it produces tall stems that carry large, showy magenta flowers. They only open for one day, but it blooms profusely throughout the seasons, meaning you are never without color. It is hardy in zones 9 to 11 but can be grown as an annual in cooler regions.

Rock Rose

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Scientific Name: Cistus monspeliensis

Sometimes known as the Montpellier Cistus, this is an evergreen shrub native to southern Europe and northern Africa. It has narrow leaves with a sticky surface providing a year-long texture to your garden. The plant produces panicles of two to eight flowers, each with fivewhitepetals and five sepals. The blooms have a wrinkled appearance, a lot like crepe paper, providing extra texture throughout spring and summer.

Rock Soapwort

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Scientific Name: Saponaria ocymoides

This RHS award-winning plant is a mat-forming semi-evergreen perennial that produces blooms for around three to four weeks. It has profuse bright pink flowers that cover most of the olive-green foliage. It climbs rocks and walls well, making it ideal for these needs. Its easy to grow in cooler climates but does not like hot or humid summers. It is hardy in zones two to nine.

Rocky Mountain Columbine

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Scientific Name:Aquilegiacaerulia

This perennial is Colorado’s state flower, and they are native from Montana to Arizona and New Mexico. Rocky Mountain Columbine features star-shaped two-toned purple andwhiteflowers with bushy yellow stamens adding a pleasing contrasting center. They grow in a bushy upright clump with sky-facing blooms that sit above fern-like foliage. And they are short-lived, blooming for four to six weeks between spring and summer.


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Scientific Name: Silphium integrifolium

Don’t be put off by the mention of weed in the name. This wildflower looks similar to a cheerful Sunflower. It is named after the sticky sap that secretes from broken stems. Rosinweeds can spread aggressively and should be planted where it can grow, such as wildflower gardens or meadows. It is a hardy, drought-tolerant plant that produces cheery yellow blooms that reach six feet tall.

Rosy Garlic

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Scientific Name: Allium roseum

Also known as ornamental garlic, this elegant perennial is scented with a sweet but unmistakable onion aroma. It produces long stems holding clusters of pale to rich pink star-shaped flowers. It grows up to 16 inches high, towering above rich green foliage. This flower looks fabulous when planted in groups of at least 20. It grows easily in the full sun and attracts butterflies.

Round-Headed Rampion

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Scientific Name: Phyteuma orbiculare

Also known as the Pride of Sussex, this is a herbaceous perennial plant that grows up to 20 inches tall. The erect stems produce various shaped leaves, leading to a round cluster of tiny flowers. The flower heads consist of blue to violet small tubes that open at the top, sometimes speckled withwhitedots. Plant in groups for the best visual impact.

Roundleaf Liverleaf

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Scientific Name: Hepatica americana

This is a beautifully delicate wildflower that is one of the earliest wildflowers to bloom. It produces bowl-shaped flowers that are typically light blue to lavender in color. They are rich in nectar, making them one of the earliest sources for many pollinators. It grows up to nine inches tall and will happily form a pretty groundcover in woodland or rock gardens. Plant in large masses for the best visual impact.

Saffron Crocus

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Scientific Name: Crocus sativus

This flower is renowned for its precious red stamens. Which is the source of culinary saffron and is supposedly the most expensive spice in the world. It is a fall bloom that produces large, lilac-purple flowers with darker veins. It grows up to five inches tall, and it is great for beds, borders, banks, rock gardens, and containers. This perennial bulb requires full sun and is very showy.

Satin Flower

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Scientific Name: Clarkia amoena

Also known as the Farewell to Spring, it is native to coastal northwestern California. It is an annual that produces racemes of cup-shaped, satiny flowers. Color options include lavender, red, pink, or lilac, usually with a blotch of contrasting color at the base of each petal. They bloom in late spring to mid-summer, and they ask for good air circulation. They are great for borders and containers and are hardy in zones 2 to 11.

Sea Thrift

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Scientific Name: Armeria maritima

This evergreen perennial is native to Great Britain and was featured on the British threepence in the mid 20thcentury. It grows compactly, producing slender stems that carry round clusters of pink, lavender, andwhiteflowers. They bloom in the latter half of spring and sporadically in summer if they are happy and deadheaded. They like full sun and infertile soils to look their best.

Seaside Daisy

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Scientific Name: Erigeron glaucus

This flower is native to the coastal regions of Oregon and California. It is a low-growing perennial that produces lovely pink-lavender-colored ground cover. The centers are bright yellow like most Daisies, and they are a perfect addition to any garden needing a splash of color. The leathery foliage is almost completely covered when in bloom from mid-spring to late summer.

Serbian Bellflower

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Scientific Name: Campanula poscharskyana

Also known as the Trailing Bellflower, this sprawling perennial looks excellent cascading over walls or edging borders and pathways. It produces star-shaped pale violet blooms with awhitethroat and yellow stamens. Serbian bellflowers bloom profusely, and the lush green foliage is semi-evergreen, sometimes evergreen in warmer regions. It is easy to grow and adds a punch of color to any landscape.

Shooting Star

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Scientific Name: Dodecatheon meadia

Also known as the Pride of Ohio, this striking flower produces large umbels of 8 to 20 blooms. They are deep pink, light pink, orwhitein color, with five upward-facing petals. The prominent downward-facing stamens give the appearance of a wind-blown umbrella. They bloom for around a month in the late spring and are herbaceous perennials. Plant these in groups for an incredible display.

Showy Beardtongue

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Scientific Name: Penstemon spectabilis

This native Californian flower is an evergreen perennial that provides a spectacular display of wide-mouthed two-toned flowers. Leafy stems give way to up to 100 flowers on their upper half, contrasting against the green, leafy branches. They are fast-growing, fuss-free, and attract a wealth of beneficial pollinators. Hardy in zones 8 to 11, plant in large groups for dramatic effect.

Showy Milkweed

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Scientific Name: Asclepias speciosa

This perennial plant is also known as American Silkweed, prized for its unique-looking blooms. It produces spherical clusters of pink andwhiteflowers in the late spring. They are highly fragrant, and butterflies and bees cannot resist them. This plant is a critical source to the Monarch butterfly, whose population is steadily declining. So find a place in your garden for them and do your bit for the species.

Showy Speedwell

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Scientific Name: Hebe speciosa

This is another exotic spiky flower that is known for its ornamental display. It is native to New Zealand but is becoming particularly popular in the US. The leaves are shiny and evergreen and reach shrub heights. It produces tubes of tightly-packed small flowers, each having two very long stamens giving it its whiskery appearance.

Siberian Bugloss

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Scientific Name: Brunnera macrophylla

Siberian Bugloss is a charming herbaceous perennial that produces large, heart-shaped leaves that are deep green and sometimes variegated. The blooms are similar to Forget-Me-Nots and make delicate sprays of small bright blue flowers. They look fabulous amongst other vibrantly colored blooms such as Tulips. They are low maintenance and easy to grow, hardy in zones three to seven.

Silver Lupine

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Scientific Name: Lupinus albifrons

This is one of the showiest and fragrant Lupines. It is an evergreen perennial that produces beautiful palmate leaves that are silky and gray. From spring, it grows long clusters of blue to magenta pea-shaped flowers. It can grow up to five feet tall and needs sandy or rocky soil to do well. It is low maintenance, and it attracts pollinators.

Siskiyou Lewisia

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Scientific Name: Lewisia cotyledon

This delicate evergreen perennial is an RHS award winner that adds a touch of charm to any landscape. It is an easy grower that produces rosettes of fleshy dark foliage. It blooms brightly colored flowers in late spring, usually pale pink to vibrant magenta, yellow, orange, and salmon pink petals. Each petal usually sports two tones adding to its charm. The plant grows up to 12 inches tall and looks great in rock gardens or containers. It is hardy in zones three to eight.

Slender Deutzia

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Scientific Name: Deutzia gracilis

This is among one of the most popular species of Deutzia out of a group of about 60. They produce ornamental flowers that can grow up to three feet in height, making them an ideal backdrop for gardens. The flowers arewhiteand fragrant, blooming in the spring. A prized RHS award-winning cultivar is “Nikko,” a dwarf version ideal for smaller gardens.


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Scientific Name: Antirrhinum majus

The name originates from how the showy flower reacts to having its throat squeezed, causing the mouth to snap open. This animated flower is a favorite with children and avid gardeners alike. Snapdragons are short-lived perennials but typically grown as annuals, blossoming from spring to fall. They are fragrant and bloom in a wide variety of bright colors. Bumblebees and hummingbirds love them.


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Scientific Name: Helenium autumnale

This upright perennial blooms in late summer through to fall when most other perennials are starting to fade. The long stems are cloaked in slender leaves, giving way to daisy-like flowers. The protruding center is surrounded by bright yellow petals. They are resistant to disease and tolerate any kind of soil, even very wet soil. They look beautiful in drifts and borders.


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Scientific Name: Galanthus nivalis

This is a popular flower found in many gardens. It is one of the earliest to bloom, and the foliage often peeks through blankets of snow in late winter. They are small bulbous perennials that provide a delicate aroma in early spring. Thewhiteflowers nod with a small green spot on each petal. They grow up to 10 inches tall and look great wherever planted, especially in large groups or in sweeping drifts. It is hardy in zones three to eight.

Snow in Summer

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Scientific Name: Cerastium tomentosum

Sometimes known as the Jerusalem Star, this is a short-lived perennial that produces a dense groundcover of snowy-whiteflowers in the summer. The blooms are star-shaped with notched edges, and the foliage is silver to gray in color. This low-growing plant looks great anywhere you need ground cover, as well as on rock gardens and stone walls for its cascading effect.

Snowdrop Windflower

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Scientific Name: Anemone sylvestris

The Snowdrop Windflower is a delicate late spring bloomer that grows up to 18 inches tall. The dark green foliage gives way to thin stems that carry the charming blooms. The flowers are purewhite, with a pink underside and yellow stamens. They are fragrant and easy to grow in whole or part shade. These pretty blooms look wonderful under shrubs or as a groundcover.

Snowy Angels Trumpet

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Scientific Name: Brugmansia suaveolens

The award-winning Snowy Angels Trumpet is a tropical semi-evergreen shrub that produces wonderful pendulous trumpet-shaped blooms. This plant produces purewhiteflowers from midsummer to fall, but other species have different colored trumpets. It creates a delicious aroma in the evenings, and it makes an ideal focal point for any garden. They are heavy feeders and need full sun to thrive. This shrub might look angelic, but all parts are highly toxic if ingested.

Solomons Seal

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Scientific Name: Polygonatum multiflorum

This perennial performs well where others do not, in part to full shade. This makes it an ideal filler for unused spaces. It produces arched stems that hold small clusters of two to six tubular creamy colored flowers tipped with green. They stand gracefully, making them a prized ornamental choice. The blooms give way to blue and black berries, and the foliage turns yellow in the fall.

Southern Blue Flag

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Scientific Name: Iris virginica

Although we have featured many Irises, the Southern Blue Flag also needs a spot in our guide. It is a perennial that produces long stems in the late spring, each carrying two to three violet-blue flowers. They are veined with a yellow mark and do well near water. This aquatic plant is a great addition to moist gardens. They grow up to 36 inches tall and have striking sword-shaped leaves.

Spanish Bluebell

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Scientific Name: Hyacinthoides hispanica

Spanish Bluebells are excellent bulbous perennials to plant in any garden because it is low maintenance, disease, and pest-resistant. It produces sturdy stalks that carry bell-shaped flowers that hang. Blooms range from violet-blue, lavender, pink, orwhite. They thrive in partial sun or full shade and are ideal for woodland gardens, rock gardens, and naturalized areas.


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Scientific Name: Veronica longifolia

Also known as Long-Leaved Speedwell, this species is prized for its abundant and elegant flowers. They are easy to care for and long-blooming perennials that add vertical lines to the back of any garden. Speedwells grow up to four feet tall and come inwhite, pink, blue, violet, or purple colors. They need full sun and will attract pollinators.

Spider Flower

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Scientific Name: Cleome hassleriana

This is a fast-growing annual that produces large airy clusters of small flowers. They have long spiky stamens, giving it the spider look. They are highly fragrant and come in purple, pink, andwhitehues. Spider flowers bloom from summer up to the first frost, and dried seed heads provide nourishment for birds in the winter. They are low maintenance and look best in groups of at least six.

Spider Flower

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Scientific Name: Grevillea

Grevillea is a large genus of plants with over 300 species and more cultivars. They are evergreen shrubs that produce showy flowers that can be small andspider-like or large and toothbrush shaped. They come in a wide variety of colors and bloom over a long period, sometimes well into winter. A hybrid named “Peaches and Cream” produces a particularly pretty flower for your garden.

Spotted Zygopetalum

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Scientific Name: Zygopetalum maculatum

This Orchid is native to the mountains of Peru, Brazil, and Bolivia. It blooms in the spring with 8 to 12 blooms that measure around one inch wide. The top petals are green with dark red irregular spots, and the bottom petal iswhitewith crimson veins. It is attractive, adding an exotic touch to any landscape. Keep it moist but not soggy and out of direct sunlight.

Spring Beauty

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Scientific Name: Claytonia virginica

This is a delicate perennial that is native to North America that is often found in woodlands. It produces clusters of small star-shaped blooms that are pale pink towhitein color with deep pink veins. They are an essential source of nectar to pollinators. They also grow from an underground small, potato-like edible root. This plant looks great as a groundcover or in rock gardens, especially when planted in large numbers.

Spring Blossom

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Scientific Name: Jaborosa integrifolia

This rhizomatous herbaceous perennial finds itself in the Solanaceae family, making it related to the potato. They are native to South America. The flowers arewhitein color and look a lot like starfish. And they are wide-spreading and are great for rock gardens.

Spring Starflower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (261)

Scientific Name: Ipheion uniflorum

This is a small bulbous perennial from the Amaryllis family. It produces six-petaled star-shaped flowers that come in blue, pink, andwhitehues. Each petal is lined down the middle, leading to the brightly colored yellow stamen. They are sweetly scented, and gardeners regard them as one of the easiest bulbs to grow. They are short-lived but look great under shrubs or planted in mass.

Star Jasmine

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (262)

Scientific Name: Trachelospermum jasminoides

This is an evergreen shrub that produces an abundance of star-shaped flowers, almost covering all foliage. The foliage is glossy, dark, and the leaves are oval in shape. It grows profusely and is used as a climbing option to cover fences, walls or create sectional hedges. With support, it can grow up to 20 feet high. The flowers smell divine, and it is renowned as an excellent option for novice gardeners.

Star of Bethlehem

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (263)

Scientific Name: Ornithogalum magnum

This is a bulbous perennial that is native to the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia. It produces upright racemes packed with small, star-shaped flowers. Thewhiteflowers have a green stripe underneath, and they bloom from the bottom up. They grow up to 24 inches tall and like full sun to part shade. They are virtually pest and disease-free and an excellent choice for borders and containers.

Starry Eyes

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (264)

Scientific Name: Nierembergia gracilis

This evergreen perennial grows up to two feet tall and wide. It is a clump-forming plant with dark green foliage. Where the heat and humidity are high, it is nearly everblooming, meaning months and months of color. The flowers arewhiteand star-shaped, with soft purple lines surrounding the throat. This plant looks fantastic in a container.

St. Johns Wort

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (265)

Scientific Name: Hypericum calycinum

If you’re looking to add a carpet of golden sun to your garden from summer to fall, look no further than this semi-evergreen shrub. It produces so many blooms that it almost covers the foliage entirely. The flowers are rose-like and have bushy stamens topped with red anthers, adding striking beauty to any landscape. It is a popular option for borders and ground cover.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (266)

Scientific Name: Sedum

Many types of Sedums offer a wide range of colors, sizes, and habits. There are three popular varieties categorized into upright,creeping, or mat-forming, depending on your garden needs. They are perennials that all produce broccoli-like clusters packed full of tiny flowers. Seasonal interest can last up to six months and attract butterflies and bees. As the weather cools, colors tend to intensify. Look for outstanding cultivars such as “Brilliant,” “Class Act,” “Matrona,” and “Purple Emperor.”

Sugarbowl Clematis

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (267)

Scientific Name: Clematis scottii

This is a herbaceous perennial that produces urn-shaped, nodding blooms. Flowers are usually dark violet in color, sometimes pink orwhite. It blooms profusely in early spring to late summer. The blooms give way to fuzzy seed heads providing further interest in the fall. Although part of the Clematis group, it is non-vining. Instead, it looks great in borders and rock gardens.

Sunshine Mimosa

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (268)

Scientific Name: Mimosa strigillosa

Also known as the Powder Puff Flower, this striking bloom is a mat-forming perennial. It blooms from spring to late summer, and it produces lavender to pink ball-shaped flowers. The stamens are tipped with contrasting yellow, adding colorful excitement to all gardens. It is native to all US states that border the Gulf of Mexico and does well in full sun and sandy soil.

Sweet Pea

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (269)

Scientific Name: Lathyrus odoratus

This is a bushy deciduous shrub that is prized for its highly fragrant blooms. This plant produces short-tubed,whiteto cream flowers with long stamens that form a line along each stem from late winter through to early spring. It grows up to 10 feet tall and wide, making it an ideal backdrop or screen. Just be sure you can appreciate its winter perfume and pretty flowers.

Sweetest Honeysuckle

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (270)

Scientific Name: Lonicera fragrantissima

This is a bushy or climbing annual that is prized for its delicious sweet aroma. The flower clusters sit on top of winged stems and come in a range of enchanting pastel colors. With five petals, each wavy in appearance, they are pretty additions to any garden or space. They bloom from spring to fall and do best in cooler mild climates. Bees and butterflies love them too.

Table Mountain Watsonia

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (271)

Scientific Name:Watsonia tabularis

Who said the color salmon was a thing of the past? This glorious evergreen perennial produces spikes carrying between 20 to 30 trumpet-shaped flowers. The stems are dark purple in color, contrasting with the pink salmon blooms. They can grow up to five feet tall and look great when planted in large groups. It attracts birds and is a showy offering that all gardeners adore.

Tall Verbena

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (272)

Scientific Name: Verbena bonariensis

This perennial plant produces lilac clusters of blooms sat on top of slender and willowy stems. They sit proudly, swaying in the summer breeze, leaving the lance-shaped foliage to do its thing on the ground. This RHS award winner is full of nectar, appealing to hummingbirds and butterflies. It blooms in early summer until the first frost. It grows quickly, reaching up to six feet in height.

Tender Geraniums

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (273)

Scientific Name: Pelargonium

These are not to be confused with the “Hardy Geraniums,” which belong to the genus Geranium. Tender Geraniums are what gardeners think of when it comes to bright bedding flowers. They have a long blooming period and are simple to care for. They usually come in red, orange, andwhitehues, although other colors are available. Tender Geraniums are typically grown as annuals, and there are three types; zonal, regal, and angel.

Texas Mountain Laurel

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (274)

Scientific Name: Sophora secundiflora

There are many reasons to find space for this flowering evergreen shrub in your garden. In spring, it blooms highly fragrant, swinging clusters of brightly colored blue to purple flowers. Their aroma is similar to grape soda or bubblegum. They attract butterflies, birds, and bees. After blooming, it also produces seed pods that decorate the tree like Christmas ornaments. It is exceptionally hardy and looks great as a patio or street tree or as a screen, growing up to 25 feet.

Tiger Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (275)

Scientific Name: Tigridia pavonia

Also known as the Peaco*ck Flower or Mexican Shell Flower, this easy-to-grow bloom provides a dazzling display in summer. The large flared blooms are two-tonal and brightly colored, in a combination of pink, red, yellow, orange, orwhitewith contrasting spots. They grow up to six inches wide. Each flower only blooms for one day, but with so many stems, the flowering period lasts several weeks.

Tiger Lily

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Scientific Name: Lilium lancifolium

There is nothing dull about this flower. Its bright and showy orange blooms with dark spots make them stand out from the crowd. It is hardy and straightforward to grow, and mature plants can hold up to 40 flowers. They bloom when most other lilies finish up for the year, and they come back year after year. They need full to partial sun and are hardy in zones three to nine.

Toothed Aloha

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Scientific Name: Nemesia denticulata

This mat-forming perennial is native to South Africa, and it has gained the RHS Garden Merit Award. It is a vigorous semi-hardy perennial that is sometimes grown as an annual. It produces pretty racemes of light purple flowers from summer to early fall, with yellow throats. They look similar to Snapdragons and are ideal for novice gardeners.

Treasure Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (278)

Scientific Name: Gazania

These are showy perennial flowers that produce daisy-shaped blooms. However, they are larger and patterned with dark edges, spots, rings, and variegated petals. Their cheerful colors include red, pink, orange, yellow, andwhite. There are two types of Gazanias, either trailing or clumping. They like full sun and do well in sun-baked garden spots where other flowers would wither.

Tree Mallow

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (279)

Scientific Name: Lavatera maritima

This is a semi-evergreen sub-shrub that produces large tropical-looking flowers that look similar to Hibiscus blooms. They are pale lavender in color, gradually darkening nearer the center. This shrub blooms heavily throughout the summer and sporadically throughout the rest of the year. This makes a great option as a background plant and is almost pest-free.

Trumpet Vine

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (280)

Scientific Name: Campsis radicans

This is a vigorous woody climbing vine that produces lots of showy flowers. The blooms appear in clusters at the end of branches. They are trumpet-shaped, three inches long, and come in vibrant shades of red and orange. Trumpet vines bloom from early to late summer, creating a bright show of Mediterranean color. They can damage structures, so be careful planting them near your home, but they look lovely on a trellis or arbor.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (281)

Scientific Name: Tulipa

There are around15 groups of Tulips, based on the flower type, size, and blooming time. And with several thousand varieties and cultivars to choose from, it was difficult to pick just one. They are one of the most popular bulbs for the garden, and they are a symbol of spring. Single or double heads, fringed or straight edges, and a whole rainbow of colors to choose from, you really are spoilt for choice. Usually planted as tender perennials and tend to decline in performance after several years.

Urn Plant

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (282)

Scientific Name: Aechmea fasciata

This tender evergreen perennial produces a stunning rosette of arching silver and green leaves to create an urn shape. When the plant matures at three years, it gives way to one pure pink flower spike surrounded by pink bracts and purple flowers. Although they only bloom once, the display lasts for months and produces offsets. It grows up to three feet tall and needs some shade.

Virginia Sweetspire

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (283)

Scientific Name: Itea virginica

This is a rounded, upright shrub that produces bottlebrush spikes covered in star-shaped flowers. The blooms are lightly fragranced, creamy to white in color, and plentiful. It attracts all kinds of pollinators and pleases gardeners thanks to its long seasonal interest and low maintenance. This plant grow up to 10 feet tall and looks great at the back of borders or as a hedge. It is versatile and does well in wet soils near streams.

Violet Slipper Flower

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Scientific Name: Jovellana violacea

This is an upright-forming semi-evergreen herbaceous perennial. They have toothed leaves presented in opposite pairs, but the flowers are the star of the show. Violet slippers are two-lipped, bell-shaped nodding blooms, looking much like a slipper. Their flowers are usually pale purple, marked with small purple spots and a yellow throat. It flowers throughout summer, adding visual impact.

Vipers Bugloss

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (285)

Scientific Name: Echium vulgare

This is an annual or biennial plant that grows in an upright habit. It produces cylindrical spikes of bell-shaped flowers that are usually vibrant violet with pink, nubbed stamens. It can grow up to 20 inches tall, and it is a British native. Ideal for cottage gardens, naturalized gardens, beds, and borders. It self-seeds freely, so be sure to remove the flowering spikes after the season if you want to control it.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (286)

Scientific Name: Erysimum cheiri

This is a short-lived evergreen perennial that produces spikes topped with 10 to 30 bright yellow-orange flowers. The blooms are sweetly scented, and there are several cultivars bearing different colors. They bloom in spring, like full sun, and look great at the front of borders or in containers. They are also ideal for dried bouquets.

Water Lily

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (287)

Scientific Name: Nymphaea

Nymphaea is a genus of tender and hardy aquatic flowering plants containing around 36 species. There aretwo types of Water Lilies; Hardy Water Lilies and Tropical Water Lilies, which have different qualities. Not only do they come in a rainbow of colors and shapes, but they also assist in keeping your water garden healthy. They do this by reducing algae, providing shelter for fish, keeping the water clean by absorbing nutrients, and much more.

Wavyleaf Sea Lavender

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (288)

Scientific Name: Limonium sinuatum

This is an erect growing short-lived perennial that is sometimes grown as an annual. It produces thick clusters of small, funnel-shaped flowers on winged stems. They bloom from the summer through to early fall, and come in shades of lavender, pink, violet, rose, yellow, orange, andwhite. They are one of the most popular choices for dried bouquets as they retain their color. It has a high salt tolerance, making it ideal for coastal gardens.

Wax Plant

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (289)

Scientific Name: Hoya carnosa

This is also known as the Porcelain Flower, and it’s easy to see why. It is a popular houseplant grown for its pretty blooms and sweet scent. But it also grows well in containers and hanging baskets. Numerous star-shaped flowers are presented in umbels and are typicallywhiteto light pink in color. They produce excess nectar, which drips from the plant, attracting pollinators from afar.

West Indian Jasmine

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (290)

Scientific Name: Ixora coccinea

West Indian Jasmine is a tropical plant usually found in tropical Asia, although it is found in many subtropical climates in the US. In tropical climates, they flower all year round. Known as the Jungle Geranium, it produces large domed heads packed full of tiny flowers blooming in vibrant pink, orange, yellow, red, or purewhite. It is an evergreen shrub with glossy, handsome foliage.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (291)

Scientific Name: Mandevilla boliviensis

An exotic vine native to Bolivia, it provides a tropical touch to any garden. It blooms throughout the summer, producing sprays of up to seven funnel-shaped flowers. Thewhiteflowers have orange throats that sit against shiny dark green leaves. This is a top pick for pergolas, trellises, and containers and grows up to 10 feet tall. This tropical plant needs full sun.

WhiteEgret Orchid

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (292)

Scientific Name: Habenaria radiata

This is a hardy Orchid that produces exquisite flowers resembling a snowy egret in flight. The blooms measure 1.5 inches wide with two fringed side petals, borne on an upright stalk. Up to eight blooms per stalk flower for four weeks in late summer. They are found in the grassy wetlands of Asia, making them ideal for bog gardens and pond areas, and are relatively rare.


301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (293)

Scientific Name: Chelone glabra

This is an erect perennial that produces showy spikes of two-lipped flowers in late summer through to fall. Blooms arewhiteor pink-tinged and are shaped like turtleheads, hence the name. The spikes grow from attractive dark green foliage, and they grow up to 36 inches tall. They like medium to wet soils and do well in drizzly regions.

White-Topped Pitcher Plant

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (294)

Scientific Name: Sarracenia leucophylla

This fascinating carnivorous perennial is noted for its upright, slender pitchers, producing two rounds of crops for extended seasonal interest. They begin as green in color and gradually turn intowhitewith brown veins, with frilled lids. In the springtime, they produce bright red flowers that are somewhat fragrant. Insects are captivated by the irresistible pitchers and become stunned by the nectar, eventually falling into the tubes. This plant grows up to 36 inches and needs moist soil.

Wild Pansy

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (295)

Scientific Name: Viola tricolor

Also commonly known as Johnny Jump Up, it produces three-toned blooms that measure one inch across. The flowers sit across thin, spreading stems and bushy foliage and typically feature dark purple, lilac, and yellow petals with veins and blotches. They bloom from spring to fall, prefer cooler climates, and spread quickly. They look great in beds, borders, rock gardens, and containers.

Winky Double Red-White

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (296)

Scientific Name: Aquilegia vulgaris

This is a showy variety of Columbine that is great for both the garden and containers. It blooms heavily in large bouquets from late spring to early summer. It has a bushy habit with sturdy stems, carrying crimson andwhitevariegated blossoms. This particular Columbine is a cultivar from the Winky Series, known for its unique floriferous blooms. They might be short-lived, but they self-seed to form large colonies that look fabulous in any type of garden.

Wishbone Flower

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (297)

Scientific Name: Torenia fournieri

This is a bushy annual that loves shady areas. It produces plenty of two-lipped trumpet-shaped flowers that are pale lavender in color rimmed with dark-purple edges. The yellow stamens stand in a wishbone shape, hence its common name. They bloom profusely from early summer through to the first frosts. These flowers look great in rock gardens, containers, and window boxes.

Wolfs Bane

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (298)

Scientific Name: Aconitum napellus

This flower produces spikes of showy blue ear-shaped flowers that bloom in mid to late summer. It is native to the northern hemisphere and needs full to partial sun. Also known as the Devils Helmet or Queen of Poisons, this toxic plant needs to be handled with care (and gloves!) It also needs to be planted away from places where children and pets might find it.

Yellow Jewelweed

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (299)

Scientific Name: Impatiens pallida

This plant is prized for its uniquely attractive blooms. It is a leafy annual that produces yellow pendant flowers decorated with red specks. They are so delicate that they look like delicate earrings. They bloom from early summer until the frost, adding one final touch of color to gardens. These flowers are also called Touch-Me-Nots, because the seed pods burst at the slightest touch, shooting a long distance. This plant will only do well in wet gardens.

Yellow Loosestrife

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (300)

Scientific Name: Lysimachia punctata

This perennial plant is named after a Macedonian King. So, if you’re after a flower fit for a King, look no further than this option. It serves as a great ornamental option and blooms from spring to summer. The upright stems are packed full of yellow, cup-shaped flowers with a red center. It is easy to grow. Just be mindful of easy spreading.

Yellow Toadflax

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (301)

Scientific Name: Linaria vulgaris

This is a perennial upright-forming plant that boasts profuse yellow andwhiteflowers. They look a lot like Snapdragons and bloom from late spring to the first frosts. It is described as a weed; it self-seeds easily and finds itself on the poisonous plant database. But in the right gardening hands, it can provide beautiful blooms in the full sun.

Final Thoughts

We hope you have enjoyed grazing through our list of 301 different flower types, complete with names and pretty pictures. With a brief description of each flower and its individual needs, as well as the common and botanical name, you should be ready to get creative in your outdoor space.

301 Different Types of Flowers With Names and Pictures (2024)


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